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  1. Thanks for your replies guys. One is definitely red meat, but also other things too. Driving us mad with their hacking & snotting, but we'll get there.
  2. Ours have been ok with the tinned chicken one, but gives them the runs. No luck with the semi dry chicken, sets off their allergies.
  3. Hi. We have two dogs with what appears to be food allergies. Do any of you know a vet in Hobart (or surrounds) who does specific testing for this? We've been trying to figure out what's wrong with them for a couple of years now and feel like we've tried everything (except whatever it is that's causing this). They both get the same symptoms which are similar to kennel cough (though they are vacc'd regularly). They have a hacking cough and one has a phlegmy snotty nose, like she has a very bad cold. Suggestions appreciated.
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