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Caz no 2

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Everything posted by Caz no 2

  1. Yes Kelpiehoundmum it is like a cat head I think.
  2. Thanks futuredogtrainer but am after the plush type one as the dogs like to fetch it and love to mouth on it
  3. Am trying to find a specific type of dog toy that makes sounds or talks when you throw or kick it. It is a plush soft toy and is kinda just like the head of some sort of animal thing, brown and has a few different sequences when thrown or kicked, the main one I can remember is 'Wazoooooo' as it flies through the air. Don't know what to search for on google, so thought I would put it out there. Any ideas?
  4. One of my BC's has started rapid breathing within the last month. We have been to the vet, his heart rate is fine, did a blood test, (showed up fine), have done an xray of the lungs (nothing wrong). The dog is not sore anywhere so don't believe he is in pain, as he is acting normal in every other way, still loves to play and is very active and no problem with eating. What could be causing this? I know the weather is getting hotter, but he breathes faster even on a cool night and at complete rest. What shall we be checking next?
  5. A few years ago one of our dogs got mange from sitting at the opening of the resident wombats hole, needless to say all the dogs had mange. The vet advised weekly ivermec injections for 4 weeks, cost about $10 per injection. All our dogs were between 25 -30 kgs.
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