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Everything posted by Treegirl

  1. Might have to join you guys for the next meet. First Sunday of every month is it?! Our dog Daisy would love it!
  2. O Sullivans beach is a lovely dog friendly beach.
  3. Where abouts is this meeting taking place? My partner and I (Ben and Rachel) have recently got a dog from a pound called Daisy and loves going to parks and the beach to meet and play with other dogs.
  4. Miss Helena: Thanks for your advice. That sounds like a good idea and I'm gonna put it into action right away. I'll go looking for some delicious treats after work tonight. :rolleyes: Will keep you updated on how it goes. Warley: Thanks for your advice also. Foxi doesn't have a problem eating her main meal, she eats that really well. We have tried getting her to do her tricks (sit, shake, lay down) and then give her a biscuit and it doesn't make much difference.
  5. Me and my brother live together and own a 9 month old dog called Foxi. My brother got her from a animal shelter when she was 5 months old. She was very submissive/scared/threatened when he first got her. We have both spent alot of time getting her comfortable with her new surrondings and making sure she knows she's safe here. Just recently we have started giving her biscuits/treats throughout the day. To start off with, she would take them fine, but over time she became funny about it. Some days she would only take it from one person, or either of us or people who come to visit etc. We changed the type of biscuits, we thought she might of been sick of the ones we were giving her. Now she is taking them, but stashes them in the study and doesn't eat them. The other night, my brother was out of the room, Foxi found her pigs ear (that we gave her about 3 days before) and started eating it (the door to the study was shut). That night I decided to take some of her biscuits into my room (she sleeps under my bed at night), in the morning I discovered that she had eaten them all. She must feel comfortable in my room, under my bed. We are unsure why this is. Can anyone help us? Give us tips on how she can feel comfortable eating them anywhere? Why she might be doing this? Hope to hear something soon. Thanks.
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