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Everything posted by asal

  1. take that as a given from what ive seen in the past.
  2. Got that one courtesy of my thread about trampolines! :) memories ;) BUT THEY ARE OWNED BY WHAT? ;) people..... thats what. thats who. since the same people can choose to vaccinate or not to vaccinate their own progeny. why does anyone including a politician feel they have the right to take that choice away? does anyone here seriously belive you cease to be a part of the "people" or cease to the right to to freedom of choice if the choice involves your dog??? for goodness sake? you can take the poor dog or cat or whatever and have your vet kill it, on your order and its perfectly legal.. it doesnt have to be ill or injoured. where is the sanity in this scenario?
  3. there's a difference between saying, "dont you think my dog is cute." and "my dog is cuter than yours because i bought him from a top breeder and you bought a dirty mix breed from the newspaper." I don't think I've read that in this thread. Am I a purebred dog snob? You betcha, I am. I have purebred dogs because I like a particular type of dog. I like wheaten and kerry blue terriers. Do I think they're the best dogs on the planet? You betcha, I do. Am I going to say so? You betcha, I am. I didn't buy them but their breeders are indeed tops. Will I say so at every opportunity? You betcha, I will. Why should you condemn me for having purebreds and not a mixed breed? Yes, it works both ways and you're doing it right now. sorry sunshine, i'm not, because then i would be condemning myself. i understand this was a forum set up to discuss pure breeds, i didnt when i signed up, and this was the first thread that made me feel uncomfortable about the situation. i thought this was a big dog loving community but apparently some have a higher status than others. don't worry guys, i'll stay out of your precious pure breed threads, i'll stick to conversing with those old enough to understand that we are all created equally, i think they teach that in kindergarden these days? are u serious???? seriously. have you really read all the threads in the past week? if you own a dog your guilty UNTIL proven innocent. you dont have to vaccinate your child,,,, because that would impinge on your human rights. BUT you have to have PROOFF YOU OVERVACCINATE YOUR DOG OR you have now broken a LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YET THERE IS NO SUCH LAW FOR FORCE YOU TO VACCINATE YOUR CHILD?? THAT to me anyway does not smack of "we are all created equally," lookes from where im standing you arent if you have a dog or dogs do our lawmakers really care more about overwelfare of cannis famiaris (even to the point of vaccinating them to their detriment even death) than a child whose parents wont even consider vaccination for polio, there it is called freedom of choice?? if you can freely choose to risk your child to all manner of potentially deadly in the belief and sometimes well grounded fear the vaccination could kill or maim... and i know it happens... my own nephew cardiac arrested after his first vaccinations. he is only alive today becuse his mum worked there and stayed to talk to friends so when he died the crash cart was beside the door. or.... he would have been just another unfortunate stastic...
  4. no idea what the nature of the complaint was but sure had the rspca pay a call.... so the games still playing in a home near someone... be careful who you annoy
  5. no idea what the nature of the complaint was but sure had the rspca pay a call.... so the games still playing in a home near someone... be careful who you annoy
  6. so whats new about that, hasnt dogs nsw new chairman just had someone try that?
  7. hey i figured it. they have to do something to make up for all the $$$$$$$$$$'s lost since its been made public u DONT have to vaccinate every single iddy biddy year. think of the hundreds of thousands lost yearly now there? You do in Victoria and NSW - no choice mandatory code. whats with the "snipping"? nancy gate didnt cut anything, she would use a small hemostat to clamp the dewclaw and flick the nail out with her finger nail? gone in a flik and no bleeding at all and the pups didnt even notice? although they were newborn. i saw her do hundreds and since i had quie a few she bred to look after when be became ill, there wasnt a single one grew back. me? too squeemish I think snipping would be outlawed too I meant vaccinations .In Vic and NSW you HAVE to vaccinate every year or have a note from your vet to get out of jail that its not in the dog's best interest. More money. are you sure? i know i was told some ten years ago that i did not need to vaccinate yearly that its not good for their immune system n the teller was my vet. i have used two other vets in that time and they too have said the same, none of them have offered me anything in writing though.. soo are you supposed to ask for it?
  8. hey i figured it. they have to do something to make up for all the $$$$$$$$$$'s lost since its been made public u DONT have to vaccinate every single iddy biddy year. think of the hundreds of thousands lost yearly now there? You do in Victoria and NSW - no choice mandatory code. whats with the "snipping"? nancy gate didnt cut anything, she would use a small hemostat to clamp the dewclaw and flick the nail out with her finger nail? gone in a flik and no bleeding at all and the pups didnt even notice? although they were newborn. i saw her do hundreds and since i had quie a few she bred to look after when be became ill, there wasnt a single one grew back. me? too squeemish
  9. hey i figured it. they have to do something to make up for all the $$$$$$$$$$'s lost since its been made public u DONT have to vaccinate every single iddy biddy year. think of the hundreds of thousands lost yearly now there?
  10. Around $30 a pup for front dew claws. Beautiful job too. Done at 24 hours and taken straight back to Mum who was outside. yes and such a difficult technical job too...... seen nancy gates nip em with a pair of teeny hemostats and not even a drop of blood , n now u need a BvSc to do it???
  11. It is not only a shame, it is another nail in the coffin. But, we can ALL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and easily. Get those well bred, healthy looking dogs out there trotting smartly alongside you on a road, safely on lead. They will be seen by a lot more people than they will ever be in dog parks, or in dog shows. They will be seen by people who say: "Gee, take a look at that dog, will you! I would LOVE to own a dog like that!" We have seen what happens when beautifully bred, healthy dogs appear in movies ...... the whole world wants to own one just like the dog in the movie. The same thought can be achieved by putting your dogs on view to drivers, particularly those stuck in traffic ...... after all, you have a CAPTIVE AUDIENCE It wasn't until I saw these 2 stunning dogs out and about yesterday that I realised how much we need to do this. Full credit to their owners and their breeders, they both moved like a dream. Soooo important. Souff thats what happens when purebreds are sold as pets, they are always on show whever their proud owners take them be it shopping , picnick, walkies or in the case of two of mine to car shows. the phone calls start even while they are there. but what ehtical breeder wants the breed surplus if they can prevent it. and soo there are fewer and fewer to be seen. its a catch 22
  12. Well that's good to know they are genuinely interested in the animals, and the stupid things they say and do arent their fault - the producers call the shots on all that crap to make it more interesting for the target viewers, which is why most people on here cant stand the drivel. I mean the whole thing with the chi - you can just hear the producers saying it - rev the little land piranha up so it looks really good for the silly old bitches at home who want to see Fabio hold up his finger and show blood blood blood. Then you can hear the collective sigh from the old girls - Nawwwww Fabio my darling, I'll fix that war wound for you I should become a tv producer. I am not defending his stupid behaviour but more the fact that I really believe they are sincere in their love for animals. I understand that the stupid things Chris does and says calls his credibility into question time and time again, no doubt about that, but the fact is I still do believe he is a genuine animal lover. Lots of genuine animal lovers do some stupid things with their animals and and say stupid things about them, but unfortunately he does them on national television probably at the behest of the producers to boost the ratings. In the process of doing so he conveys the wrong message out there and opens himself to ridicule by the likes of us dol members and more animal savy people, but I still believe both he and his ditzy offsider are genuine animal lovers. and that unfortunately is how disinformation is spread. to the detriment of the animals and those who believe what they see and hear.
  13. No, you have missed nothing, as far aw I know anywho. But, there are those receptionists at some vet surgeries will tell you "We dont remove dewclaws on pups here". They say it as a form of mutilation and this is the general feeling that is passed on to new vet nursing recruits I am told. The vets themselves WILL do it, 9 times out of 10. It is pathetic when you have to get past the receptionist and ask the vet but that is the way it is. I suppose they feel that if they keep up their PETA mantra and keep on bullying people out of having it done, most people will THINK there is a law against it, when there is not. Souff Unfortunately, it looks like I DID miss something Under the DPI (Vic) regulations, dewclaws may only be removed by a veterinarian. So at least we can still do it, but..... now to find a vet who will as you say, do it and be, who KNOWS how to do it. Gonna say here and now, if there is anyone in Victoria who hasn't read the DPI website and all publications/links relating to dogs & cats in Victoria - do it as soon as you can and take notes because any one of us could be next Are you kidding me- when were they going to let us know - when the first charges were laid? No fricken' idea! I will find the exact legislation tomorrow (if you haven't already, I'm about to go to bed). I had to read and re-read as when I had my litter I checked and triple checked what the legislation was. Definitely something that NEEDS to be out there so that people know. Erny- I would rather trust a breeder with hands on experience over a clinically trained veterinarian to touch my babies any day. Not to mention the risk that is incurred taking the litter to a vet clinic to be done. One thing I am still unclear on is, can we still have our dogs debarked interstate as long as we don't exhibit in Victoria? yes cute isnt it, you take your puppies to the vet for their vaccinations and they take no responsibility if they catch any of the 101 diseases some visiting actually SICK dog is busy shedding in the waiting room. and now they want you to bring them in even younger for their dewclaws to be done IF THEY will do it? yet how many have seen the mess unclipped dewclaws can make when they havent been removed? like who decides to make this nonsense law?
  14. I remember that from when i was a kid, didnt realise they were still breeding them. fascinating isnt it. discovering the link of particolour coats to friendlyness.
  15. Only you, Souffle! It's time you changed your avatar - that bird is looking poorly. Was listening to an old John Williams (Emu) song on a long boring drive yesterday and the song was about him taking the family's sick budgerigar to the vet .... outrageously funny. Had to take it to the vet .... vet cost $35, bird only cost $5 ..... "antibiotics for its colour, 2 drops on its beak, clean out the cage twice a week". There was a lot more to it ... probably best not to mention here. Emu needs to update that song, the vet visit will now set him back a lot more than $35. yep $120 , just ask my bird, ive the invoice to prove it.
  16. I think your ideas are good ones. and yes, barking and howling that "other" dog breeders need to be "controlled" is what is driving the machine that will roll over all instead, although by that i mean all tracable registered breeders. i so wish you well that it may happen as you suggest. when my fellow members began the "get rid of puppy farmers" so long ago, i cant understand how or why they simply couldnt GET that joe or jane public or politicion would see them in exactly the same light. it would have been nice to find i was the mistaken one, but looking at the present day, Judy Guard and to many to mention others that are the resulting collateral damage, my misgivings and foreboding that witchhunts are like spraying a locust spray, ever thing there gets sprayed too. although maybe thats the wrong anology, the people so dispised are not a swarm, although looking at that pie graph, maybe it is???? but they are so dispersed and untracable only the ones that are registered breeders are in the spotlight for erradication
  17. One law to apply to everyone who breeds dogs? Yeah, you're right, in your dreams. Buggar the dogs, they dont need a future anyway. PETA will fix it. i do think you are right. we who have been the lucky one to have been able to grow up with our dogs, can only feel sorry for those of the future. maybe bring in a ballot system, lodge an application and go on a waiting list for a pup? although Peta wont be letting even that happen.
  18. Well, government has just about everything else regulated ASAL and I am not certain that they would make any worse of a hash of it than what the present situation is. I have never seen so many crossbred mutts and poorly bred purebred dogs as we now have - and they are being pumped out all the time and just for the $. But you don't need to worry, there is no money in it for governments so they too will stay well away from it. Poor dogs are u really seriouly thinking any legislation to control dog breeding is going to apply to anyone but registered breeders?????? in your dreams. do u think a big red light is going to turn on above every home that hasnt had their pet desexed and gets in pup?????????
  19. kids need to be taugh from kindi, pet responsibilty, if the parents cant do it the govt should be making sure the schools are doing it. grief the politicians actually can read and write, they proved it they wrote the joke that put judy guard in the nighmare as a result of that marvelous bit of law reform. now how about doing something posative instead of negative????? teach the kids. its and oldie but still a goodie, give me a child until its 7 and its trained for life" or something like that, the priests and nuns and the ministers too used to say that when i was a kid, they couldnt get us into scripture class fast enough. soo why not educate them about pet care and responsibilty? even a bit of dog training, ie sit heel n stay? some people havent even a clue about one basic let alone any? they just arent getting it from their parents and grand parents like once upon a time
  20. wonder if anyone might twig before its too late and there are no registered breeders, that it is the throw away mentality of some puppy buyers THAT IS THE PROBLEM. gee i said a bad thing didnt i. the dog worlds problems arent the fault of anyone but the mongrel who breed the dog surely?
  21. what about the bright spark that thinks the faster the government takes over dog breeding the better??? more like there will be no registered dogs bred if that happens. as it is ,you are being told, no litters before the decided age, no litters after the 6th? i think? and that brilliant idea even includes bitches that only have one pup per litter. but one that has ten a litter or more can have 60 to 80, even 100 pups, like is the world gone totaly troppo? for those who dont know it toy breeds can even turn up with a litter at 9 years of age. i know one of my retired girls must have got bored with being idle the previous 2 years and took matteres into her own paws, at least i was lucky and her chosen sneak resulted in 6 stunnin purebreds and three of em were her best yet.. no hope of em ever getting regos today. gee that was 20 years ago before something like that happening today for anyone would now be labeled a puppy farmer automaticly now and driven from the membership. well considering the numbers bred yearly are going down by the thousands, puppy buyers wont have much choice of where they will have to go unless they are prepared for a few years on a waiting list eh? yep, its regulate regulate and what did i say? ha yes, regulate the crap out of those dreadful tracables and the dog worlds problems will all be solved. yea and pigs can fly like pidgeons too.
  22. MM i have been wondering about this as well. just off the top of my head (and it might not be a good idea) but what if new people to the forum could only access a few areas and some more experienced dolers could be there to educate them. then they would learn without the trial by fire. i have to say though, some new people are their own worst enemy because they come in all guns blazing without any respect for the forum or the members here lol so well put and so right. umm ive seen entire fullazades (ok lousy spelling) fired point blank at the fool who asks where to get a main register pup. if they dont die from the shock of the first impact most end up with their tails between their legs. not too much friendly chatter, usualy WHAT U WANT TO PUPPY FARM? SERVE YOUR APPRENTICESHIP OR GET OUT! n the ruffled feather brigade go off for a soothing coffee or cuppa.
  23. AND just to add to the mix. how many heard that cancer investigation has led to warnings not to enter your car on a hot day before opening all doors and letting the hot air, "contaminated with the plastics contained within the super heated car, are carsargenic "? ie proven to cause cancers? considering one of my friends and her sister were two of the first women in our neighbourhood to have mobile phones and both died within 18 months of each other with what? brain cancers beside the ear they usually held their phone too i dont doubt the dangers for a minute. the reasearch came about because someone somewhere wondered why is cancer becoming soooo common, whats changed in the last 40 years and they hit on the plastic's now so common in the modern car. think of the thousands of dogs also along for the ride of their lives today?
  24. and that is why i WILL sign the petition is it this one your referring to? http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/parl...on%20No%202.pdf best piece of writing you could wish for isnt it. AND he cant be accused of being a stupid hysterical either.
  25. ha so im not the only one who thought without that muzzle the dog in front might have been swiss cheezed she sure looks seriously cheesed off doesnt she. she looks so happy in the first and second pic's there's even a smile, isnt there.
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