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Everything posted by asal

  1. Interesting turn of phrase, Asal :laugh: Cataracts can happen in even the best lines where the problem has not been seen before and has apparently been recorded in more than 75 breeds of dog, so why would crossbred dogs be immune? There is also the problem of feeding puppies with artificial milk formulae. Not enough has ever been said about this - for commercial reasons I suspect. An ingredient called arginine is the devil, and I am not too sure whether it is too little or too much arginine that is the problem, but this has definitely been linked with juvenile cataracts that can affect any breed of pup, and also kittens. Some say that formulas are now improved, but I remain of the opinion that no pup should be given formula unless there is no natural mothers milk available in the first few weeks. Imho, pups should not be given formulae after 4 weeks - there are plenty of calcium-rich natural foods and puppy foods that can be given at that age. No pup should be given milk once it is weaned. In the wild, once an animal is weaned it must drink from the pond or the creek. Souff cant take the credit my friend niky says to anyone who cant cope,,, here have a cement shake and I lend u my flame suit. laughed my head off the first time i heard it...but soo accurate
  2. Who sustained the emotional damage? The Bichon is probably enjoying its short back and sides :laugh: ive seen some poodles with such dreadful "pet" clips i can see the dog is cringing and begging mummy to take me home im embarrassed... Yep... I know those people, with their weird requests. Ive asked for photos to compare to to make sure they reeeeaaallly want their dog groomed in what strange way they ask... then i usually end with... "please dont tell people *I* did that..." :rofl: good one. no in some of these cases. its because the groomers dont care about doing a good job. just a quick job. ie. same clippers all over so the legs look like pipe stems instead of nice pants. and the absolute HORRIBLE run the clippers above the eyes and chomp off almost half and inch AND then make the pom pom on the head out of what little is left. they look permantly startled. when i had my boy people would take one look and ask WHERE did you get yours done. I ended up with at times a dozen 'clients' begging to 'please do mine" and i learned from a book although while i was learning, my poor dog spent large amounts of time refusing to go out in public.....he knew when id muffed it and he didnt have a mirror. he took his cue from people laughing at him...and how he knew it wasnt "ooo how cute is that" search me... but he did.
  3. well the symptoms are sure not like that in stagger pup. she was the worst of the three puppies born and all were breech and all were apparently stillborn and resitated.... the other two were a little unstable, enough to be noticable as diffenerent from a normal pup. I saw the same thing in my friends baby. he was finally delivered by ceaser after the doctors decided he was dying due to the placenta beginning to detach and by the time he was born appeared dead and like the puppies finally resusitated. he was 6 months older than my baby and so he was 10 months when she was 4 months and the difference in the mobilty of the two children was amazing.. he would just lay and with one finger try to move the bits on the board and quite uncordinated. mine could use every thing on the board and was trying to sit up and check out the world. he just lay on his tum as if half drugged. she said the doctors said he had been slightly brain damaged. I know it didnt take me long to realise something was not normal with him. he did improve in his motor skills although walking and talking and learning was almost a year behind mine as for his abilty to bite.....
  4. Who sustained the emotional damage? The Bichon is probably enjoying its short back and sides :laugh: ive seen some poodles with such dreadful "pet" clips i can see the dog is cringing and begging mummy to take me home im embarrassed...
  5. Tell me more about this!! This litter is just full of misfits, and one of the surviving puppies is not walking normally. Very cute, comes up to you, says hi, plays with toys, plays with brother, eats, etc, but something is not right. His balance seems to be off. I did revive this puppy when he was born. if he has survived to this stage thats all he will be...it doesnt get worse. have a talk to your vet about it. the really affected ones will wake up from a sleep, go to jump up and run with the others and so uncordinated they can even flip over, or the ones look like its their first day on a ship at sea. once they realise...hey i have to work at this, they concentrate and the balance at walk, run whatever gets at times to normal. although the bad ones have to remember each time they wake up from sleep we had one of that degree a friend had that was a breech and she lived a happy if very noticbly different way of going to 14. so it didnt affect her longlivity.
  6. I think thats why the Genie in every movie always gets the wishes wrong...the constant reminder...be careful what you wish for. I am so sorry to hear of you darling foal. we just lost a much anticipated little girl. liver chestnut with the most perfect 6 on her forehead instead of a star. actually its not me who lost her. i loaned to mare to a friend already in foal, and im just devasted for her. she sat up all night, thought nope not going to have it.. went inside had breakki and came out to find the filly already born and instead of trying to get up was simply galloping on the spot. although it was obvious she had been up because the pads were gone from her hind feet and partialy from her front feet. she did sit up and when helped stand up and walk but would get too tired to stay up long enough to nurse so the vet tube fed her and seemed to be getting stronger then died in her sleep. my suspicion was she came breech and oxygone deprived, had it happen once decades ago and although i did save him it took some super human efforts to get all the fluid out of his lungs and breathing before brain damage set in. ive seen it in puppies too..work like crazy to resusitate them then when they are old enough to walk they are what we called stagger puppies. the vet said it happens in puppies that survive distemper as well. not just oxygen deprived at birth.
  7. Three questions, When you say NBT x NBT getting normal sized litters, were they DNA tested as NBT Carrier - otherwise it could just be that some of these dogs were actually tailed dogs who were docked ? For example most of the imports from USA could easily be full tailed dogs - and i do find it somewhat a strange coincidence that soooo many full bob dogs happen to be in the shows....? Is a half tail or 3/4 tail still considered a NBT ? Have you seen any DNA results of a dog showing as NBT Affected ? (I have only seen NBT Carrier, even with a few being dogs with virtually bobs) in australia there is the stumpy tailed cattledog AND what is referred to as the tomahawk stumpy.....(removed by tomahawk/axe) remember folks when you are dealing with a x or y gene...have NBT gene, short tail. dont have NBT gene, long tail. (do i have it right ?) same percentages as for the sex gene...n guess what? ive had litters of 7 and 8 ALL THE ONE SEX. so if the NBT is in both dogs , NBT/clear to NBT/clear and NBT/NBT is lethal as suspected you can get no puppies at all or none with NBT eg all tailed puppies, either every conception is a SEPERATE THROW OF THE DICE.. HAVE TO KEEP remembering that folks. so you have "tomahawk's" in the aussie shepherds too then :laugh:
  8. and honestly take a cement shake some of you. friend used a very good dog of her breed. multi champion and all that. only to discover when she had her pups tested every one of them had one gene for pra. magnificant pups. magnificant sire, his owner is pretty ancient and didnt even know there was a test for pra. and he meant it. so for goodness sake belt up on the crap that only puppy farms have deletrious genes. some of the best dogs ive drooled over have a pra B score. are u supposed to always throw the baby out with the bathwater and i gather there are two breeds involved to boot ie Lab and retriever.... surely anyone with half a brain would be totally believing the garden gnome and this litter would have to be perfect........hybrid vigour and all that surely? shit happens even in reputable breeders dogs genes. this attributing anything wrong solely to 'PUPPY FARMERS' is you are forgetting when one does show up and you bred it... its just LABLED YOU a puppy farmer if you really do believe that....(well to me) crapola.
  9. certainly did and was wondering whats causing that? it was moving its eyes very strangly too.
  10. Absolutely right, Souff before they wasted all that time writing laws they dont stand by. that ws the (unwritten) rule
  11. regardless of the breed i will never understand why anyone would leave their dog roaming. its a guarantee of it getting not only into trouble but run over.. u name it. frankly the law is there. keep your dog in or dont have one. as for off leash parks... I will never been seen at one.. its a tragedy waiting to happen always will be. it is the nature of dogs. some will attack another and yes, kill as so many have learned to their heartbreak. so sad every time i hear and see such preventable tragedies. if you dont know the dog you are taking a risk and the loser is both you and your dog.
  12. I always had my dogs with me inside. but gee after visiting a lady with only two toy sized dogs i left reeling. not only from the incredible stench but the worst bout of asthma ive ever had. the house was large with a long hallway. the last 8 feet of the hallway was black with excrament, the tiolet when i asked to use it was also to the extent the only place i could put my feet was sideways to the tiolet. the hallway was only free of dog hair down the centre. I thought the lady had been ill and needed help so offered to clean up the hair. found a broom and discovered it was 6 to 9 inches deep along the edges of the hall and vestibule. not quite os thick in the kitchen. got it all together and half filled the wheelie bin. about that stage i couldnt breathe anymore and realised the lady was far from happy that i had moved any of it. and when i realised the enormity of the task re the excreament was glad to beat a retreat. Perhaps i should have explained. we had paid to attend a seminar and three of us were to stay with the organiser, that is the scene we arrived too and the seminar was to be held in this house with some 20 others due to arrive the next day. we were expected to eat and sleep in this house for the next week. needles to say the seminar was cancelled by the speaker (one of the three of us) we did eat two meals there and all three of us becam ill. One to the point of needing to attend hospital and was still at risk of death weeks later. it was an interesting experience we could have gladly gone without.
  13. "These traits included "lock jaw and scissor teeth", muscular build, head profile and size-to-weight ratio. " so anything with a scissor bite could end up under suspicion... I dont even like the pit bulls.. but those puppies are adorable and at 7 months sure look like a friends mastiff pups no one can predict what many purebreds are going to end up...as for x breds.. that council worker sure has some big ideas of their ablity
  14. hey thanks for that. im a great one for accidently nuking things. used to drive my mum nuts, she never forgave me for using her sewing scissors for trimming the tops of my too high rubber riding boots, that was only one of my sins of asking items to do things they were never made for. although they usually complied before they refused to work again her greatest wish was i would have a child just like me. does that come under putting a hex on me? My gran believed she could put a hex on people although mum said gran never told her what she did that she thought it would work (gather its a scots thing)
  15. Hope you find your little one soon, are you anywhere near Glenwood? this was posted on another forum the other day and he only went missing 4 days after yours Pepi is our 10 year old desexed male long coat Chihuahua He went missing from our home in Glenwood at 6 AM on the 10th of February 2012 Good luck Lee Ho NO. wouldnt wish this on anyone. so lucky they have him back alrady. just keep thinking while they are somewhere, at least no news is good news
  16. If you really feel they have your back up then give em the phone number of a polish breeder...now that can be positively evil unless they are very lucky. Many rabbit show judges refuse to judge the lil cuties...and they are tiny, smaller on average than the Dwarfs so ideal for the teacuppers. do I insert evil laugh here? where do I find one There you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_rabbit hows that for cute little bubbikins. dont notice any mention of biting though? they sure did in the 70 and 80's :D
  17. HO my goodness.... is that Peter the Great (imp GB) ? forget what year. he was exquisite. do I mention he would take your finger off at three paces??? savage as. Definately NOT in the breed standard for Netherlands Dwarf's, although sure is in the Polish, but he and his progeny won wherever I showed him and them. that glourious red is not easy to come by either. yes RARE so add another 1,000 to the price tag surely :D having said that the good ones. I mean good temprement and they are the majority. thank goodness. maybe we should have a dwaf breeder's phone number handy for these namphs who want a teacup? probably wouldnt even notice it wasnt canine
  18. I have had answering txt messages they cost a motsa and you are paying to educate many who dont care or listen. theres surely enough warning about teacups DO NOT EXIST FOLKS. they are not a breed nor are the majority live long enough to as my vet says. "MAKE OLD BONES" if you love your dog why want one with a short life span?????????
  19. again another possibility, and the witness isnt talking... where is Dr Dolittle when you need him. some kids stories could be so great if they were only real....sigh
  20. that scenario has seemed one of them to me too. the totaly mystery if thats so is where on earch was she for the 48 hours ive been calling her? You can be sure if i knew how to ask her some how some way id be doing it.
  21. what doesnt make sense to that, is if she came home she surely would go back for them, she is a very caring mum, even at that age, she loves pups any pup's dont have to be hers either. she has never gone out the gate, ever. even now although she is going to the edge of the road, she wont step onto it let alone cross, just keeps looking at me as if to say...well now get them ? so just have to keep a posative outlook and keep looking and searching as hubby said. so far not so much as a hair has been found. so at least we know they arent dead or we sure should have found them by now. well unless as one suggested eagle. n i know that not impossible. a friend lost one of hers that way in coonabaraban. wouldnt have thought western suburbs would but theres alwasy a first time. but two?? getting a headache.... too many possibles or what iffs?
  22. there are heaps of foxes around here thats for sure. but since ive never lost one except for the infamous cavi incident (that foxe turned out to be two legged with blue eyes) and the occasional panic stations when dog sees snake and goes for the kill? with bird mesh round the fences thats eliminated the snakes getting through. never seen a wedgie ever around this area,, pleanty of small hawks and thats it. Awful trolling through all possible scenarios and wouldnt be in this pickle if I had just done such a simple thing as check the lens ....not happy jan
  23. Sorry, had to smile at this. That's a bummer about the camera /spider I hope you can get some information soon , and get the pups back .....the next best thing I can hope is that wherever they are they are being loved & spoiled . that is my one consolation.. I do believe they would be. whoever they are had to be, to have dropped mum back
  24. I do but cant find where I put them. Whats even more frustrating and upsetting is I have video cameras covering all around the house and sheds that we installed after the two cavi's were stolen. Word of warning to those with survalence cameras,,,check them often for unexpected additions to the lens. the camera that would tell me what did happen where she and the pups were, we discovered has a spiderweb and its home leaf (leaf curling spider) completly obscuring the lens hadnt checked it for over a week with all this darned rain who would have thought they would be anything other than squeaky clean. Have to admit one of the reasons aside from never cry wolf if you are not sure of something that I really didnt want to post was the knowledge that to admit they are missing it would become with a percentage a blame game. This place is well known for it although is a fact of life with most forums. remember spotting someone on on another forum offering a newbie a cement shake and flame suit to cope with the abuse sustained. was assumed we left very early.. at no time did I give the time I left. what I did say was I knew we would be late home so left extra food to make sure no one would go hungry.
  25. great memory, think that was about 6 years ago. that time it turned out to be a chap whose living it was doing break and enters and armed robberies. when arrested and the police asked him why they had taken the dogs instead of the usual targets, tv's and such, told them..."they were so friendly and kept jumping up to be picked up when I went in to do the house." cant help but wonder if they decided to come back and do a little revenge... but if that were the case somehow i very much doubt would have returned the mum. she would be wandering around campbelltown or somewhere in between. couldnt imagine they would bother returning her home...either way thats what really has me stumped.? are they somewhere near, the puppies or who has them? its just too hard to figure, even if whoever has them though they are so cute have to have them. yet have enough consience to take mum back home? pretty freaking unbelievable....house breakers go to work no where near their own stomping grounds. how many know that? depends on what you mean by "left out" they were behind my house. beind three gate's . to my knowledge and belief all but the road gate shut. or do you mean i should have had locks on all three? I usually do, but expecting the kids would be home soon, didn.t as had forgotten the key. Although I do understand the thinking. bad things dont happen to good people, they must have deserved it. went through that when the two pups dissappered too. even the people who had bought one of them when they found out it was stolen, decided i didnt deserve my dog back if i had let it be stolen in the first place and the police had to call me to not come in the door of the police station to collect her as they were waiting for me. I had to be smuggled in and out of the prisoners section for as they put it "your safety". Great EH?
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