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Everything posted by asal

  1. What on earth needed any advice from RSPCA? Listen to the vet. How thoroughly you need to search for ticks. Some have been found inside nose, ear, lip and pads Need to search everywhere
  2. so there was no need to have locked them up with the doors closed anyway? double tragedy
  3. I am registering a litter this week, their dad is 9 years old. I suspect this is his 1st litter. He belongs to a friend, he bred him from a pup he bought from me. Wanted a litter before its too late. So glad I did. they are beauties. incorporating so many awesome dogs and kennel names together. Itsozi, Darshu, Adavale, Pureheel, Arizona, Ansavon Red Connie (From the only cattledog litter bred by one of the greatest Border Collie breeders in the ANKC and Connie sure made him proud, two of her puppies won 4 and 8 best in shows for their happy owners ) and of course, Hilton Sinclair's Berrilyn brings us a very real threat to our dogs genetics actually. The bill that didn't make it due to the nsw election being called before the next sitting and it being passed. included that no bitch could have more than 2 litters in her lifetime. AND all males be desexed at 7 years? what would this mean if she had succeeded? The effective elimination from the gene pool of the very dogs we need to keep long-lived genetics in our dogs many conditions that there is no dna marker for do not evidence until the dog is over 6 or 7. MV just to name one suggested over a decade ago that cavalier breeders identify their dogs that have made it to 7, 10 and 15 MV free. OK by which time all the females would be too old to breed anyway. But considering Barbara Striesand cloned 3 puppies from her favourite dog. the club band together and clone these exceptional females and the puppies can create a whole new MV and obviously syringomyelia free lines. Ditto for the males who pass this milestone. they exist. I had Zambuna Cav King Jack and he lived to 17 MV free. he never sired a syringomyelia pup and his babies on average lived to 15 years. some of my original females were MV free, some developed it at 7 and 10. His pups tended to be free to 10 to 14 many never developed MV though their mums had. Sadly the males I used to his pups were a disaster hence I gave up. but dogs like Jack do exist both male and female and the breed could be saved this way. its not a pipe dream. it would work.
  4. one very effective way to ensure all breeds have shorter and shorter lives is the legislation the AJP failed to achieve so far. That all males be desexed at 7. Thus ensuring no males 8 and over can be used for breeding. the older the male the more sure you are he was not hiding poor genes that at present do not have a dna tests for and only surface as the dogs grow older. particularly mv and syringelia myelia (no idea how to spell it.) a male I had Zambuna Cav King jack lived to 17 and never developed either condition nor did his pups. such genetics are worth their weight in gold for the breed.
  5. There are also some so proactive they call the police even when the owners are in the car with the dogs and all windows down. Pity no one spotted them
  6. so sad, how right you were, many breeds are now so low in numbers if they were native animals would be on the critically endangered lists already.
  7. "Except as it has proven, you can make all the laws you want, restrict how many litters a bitch can have, restrict how many she can have per year, must microchip all puppies, must vaccinate all puppies, can only have so many dogs, can only breed a max of 10 litters in a 12 month period EVEN IF YOU have 11 or 12 bitches you will be in big trouble if you breed 11 litters that year (mind you that "litter" could be just one pup for a small breed BUT that 1 pup is a LITTER, or 16 in the LITTER, for the larger breeds, so a small breed breeder can produce 10 to 20 pups if they get two to a litter from 10 Litters , but the larger breeds can mean their breeder has 160 puppies or more from their 10 "litter's" yet they are not a puppy farmer as long as they were from 10 litter's. how insane is that?) or you will be inspected. CANNOT breed father to daughter or mother to son or brothers to sisters. UGH how disgusting, how unnatural. This has been a practice from time armorial for breeders to test for deleterious gene's centauries before DNA tests became reality. Deleterious gene's number in the thousands, present dna testing barely ruffles the surface yet. Arabian horse breeders knew of the existence of SCIDS over a 1000 years ago. In and Line breeding was used to bring carriers to light and clear those found to be free and create strong clear lines. By thousands of highly successful animal breeders of all species for equally 1000's of years. Ralvon Bethelem a multi, multi champion was son to mother eg Ralvon Pilgrim to his mother Trix Silver. The most famous horse in Dubai, (actually go google his name, famous around the world u will discover) MINDARI AENZAC, dubbed their National Hero, was the result of father to daughter, Ralvon Aeneas to his Daughter Mindari Wingadee. what's banned in dogs now, has repeatedly produced some of the best of the best when the genes are sound even exceptional. But hey who cares about soundness, its incest in dogs now but not yet, (anyway) in horses. But guess what? I found two puppies last week, obviously over 8 weeks old, took them to animal welfare and nope not a chip between them. a number of years ago I had two puppies stolen from my home, both were microchipped, I saw the car that stole them as it almost ran me down getting off my land. it was a white sedan but too shocked to get the number plate. some weeks later one puppy was found wandering beside a 6 lane highway near Liverpool. how she survived has to have been a miracle since she was only 6 weeks old when she was stolen and was now 14 weeks. A kind lady caught her and took her to a lady who bred the same breed who then took her to a local vet and I was phoned and home she came. For months I scanned gumtree and trading post adds as the police said many stolen dogs end up there. finally when she was 6 months old was a photo of her on gumtree, her owner had to move back to japan and couldnt afford the export costs, I rang and arranged to meet but when I got there only her old male was left, my girl had been sold, I had not dared to tell her she was stolen, I had phoned the Redfern police who met me and interviewed the lady and she was wonderful, she had the names and address of the people who bought her.. Now the interesting bit was she had bought her at Campbelltown markets, she had been told the puppies had been an unwanted gift to the wife and had no vaccination papers so she would need to have her vaccinated and microchipped. She had not bothered to have her either vaccinated or microchipped as she assumed as she lived in a high rise flat there was no chance of her getting any disease. Even in the add I found she had said, the puppy has no vaccination papers or microchip, when the police contacted the new owners they were positive their new puppy couldn't be the stolen one after learning the stolen one, had a microchip number. So agreed to take her to the nearest vet along with a police constable to prove it was not the dog I was looking for. Of course they were not happy to find out they did have a stolen dog. So much so that the family and almost a dozen friends went to the police station demanding the return of THEIR dog, the argument being whoever lost her didn't deserve to have her back or she wouldn't have been stolen in the first place! Thing's got ugly enough that when I arrived to pick up my puppy, the police had rang me and told me when I arrived to look at no one and ask for Sargent ...... and under no circumstance mention I was there about a dog. Did as was told, although it was very scary walking past that angry group looking for who was coming to get "their" pup. I was taken into an interview and reunited with Fire. but to get me back to my car safely I was taken downstairs to the paddy wagons and given a lift back to where my car was parked. SO an awful lot of people are happy to buy what they believe are unvaccinated, unchipped dogs and puppies. even though, PERISH THE THOUGHT, its BLOODY AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREAM ON, micromanage the law abiding into extinction but you ain't going to stop the underground puppy trade " I wrote that in 2016. still applies in 2024 pounds overflowing with un microchipped dogs!
  8. hey, those Battery Factory Outlet adds on bottom of the pages, dogzonline! check the stars reviews , they are utter scammers.
  9. so many dogs dead because people go to dog parks. safer to walk the street for exercise, but carry a big (walking) stick
  10. except I know of three utterly desperate people to save their dog and in every instance, even with the council order and the stat dec, not one vet would agree to operate, every vet asked would not do other than put the dog down. sentence of death these days, animal libbers prefer death to enslavement and that's who put those laws through with so many blind to the implications. ditto to all the "puppy farming" bills designed not to eliminate puppy farms. they too are licensed. but to ensure more and more registered breeders and puppy farms give up and speed up "the extinction of domestic dogs and cats" except they forgot the millions of the real backyard under the radar who never chip and on average never vaccinate either, which is why tens of thousands ending up in the pounds aren't chipped. EVERY registered breeder and puppy farm MUST CHIP. Have for over 40 years, funny that. But whose copping the blame for the thousands with no chip???? Certainly not the ones who will nver be inspected for compliance with the POCTA legislation. BUT at least the extinction agenda isn't going to be as easy to achieve as peta and its representatives under all those different names of ar groups and parties elected to "represent/eliminate" our furry friends, to hide the real agenda joe public has no clue about or ever believe anyone trying to warn them. only taken over 40 years for some to wake up, to what the rspca really is. yet it still has its "charity" status?
  11. I have never understood why so many vets prefer to euthanase a Barker than debark. They can still bark the difference is it is significantly less carrying . Yes a percentage can till be annoying and in the case of a friend's cattledog he even got it back but gave time to find a home that was in industrial area so no longer mattered. On the main majority remained softer bark n neighbour's stopped complaining.
  12. Probably why so many once they realise their job at rspca is sickening, stay, hoping they can affect change until they finally give up and leave, that included my vet Richard Miller who was head vet at rspca Victoria until he had to leave due to the stress. His replacement? Hugh Worth or as Richard called him Worthless along with all the ex rspca staff he employed after they too jumped ship to save their mental health. One vet said Hugh had almost got her killed she told me, he was so careless handling the animals, particularly the horses. Think on that folks, that's how long its been a toxic workplace, Richard had been Head Vet 4 years In RSPCA Victoria before he walked away in 1978 (I think it was) before Hugh Wroth then became head vet . So that's even before we began to realise they had changed direction in the 1990's
  13. so true, I visited a home that the hallway only had an 18" wide walkway for my feet, both sides to the walls was dog hair to 3 inches deep at the walls, to use the toilet I had to straddle all the dog poo on the floor. the laundry, kitchen dining room and lounge also was only clear walking strip then hair to the walls. Me and a friend began sweeping and putting it in the wheelie bin. The BIG ones and it was full before we had finished the lounge room. Although the 4 dogs were in beautiful condition. the owner just never swept for goodness knows how many years. my friend and I ended up being treated in hospital for asthma
  14. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/KdCYaJMaci4grndv/ One of the many breeds that knows "the deed" it was bred for , hilarious, so young and so focused already
  15. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-23/kelpie-breeder-peter-austin-retiring-on-high-after-48-years/104006150?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link
  16. lots of assumptions. someone left the gate open. He has no idea who. now locked but im pretty sure he will have to install a separate dog proof yard to have any hope of the ranger letting him keep his dog. he didn't attack anyone
  17. was asked only recently how could a chap save his dog that the local ranger had decided was a potentially dangerous pit bull. From my and my vets experience both of us have been asked to put the puppy is a jack russell although we knew for certain what breed we were looking at. Most dont seem to say Am staff, instead anymore. his dog he knew is a purebred pit bull as is his other one, suggested he buy one of those dangerous dog runs with a roof and maybe the ranger will let him keep him. It all blew up when he got out onto the street and the neighbours called the ranger. only advice I could think of
  18. the crux of the problem is that particular type is incredibly efficient at tearing the target to pieces. the type was bred to do exactly that in dog fighting. if a kelpie, coolie, border collie, cattledog, german shepherd, attacks someone whatever the reason, being a herding dog you dont lose an arm or a leg. backing up out of their home zone will usually get you out of the threat zone, same with the majority of Doberman and rotties. some other breeds were bred to kill, they just keep coming. its interesting how similar in type the efficient killers are if it decides to attack
  19. its interesting that although this is one continent, supposedly, one nation, yet NOT a National pet register data base? only one reason for that, to enable thieves to take their stolen animals interstate and resell. A fact pet rescues have profited from for decades, buy from one state and ship and sell in another, been happening for decades despite heartbroken owners have been asking for a national data base for decades after some did discover their pet now registered to someone else interstate after seeing their photos online. as for the millions invested when EI landed here and tens of thousands or was it hundreds of thousands of horses microchipped and data based. within months of EI declared eradicated. There listed on greys online were millions of dollars worth listed for sale at the loss of millions and the entire data base wiped? before they wiped all that data base you could trace all those horses directly to their owners if any were lost. equally any stolen horses consigned to sales or slaughter could be directedly traced to their real owner and show up the seller was nt their legal owner! the horse theft market is huge. I saw many sold I later found out had been stolen. well remember two stunning mares that I knew on sight were pure arabians, found out 4 days later they had been stolen and told the owner the dogger who bought them. sadly she took another week to contact him and both were dead by then although he still had their hides so their brands could have been traced to the seller. but the auctioneer for some reason claimed they had no way to trace the seller as they had not listed the brands on the invoices? if the data base had been retained the scanning of all at a sale would have revealed when seller name and registered owner didn't match. But that never eventuated because why?????????? at the time I suspected too many did not want the booming trade stopped let alone traceability to the thieves, same with the dogs. never ceases to amaze me, the majority of vets dont routinely scan and record every new patient that comes into their surgery? hello? its been law, all must be chipped for how many decades now????
  20. excellent way to speed up their date of death, faster population reduction for those still left though peta would be pleased
  21. When ever I've reported a dumped dog, invariably asked to catch it first.
  22. it will be true for us all soon, me included
  23. reference article https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-31/tasmanian-labradoodles-alleged-animal-welfare-breaches/102412630 Come to think of it, Why is there no accountability for the outright lies in their story? ie " The RSPCA alleges the offending occurred between 5 April 2021 and 13 February 2023. It will be alleged one of the dogs, listed as Barbie, had six litters between October 2020 and September 2022. Another, named Chanel, allegedly had four litters, again in just under two years." Why is such drivel allowed to go the print? It is IMPOSSIBLE for any bitch to produce six litters " between October 2020 and September 2022." ditto for "Another, named Chanel, allegedly had four litters, again in just under two years." Even when a bitch actually did cycle six monthly she cant produce 4 litters "in just under two years". why aren't they held to account for such blatant lies? why isn't this fact checked by qualified reproduction vets before it gets put out there to completely mislead the general population? Along with the pollies being spoon fed these lies. as for needing more laws? Also why is it not made public ALL OVER AUSTRALIA. They have been seizing animals based solely on "the inspector formed the opinion the animals best interests would be best served by immediate seizure and removal to their Yagoona facility" Quote from a letter from The Honourable Richard Amery, Minister for Agriculture. the animal in question, had food, water, shelter and had not any of the conditions in the pocta listed for immediate seizure. Additionally even though the seizing inspector did put the animal was seized due to "a skin condition" which the seizing inspector had assumed was slight visible mange. (It actually had very low expression of blue gene alopecia, ie short hair on both ears, short hair along top of tail along rump and back on on otherwise long coat chihuhua, the dogs vet phoned every day for 13 days demanding the dogs return and explaining what he did have was blue gene alopecia, but nup they tested him for both forms of mange, hypothyroidism, for which he had absolutely NO SYMPTOMS.) MANGE is not listed as grounds for immediate seizure now, let alone in November 1999. NEITHER is hypothyroidism, although neither was even listed as the cause for seizure. they have had such extensive powers already in 1999 to seize solely on deciding to "form the opinion" that is pretty much absolute power with no avenue of appeal over 24 years ago. what part of that FACT are our politicians missing????????????????????? As they scramble to be seen to be SAVING our pets from cruelty? considering they stole a perfectly healthy dog and 13 days later all their tests had proven that he was, then returned that dog now with a torn trachea, pneumonia and dehydration so severe he had to be given antibiotics and a drip to save him within an hour of getting him back to his life time vet??? he was 4 years when stolen. So any of you really think what happened to that dog was a one off example of their incompetence??????? Let alone a wake up call to how much power they already had. let alone Then and now STILLL absolutely, NO AVENUE OF APPEAL? Lone event, hardly, met so many traumatised. many never see their pet again alive.
  24. Done and dusted, another mega fundraiser with soooo much free publicity.
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