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Posts posted by BoxerTrouble

  1. About to bath my two so they are all ready for today, its their first time but i have a feeling they will pick it up straight away.

    Cant promise perfect behaviour from Rory :) - he still has his bits intact and is being slightly unpredictable, growling etc (hes booked in for the 23rd of this month) - we are bring his crate hoping that people will bring their dogs up to him so i can monitor his behaviour and make him realise his behaviour is not on! Patience with him will be appreciated :)

  2. Dont feel guilty about it BB!

    We had a Kelpie x Blue Heeler that got KC, the vet told us that it is an airborn bacteria (feel free to correct if wrong) and that your doggie can get it if an infected dog was on the other side of the fence. Its an extremely prevalent infectious diseases in dogs, and you have done the right thing by seeing a vet.

    Hope your baby gets well soon :thumbsup:

  3. I think all the skills everyone is mentioning are really important.

    But one that i think is very important, is to never give up on some of the dogs that come to training - you know the dogs, the ones that bark and growl and are a little aggressive. One of the obedience clubs i used to go to some of the instructors weren't inclined to help these doggies or their poor owners, who were more often than not in tears - None of us know the doggies backgrounds so who are we too judge?

    Patience, determination, caring and understanding make a GREAT instructor.

  4. Boxagirl - i get my Aloveen shampoo and conditioner from my Vet. But i have seen it in some of the pet stock stores and similar type stores before.

    I have spoken to a few boxer owners and they too have experienced this type of lumpy reaction on their babies as-well - it seems to be their way to react to allergies, bites etc.

  5. Pain in the :) isn't it having to go through the process of elimination!

    Cross our fingers its the shampoo - let me know how you go with the Aloveen - and it smells FANTASTIC i love it - i use the leave in conditioner after i have dried them, makes them so soft and they smell like oatmeal - yummy!

    Edited to add: i think they love it and think its yummy as well as they continually lick each other after it!

  6. Charlotte - When my two were having their break outs i really really badly wanted to find the source of their break outs, below i have included a list of things that friends, family and DOLers suggested to check out.

    - Washing powder you use to wash doggie beds? Perhaps switch to another washing powder as this maybe causing the break outs.

    - If you have polish wooden floors boards or tiles what do you wash them with?

    - Perhaps you use the scented carpet powder on your carpets, could this be the cause?

    - Food maybe your baby is allergic to something in their meals?

    - Pollen from flowers in the backyard

    - Treated pine decking - i've heard that this can cause reactions in some doggies? especially when the decking is new and theres been a lot of rain (probably not lately though - with this hot weather)

    Can anyone else think of what may cause break outs in doggies?

  7. FHR - I've had both Demi and Rory break out in them - the first time was a huge fright as they were only 9 weeks old and i thought i was going to lose them. I rushed them to the vet and they thought it was a wasp or a spider.

    But they continued to have these break outs for a few days - to me they looked like a doggies version of hives - and neither seemed fussed by them, it took more out of us than it did out of them.

    I have found using the aloveen extremely helpful. But i also keep the lawn very short - which isn't so hard with the hot weather we have had. There seemed to be alot of little insects in the grass during spring, which i think played a major role in the break outs.

    I keep a stash of Iramine tablets which i got from the vet at hand, if they break out i give them 1 tabet.

    Goodluck and i hope you find something to help soothe your babies ichyness

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