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  1. Tim - great photos Love the ridgy pups they were beautiful. Do you mind if i take a copy of Demi and Rory (boxer pups) and Rory and Teela (boxer and Toller)?
  2. Shinji have you thought about getting one of those stakes, so you can still bring the doggies and you camera, and just attach their leads to it when you want to take photos?
  3. Sounds like Sirius needs some fly catching pointers, so do my two, they are both hopeless. Sirius is a lovely boy, i think Demi said hello when you came and introduced him to Sparty (aka Jen). Shinji - i could mention the word multi-tasking - but i won't
  4. Some great ones in there of the Tollers altogether - They look like seasoned lure coursing dogs Shinji - i think i will be spending a small fortune in order to get all the pics that PC took of Rory and Demi, i like too many of them.
  5. PJ - ouchie! i missed the slide but i think the photo captures it all to well.
  6. I was expecting Rippling Muscle and Insanly focused faces - instead i have Legs, Ears and Butt-holes
  7. Good Luck today - sending positive vibes your way.
  8. About to bath my two so they are all ready for today, its their first time but i have a feeling they will pick it up straight away. Cant promise perfect behaviour from Rory - he still has his bits intact and is being slightly unpredictable, growling etc (hes booked in for the 23rd of this month) - we are bring his crate hoping that people will bring their dogs up to him so i can monitor his behaviour and make him realise his behaviour is not on! Patience with him will be appreciated
  9. Dont feel guilty about it BB! We had a Kelpie x Blue Heeler that got KC, the vet told us that it is an airborn bacteria (feel free to correct if wrong) and that your doggie can get it if an infected dog was on the other side of the fence. Its an extremely prevalent infectious diseases in dogs, and you have done the right thing by seeing a vet. Hope your baby gets well soon
  10. Wow ChelseasMum look at that shiny coat, Chelsea looks great!
  11. I think all the skills everyone is mentioning are really important. But one that i think is very important, is to never give up on some of the dogs that come to training - you know the dogs, the ones that bark and growl and are a little aggressive. One of the obedience clubs i used to go to some of the instructors weren't inclined to help these doggies or their poor owners, who were more often than not in tears - None of us know the doggies backgrounds so who are we too judge? Patience, determination, caring and understanding make a GREAT instructor.
  12. Boxagirl - i get my Aloveen shampoo and conditioner from my Vet. But i have seen it in some of the pet stock stores and similar type stores before. I have spoken to a few boxer owners and they too have experienced this type of lumpy reaction on their babies as-well - it seems to be their way to react to allergies, bites etc.
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