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fiona mills

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    http://www.freewebs.com/cavrescue/ & www.canberrapoochrescue.org.au
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  1. As above, If anyone knows of a breed rescue or rescue who are familiar with this breed can you please post details. thankyou
  2. The number in the pinned section for Ailsa appears to be incorrect. Does anyone have contacts for koolies please?
  3. I still have moby and spike, they have had no interest at all. They are scruffy terrier mix, brothers aged about 12weeks canberrapoochrescue.org.au Forgot to say they are very comfortable with big dogs.
  4. The very gorgeous Sam on his way to a brighter, happier future.
  5. He is in Goulburn atm He is good with other dogs, cats, kids etc, around 18mrhs/2years. Will try and get a pic of him.
  6. Can anyone assist with details for breed rescue for a young aussie bulldog needing rescue. He is in pretty bad condition. Cant seem to find any listings.
  7. If she needs a spot and can hitch a lift to goulburn she can spend her retirement with us.
  8. Jane, I have a 7yr old female who is fantastic with all sized dogs, children and cats. Housetrained and no bad habits. She is blue/white.??
  9. Agree with sheena, a covered crate and a thundershirt might make her feel more secure. As hard as it is you should try to ignore her behaviour not cuddle her.
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