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Everything posted by nobul

  1. I use Pro Plan large breed puppy first then Adult for my DDB
  2. To me it depends on the puppy and what you are feeding and what breed of dog
  3. Choice is yours what your feed Some people feed dry food nothing else (like me) BUT most will feed a Premium dry food, like Eagle Pack, Science Diet, Pro Plan etc Pedigree do a premium brand called their Advanced range like Mystiqview has suggeested the rehydrate is good A lot of dog food companies do have a lower shall i say supermarket brand dog food , marketed to you the human, words like tasty, flavoursome, blah,blah,blah, most of these foods are not of quality at all. A lot of breeders also feed raw , take your time look up some of those sites and then make a choice. I am suprised at your vets breakfast suggestion as as stated before weetbix hasnt much value to puppies and most dogs are lactose intolerant anyway. Happy researching
  4. From experience and filthy dogs that are also show dogs LOL. I use dishwashing liquid and wondersoap BUT as Bull Terriers can be prone to skin conditions ALWAYS use something free from chemicals after. Cheers Julie
  5. It is actually brindle with a black overlay
  6. I have heard road work also do the trick. But i really hate hard surface work on young dogs depending on breed .What sort breed are we talking?
  7. I have heard of walking on the beach (sand) helps improve weak pasterns. Bull Terriers and minis are renown for some having soft pasterns, a good diet and correct excersize also plays an important part
  8. It is a lot to do with breed specific, reason being is it does put a lot of pressure on joints and growth plates, a lot of owners are over eager to have their puppy clock up 2 miles in a day to "make them bigger" . I recommend only gentle excersize until 1 year of age, bit of a romp in the yard or down the park, never on hard surfaces. Nor do i recommend any form of excersize like tossing the ball to my breed under 1 year as they are able to turn very sharpley and suddenly and can do great joint damage. EG cruciate ligament ruptures , patella problems etc. With my breed too i recommend NEVER to let them off lead, even when older, they are not the most obedient of breeds, however i do recommend short obedience training periods from a young age and plenty of socialisation (fully vaccinated of course)
  9. I will not feed necks as my breed suck them up whole and have been known to choke to death. I have used them before as a treat but cut them in to bite size peices with the chicken shears.
  10. I only feed Premium food. It is not costly at all , people see the initial price and go OMG.. But you save as it is very concentrated and dont need to feed as much. I feed twice a day and they only ever poo twice a day. Their poos are always consistent , i never have trouble with the runs or constipation. It saves on vets bills and has the added bonus of being easy to prepare and store. The best way is to go shopping with them and add up how much crap that they are feeding now and the cost of it. Then check the back label of a premium food and compare the 2 , break it down in to a daily figure i think you will be very suprised at the cost. Then add in the better condition the dog will be in and the suffering that is being caused and see what the end result is. I always recommend my puppy buyers to put X amount away in an envelope each week with the weekly cost, by the time they are ready for more that money will be available. So if you work out it will cost $10 a week , put that in an envelope by the time they are due for more the money is there ready and waiting They always recommend to change over in around a week 7-10 days , so mix x amount in and lessen the one they are on. I have found though myself with my dogs i just change and havent had any problems YET!!! Cheers Julie
  11. I am sorry but ????????? Would this really be at all posssible Knowing the anatomy of dogs i find it highly improbable , unless it was AI. Sorry just cant picture a little Chi hanging off the back of a BC, or a BC tying with a little Chi All the same she is a cutie
  12. I remove them myself at a few days old. I dont like them either , not only do they do damage to me lol i have had them do damage to themselves. Ring a few different vets and find out what is involved.
  13. All my dogs take tablets no problems . I just tell them it is a Lolly LOL Then give them a real treat. I did have one years ago i just prised his mouth open and put the tablet on the back of his tongue closed his mouth and gently stroke his thraot till he swallowed worked every time.
  14. I dont mean to be rude BUT dont think of getting a Bull Terrier that sort of instruction just leads to disasters. As a BT is very dominant in nature not being strict in the first place is disasterous. although screaming at them like an ogre is not correct , but a short growl NO is a lot more effective. Although I definately agree on not letting them free play, another bad disaster waiting to happen.
  15. i have stainless steel . Still get algae though. Damm annoying. I do change their water every day and scrub their bowls every second day. Some days are just worse than others. Nothing i know of will fix it.
  16. Dammed if you do dammed if you dont vaccinate Scenario The majority dont vaccinate their pets/ children What happens with those diseases ???? They will run rampant again and you may sadly loose those you love. I am so sorry a few of you have lost loved ones and loved pups, but i am so afraid that if every one of us decided that vaccinations were not worth the risk it would be a very sick world. Cheers PS sure i do get worried with vaccines but i do weigh up the choice i have and decide to still vaccinate. Edited to say: I would definately asking for a vet report and an autopsy too
  17. I realise some people do struggle at christmas time and many other times over the year, believe me i do at times, but instead of that feed i would be feeding virtually what i eat and shop around for fresh pet meat and bulk bags of vegies, with a bit of time you can feed real cheap and quality is still there. Feeding sorts of products like that IMO only leads to problems down the track and we all know how expensive vet bills are.
  18. I feeel you were ripped off, I have never had a vet ever charge me to discuss a problem that they have already tended too. I was in the industry once and have seen some outrageous prices charged eg a lady bought he Chi in to be desexed and asked while she was under the anesthetic if there was any thing else she wanted done like nails trimmed. the owner said yep that would be good. We came to pick up that little dog and the vet charged the owner $12.00 each paw to clip them back on top of the desexing charge. (by the way that was about 15 years ago) so I made a mental note note to ever use that vet.
  19. I feed twice a day It works best for me their meals are divided half in the morning the rest at night. I used to feed once a day for the adults but found it was really difficult to monitor weight always fluctuating and most are show. Since feeding twice a day I have found a beautiful routine to keep a very good weight and also to closely inspect all my dogs twice a day as i do have some kennelled and being bullies and minis i can detect very early on for any obstructions to which they may have (god love em) and also give them a lot more human contact and play. Works great for me.
  20. Good point make sure their is plenty of fresh water available as the food doesnt contain it unlike tin food which can be 80% water. They do drink a lot more, as for variety I do not add anything else my pups are weened from mum straight onto a premium food, they have never not knocked back any of their meals (if they do I know there is something wrong straightaway) I admit it took me a while to get used to the idea, but once the concept was explained to me and I learnt the hard way (skin problems) having fed this way now for about 10 years the results have been fantastic.
  21. did they mention what grade they were at? It is where the "kneecap" slips out of the groove it is either inwards (medial) or outwards (lateral) either the groove is too shallow or the alignment incorrect. This can either be hereditory or traumatic (caused through injury) I would restrict too much boiterous exercise and keep a close eye out as they can be good at disguising it. if an operation is required look around and pay for an expert it can save you a lot of greiff.
  22. I wouldnt be they are a complete diet sometimes you have to see which one works best though i myself had have great results with Advance and Science Diet It was hard at first to change my thinking as you do want to do the best you can but after having tried i have found the results fantastic and in the last few years a lot of my friends have been using it with great results.
  23. From my experience and dont all jump down my throat at once. The super premium foods wether you feed advance, science diet,royal canine, eagle pack etc is a COMPLETE food NOTHING else should be added. I find most people feeding premium foods go through the motions they buy it and then start adding everything else Why? then they say its crap and try something else. It also takes a long time to get an improvement or lack of it. it wont happen over night so if the diet you started on now may take a while for all the toxins break down and get out of their system. i have seen many a person do this over the years they start feeding crap and at first the dog looks great then 12 months down the track the dog turns to yuk and they dont know why. So please if you are feeding a premium food dont add anything else and give it time to work
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