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  1. Hi all I haven't been to dogzonline for ages due to work commitments. Is it to late to sign up to your workshop in Perth Steve????
  2. This is where I go Northern suburbs Training & Obedience Dog Club
  3. Tilly is only 7 months old Your dog's drives Prey = 35 Pack = 55 Defense - Fight = 40 Defense - Flight = 25
  4. I'm in!!! No problems with the pup, but I'm sure I could learn a thing or 3
  5. Someone posted a link here to petfare so I thought I might give it a go. With the wet food, I split the 5kg container up into 18 bags (270 grams) & dropped them in the freezer. She gets 1 cup of dry food & lamb off cuts/shanks daily & one bag wet food every second day plus egg nog poured over dry food twice a week. Now my Tilly 2 shoe’s is a fussy little cow & she would like to survive on raw chicken wings & nothing else, but she won’t chew them appropriately so they are out. Bad Tilly My old dog would turn in his grave if he knew how pampered this pup is.
  6. I have just switched to petfare home delivery & I'm happy with the price & product http://www.petfare.com.au/
  7. I brought a big bag (18kg) of IAMS 10 weeks ago & my pups hates it. The only way I can get her to eat it is to make a egg nog a pour it over the top. She also gets a lamb shank after her dry food (topped with egg nog of course.) Her coat is beautiful & dodo's are small & firm unlike my last dog, he lived cans of pal. Egg nog: 1/3 of a cup of milk, 1 raw egg & beat it.
  8. Don’t worry people; I’m not going to suddenly start “zapping” my pup to teach her a lesson. I had never heard of “e-collars” until 6 weeks ago. I’m just interested in learning about them, I enjoy learning about K9 force’s methods of dog training..ok In one of K9 force posts he was talking about “focus” & making dogs waiting for their food, well after 3 days I can now place the food down & walk away. The pup will not touch the food until I give the command.
  9. I would like her to have more “voice” a bit of bluff, not lick intruders to death. It sounds like I’m disappointed with this pup but I’m not…. I’m enjoying her & enjoy training her. My daughter & I both look forward to dog training every Sunday morning.
  10. The bad: Purplepulse doesn’t express himself very well :{ The bad: Pulls a bit on the lead but with further training we will over come this. Shows no aggression should be…….. lacks natural aggression…… ummm ….. has temperament more like a kelpie…. Does that make sense? K9 Force: I have copied & printed lots of his posts. I wish I was armed with all this info 4 months ago but I cant turn back the clock so I will just have to try harder in the future.
  11. Lots of people own “normal” dogs but I want more than that, so I will spend the time (& money if I have to) to achieve the best I can, with the dog I have.
  12. My pup: Female 20 weeks German Shepherd X The good: Will sit, drop, roll over & high fives * WITH TREATS * Recall is excellent most of the time. (see the ugly) The bad: Pulls a bit on the lead. Shows no aggression, if a stranger was to walk through the side gate she would bark twice then start waging her tail. The ugly: Absolute lunatic when other dogs are around, RECALL ZILCH, just wants to play, zoomies all around the yard at 300 kph. Drives me NUTS!!! *Sorry to hijack the thread, didn’t want to start a new one*
  13. ChelseasMum, at what age (the dog) did you start training with the e-collar?
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