man some of you have expensive vets! ours charged us 30 bucks and came out to the car when we had our 13 year old staffy PTS last year, sure a bigger dog would be more but 300?? thats daylight robbery, and no decent vet would do that, its a needle, not an op.
when our female Pitty in the US had to be PTS she took 2 shots as she fought it, THAT was destressing i can tell you, as we all hope they will simply go to sleep, and most do, but still the vet didn't charge more, not that i would have paid anyway, but really some of you need to have a real heart to heart with your vet if they are charging that much for a needle, and even if they take the body its usually no more than an extra 10 bucks.
if they charge 300 for a needle, hate to see what they charge for an op....