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Everything posted by cali

  1. My vet tried Misty on Sepia 2000 before trying meds for her incontinance, had to try a few dosing schedules before it worked but 1 dose every 12 hours for 3 doses total, resulted in no incontinance for 3 months at a time and by the time the bottle was done i just never got more and she never peed herself again, it was great!
  2. I agree with rascalmyshadow, I use the word "adopt" as a general term for "not from a breeder". I do refere to my adopted dogs as "rescues" as a collective, basically...its easier then saying "these ones from breeders, these ones are rehomes, these ones are shelter dogs and this one is a rescue" I just say "these ones are rescues, these ones are from breeders" lol how I actually consider them however is different Gem and Gyp are shelter dogs, they were dumped at the shelter for various reasons-Gem by the breeder who "had too many" and Gyp by a buyer who realized they could not afford a puppy. Paisley I consider a rescue, she was surrendered straight to a rescue org( a real RESCUE org in every sense of the term) by her former owner, she WAS well cared for, she was vetted fed good food, been to training classes etc... i knew her previously but she was also beaten(known NOT assumed) by other people in her situation, happy well adjusted dog that I used to know became a terrified mess cowering in fear and messing herself if someone looked at her. I absolutely consider her a "rescue". Rusty is a rehome, he was given to me by his previous owners unable to keep him. the rest of my dogs are from breeders
  3. I have been asked a number of times if Baby and Rusty were mother and pup...... ummm Baby is a Toller..Rusty is a JRT/Pomeranian...he looks like a wire coated shiba with tipped ears.... and thats ignoring that Rusty(the "puppy") is an old man and you can tell lol
  4. its a long haired GSD, while I agree its not the WORST thing ever, going our of your way to circumvent the law for no good reason is ridiculous!
  5. so my friend has been on a waiting list for a puppy for a while now, the puppy was born, chosen and she was supposed to pick him up next week...except this picked him up this week at only 7 weeks. asked her what the deal was with that and she said the breeder called on the weekend said puppy has had his health check and injections and she can come pick him up, however because legally puppies are not allowed to be let go till 8 weeks the breeder is just keeping all the records till next week! he told her that he used to sell the puppies at 6 weeks till the law started cracking down on it, so he tells everyone 8 weeks then when they turn 7 weeks he's confidant they are for real, not just trying to catch him at anything and says "hey come get your puppy!" ya cuz the law is totally stupid, and there is absolutely no reason for it its not even like the breeder is entirely unethical, I mean obviously he is, but he never breeds before the age of 3, fully health tests all of his dogs, sells on non breeding contracts etc.. so where the heck did he miss the boat on THAT one? lol
  6. lol that so reminded me of Baby! well except that Baby doesn't vocalize, but the body language is what she does at bedtime when she doesn't wanna get up and walk to bed(and she sleeps in my bed BTW), she's comfy where she is darn it! and sometimes she will roll over and open her arms like "fine, but only if you carry me" lol. I have no problem getting her up and moving when im being serious, but frankly its super cute so sometimes I play along like in the video lol
  7. k so we have specific drop off and pick up hours at the kennel, pick up is AM(before 10:30) and drop off is after 2:30, between 10:30-2:30 the office is closed. ok so this lady calls and asks if we are open in the morning I tell her yes and the hours, she goes "ok, I was confused, your website says drop off is after 2:30" I tell her yes that is drop off, the morning hours are for pick ups, but you can arrange a morning drop off for an extra $15. she spazes and goes "oh you'll CHARGE for early drop off? pff I'll just drop off at noon then"...we're not openxat noon, you can drop off after 2:30..."my flight leaves at 3 thats not possible".. ok you can drop before 10:30 then. "but you'll change $15 for that" yup. "can I arrange a noon drop off then?" sure, after hours drop off is $35 "........" lol I swear she was just being deliberately obtuse lol I took her booking to start with she knew the hours and charges lol
  8. -I have medium length hair but I am low maintenance -I am happy to chill around sometimes, but I will go crazy if I am not out doing stuff most of the time -I like heat, room temp is too cold, and I hate AC. -if you want me to do something, show me what you want, don't give me clues and make me guess, that will just make me hate you. -I am a good, fair leader but if you or anyone else is more assertive, I wont fight it, I am just as happy to follow. -I love all animals -I am shy. with friends I am fun,playful and goofy, but don't expect me to say hi to strangers. -I have several irrational fears, don't patronize me, but trying to give me positive associations is not gonna help either. you wanna to take me to the vet for check up or shots or anything, I suggest a muzzle and sedation because I will shred you and the vet if you lay a hand on me. -I am routine orientated, don't make plans with me then randomly cancel, those irrational fears? cause me to need to psych myself up for everything, if I build myself up, then you cancel abruptly I will have a mental breakdown. -I am a picky eater, I don't like variety and I don't like exotic flavours -if you try to starve me into eating something I don't like, I will starve.
  9. I flush em, or if pulling several(we have a LOT of ticks around here, 45 ticks on a single dog during tick season is not uncommon, we do not however have tick borne diseases so its more gross then dangerous) I keep a big cup of water filled with dish soap and dump em in the cup, and when done dump the whole thing down the toilet.
  10. yes yes and yes :) def. use a basket muzzle if she's ok with it and it makes you feel more relaxed. YOUR attitude matters here. I have worked with plenty of fear reactive dogs, it really isn't the end of the world! my current project is a dog who had been abused, people made her nervous, men scared the living heck out of her. it took a month before she would even approach my brother(whome I live with) and he never ever did anything to push her, he never looked her way and went out of his way make sure she never felt threatened by him. she now comes up to him, climbs in his lap etc.. but he still has to be careful, he said if he does ANYTHING she might perceive as threatening she goes right back to leaping away and barking.
  11. I didn't say "her" I said "dogs like this" I have worked with a lot of dogs like this, its really not that hard a problem to work with, hardly the end of the world. as for not putting her in situations that worry her..again not that difficult, the OP gave 2 triggers right off the bat: men and quick movements, that's a great starting point. watch the dog, when dog first starts showing signs of stress the remove the dog from the situation and make a note of what the stressor was so it can be worked on, tail, ears, eye movements, tongue flicking etc.. there are plenty of warnings before a nervous dog resorts to nipping.
  12. she's not human aggressive, she is scared. dont put her in situations that freak her out, and slowly work on her building good associations with her fears, ie start with your BF, have him feed her treats while sitting down, if she seems fine have him slowly move up to a kneel while giving treats, watch her, does the movement trigger her? figure out the triggers and work on that(by going backwards, always reward when their is no reaction, and build up, as soon as she reacts you know you went too far, back up a bit). its not hard to work with a dog like this, the biggest problem people have is they push too hard too soon then declare failure.
  13. scootaloo I totally respect your opinion and obviously your entitled to your choices! my main point is just that you can never be "absolutely sure" you won't have issues, all you can do is try to stack the deck in your favor and hope for the best. personally I recommend not limiting yourself artificially, you could be missing out! certainly look for what you want, but if something comes up that doesn't fit your "mold" dont turn a blind eye because it doesn't fit, not saying you would, just a general thing lol. had I turned away Paisley because she is not the small black and white border collie I was looking for, I would have been seriously missing out! iv never had any desire for an Aussie, I have never even liked them, but when she was "inserted" into my BC search it was just to perfect to dismiss based on artificial limitations, the rest of my family was wary too, she was not what anyone wanted...but she could not be more perfect for us. I dont think hard and fast limitations are ever the answer!
  14. rescues certainly do have issues sometimes, Gypsy had social issues outdoors because our shelter has a ridiculous rule that puppies under 6 months are not allowed outdoors..ever. I adopted her at 6 months so she spent critical periods never being exposed to anything outdoors.as such she was a wonderful friendly dog...inside...and an aggressive biter outside. she's good now tho. Paisley had been abused, when she entered the rescue she collpased and pee'd everytime anyone looked at her the "wrong" way. she is also doing extremely well now. I am fine working with issuesm that said, I cant stand breeder puppies being called "blank slates" if a puppy was a blank slate then breed and breeder would be of no importance, we all know that isn't true! doesn't matter how you raise a puppy, if the genetics behind it are not in line with your goals your still gonna have issues.
  15. I have to say...this part bugged me. of my personal 6 dogs, my rescues are the dogs I get the most compliments on how stunning they are, and NON of them were snatched up quickly. Paisley's previous owner spent several months looking for a home for her before giving her to rescue. Gem and Gyp both sat in a high adoption shelter for 2 full months without interest. 2 of my plain boring dogs are from breeders and 1 was an owner re-home. I have a hard time finding anything but the most attractive dogs in shelters and rescues lol
  16. well I have 8 dogs in my house, 5 are rescue mutts from the pound, 1 is a purebred from a rescue, 2 are purebred from breeders, so I suppose that answers that question lol. now my mom will only rescue random adult mutts. I like specific types of dogs(herding) I dont care if that dog comes from a breeder shelter or rescue or how old they are, as long as it fits what I want lol
  17. Misty always use to sit on the seats at the vet, I didn't "invite" her, she always hopped up herself and sat beside me. nobody had ever said anything except "aww how cute!". Gem sits on chairs too, but she is not as obsessive about it as Misty was, Gem is perfectly fine waiting on the floor she just joins me on the seats sometimes. Misty would have had a panic attack if she could not sit beside me on the seats lol
  18. I have a professional grooming set up at work that I can use whenever I want, however usually I just bathe them in my regular tub at home. as great as the set up at work is, when I bathe my dogs its usually on a whim, I just do it when the mood strikes, and I cant always just hop in the car and drive to work when the mood strikes!(3 adults in my house-1 car) :laugh:
  19. Lol we had a convo like this in Paisleys class the other night :p. First i classify by height, going by weight gives some wacky results, for example, if a 65lbs dog is large and a 46lbs dog is medium, what happens when the "medium" dog is several inches taller then the "large" dog? Lol(RL example). I think of Gem and Pais as "medium/large" they are 23 and 24" tall at the shoulder, i consider Happy and Gyp to be "medium" at 21" and Baby to be "medium/small" at 17". Rusty i consider to be a small dog, but im never sure where to draw the line with him cuz he is 15", there are dogs a whole lot smaller that i dont think of as "toy" lol. I find really differing opinions though lol, Gem is either small, medium or large depending on who you ask lol
  20. Misty-border collie-nuts till the day she died(10-cancer) Happy-border collie-she is 13 and the only reason she is slow right now is cuz she blew out her knee acting like an idiot. Ladybug-collie x- really couldnt say as i didnt get her till she was 12... she remained the way she was at that time till about 2 months before she died at 15. Rusty-JRT X- he has slowed down recently, he is nearing 11 Baby-Toller- shes almost 8 and no less crazy currently lol The rest of my dogs are 1 and 2 years old ATM so cant answer this yet lol
  21. Uh ya, i work in a social kennel(the dogs get group playtime,small carefully selected groups made by dog savvy people) and on no planet would that be acceptable! Dogs gets into squables sometimes yes and we have a waver because dogs can get hurt, as in maybe a nick to an ear, not DEATH! We did once have a dog mauled...by a dog that leapt our 6 foot fence with a 2 foot barbed wire top INTO our yard and started mauling one of our dogs, the dog was grabbed fast as possible, tossed into a kennel while the victim dog was grabbed and rushed to the vet while on the phone with the dogs owner, we paid the full bill and did all the dogs aftercare as he recovered. That was years ago and the dog still comes. The offending dogs owner was tracked down and im not sure whatever happened to it, but i never saw it again. There is NO excuse for letting a dog get mauled to death period, sure as heck as no excuse for letting that happen then leaving the mauled dog alone AND not contacting the owner for 6 days. Thats rediculous and unacceptable!
  22. is that like the ad I saw for "shuzi puppies, 4 b 4 girl" ummmm what? lol or the puppies I saw advertised that were "presa Canaro (also known as a bullmastiff) x pugnaissia Britannia" with diddies about both parents listing them as worth $5000+ with papers (which neither had) and these pups were a steal at $1000! I was reading it in confusion. ..since when was a presa also known as a bullmastiff? and WTH is a pugnassia whatever? (apparently an extinct breed near as I could tell) and what makes them worth $5000+ each? lol
  23. I would have corrected, HOWEVER I have multiple dogs whom I walk all together, there are a lot of normal behaviors that I do not allow, ever, because if it happens while I have 6 medium/large dogs on leashes...I have a BIG problem. if anything like that happens I need by dogs to sit down and avoid conflict, "I" will take care of the problem. to clarify I am talking on leash only. off leash I do not inhibit anything unless its obviously overkill.
  24. see? I suck with words lol. I meant the word thing and the social anxiety as separate issues. ya I can't express myself in conversation, but I am just as bad in written word, I don't have clear idea's to be able to express. heck your example is what scares me! I am terrified that a breeder would consider my anxiety as part of the equation, and that would work out badly because my anxiety does not affect my dogs in any way, shape or form. as for choosing myself. ..out of 8 dogs past and present 5 I chose, 2 were dropped in my lap and 1 was chosen for me. the 5 I chose are all very different but all perfect for me in every way, the 2 dropped in my lap... 1 was perfect, the other is...only with me because nobody else can stand him lol. the one chosen for me? doesn't have a single quality I wanted, not a one.
  25. as a buyer, I want to choose. I am the type of person that's knows what I want when I see it, I cant sit back and go "I want this, this and this" I suck with words, I cant think straight and say what I mean. I also have social anxiety and come across as a TOTALLY different person then I am, people get me so very very wrong when they meet me. the idea of someone who doesn't know me that well and will never be able to get to know me as well as they would need to for me to become myself, and with my inability to express myself, then letting that someone else make such an important decision on my behalf based on that? ya...no.. lol
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