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Everything posted by wardown

  1. RIP ** Magnus Run free with the rest of your family they are waiting for you on the Bridge
  2. To the Exhibitors at Mount Gambier Show who offered to transport me and my dogs home and take us to the shows the next two days when my car broke down A BIG THANKYOU** Fortunately I had an Angel of mercy staying with me and her Taxi service was second to none**Thanks JEAN
  3. SB **I knew when I gave Misty into your keeping 16 years ago that I could not have found her a better home**To have lived so ;ong with so many health problems is testament to the Care and Love you lavished on her and for that I Thank You**RIP sweet Lady
  4. Steve**Just wish I had the ability to put things into words in such a sustinct manner**
  5. I once used a 30 blade on a seven year old cocker who had never been clipped before.It was the only size I could get between the knots and the dog.**He seemed reslly pleased with it he must have felt better
  6. Lots of hugs Judith Sweet Chloe is missed by all her fur friends here at Wardown. I am sure she is happy waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge
  7. Just look at the trust in that lovely face.She knows her mum will look after her.
  8. How much Vallium have you taken tonight Silverblue . Who the hell is MORRIS
  9. What kind of grooming problems are you having ?
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