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Everything posted by ReXy

  1. its all the good suff.. gone to his prain.. and you know where boys brains are dont you.... hmmmmmm interesting.. maybe its his way of saying mummmmmmmmm wooohooooo this stuff greattttttttttttttttt..
  2. aww so sorry shoey, i know how much you love those little ratties.... RIP little one
  3. i use jalna cos it has lots of the good bacteria stuff in it... have never had a problem.. if dogs are sensative to dairy.. ie as they are lactose intollerant,, then maybe not agood idea to give it,, my guys arnt and they love it,, i have found that it actually reduces the smells coming from the end of smelly staffy butt lol so thats a good thing for our place
  4. lol.. same here.. mine get a variets of what ever is going.. might be chicken one day some vegies thrown in whatever really but all raw + the nutrience..
  5. up to 2 cups.. 1 in the morning and 1 at dinner then he gets RMB or chicken frames etc middle of day.. if he gets frames , he only has 1/2 a frame then i reduce the amount of nutrience also he has sardines or egg in night time meal as well.. then i reduce the amount of dry by a little then as well.. hes doing really well on it,, infact to well..lol have reduced the amount slightly.. due to little pot belly..lol . really have to get used to feeding only a small amount, rather than more as in supercoat..lol forgot to add,, he is on medium puppy(yellow bag) and he is 5 and half months old
  6. hugs and kisses to sweet ollie dog....
  7. i use nutrience and am really happy with it,, was using supercoat because thats what the breeder had remy on ,supercoat is good for the price ie as a supermarket food, and dogs did ok on it but any step up from that to a premium food has got to be better,, I changed to nutrience and wow.. what a difference the coat the poos..lol the amount u feed etc.. as it is a super premium food,, the dogs took a little while to take to it,( over a week), as it has the herbs and extra good stuff in it.. but now they loveeee it, yes it costs more,, but u definatley do use less so works out just the same anyway IMO, and u get better results.. i couldnt rave enough about it..lol i have compared the ingredients to eagle pack and it has almost the same ingredients .
  8. aww the poor baby rip little one... so sorry for the loss..
  9. aww congrats shes adorable love corgi babies so cuteeeeee... im so pleased for you,. and for little elliot we must get pics of him too pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. i know exactly how u feel.. i am the same.. i got told last week at club that remy doesnt know his name enough???? that im not telling him.. this was such a shock to me and i was so embarressed.. i know its not much but it really hit me hard.. im not a confident person or can deal with confrontation or big groups at all... the problem was with him he was so distracted it was his first time in big class , as we had previously only trained in the puppy pen,. he may of felt my nerves even tho only a small class of 6 people... it was big oval and all open.. you work so hard with your dogs shoey and your doing a great job try not to be so hard on yourself.. i dont have any advise im sorry but id be interested in seing some replys maybe it might help me too..
  11. Pix will certainly be forthcoming such great news , about perspective new pup and elliot hes sucha little sweet face who could resist...lol good luck witht he corgi babies.. and cant wait for pics,, keep in touch great job on the sig pic.. she s cute..
  12. welcome to DOL.. glad you looked its a great site with lots of experienced and knowledgable people loads of great advice.. i would strongly recomend buying from a registered breeder... seems expensive at first but u will save int he long run.. i now how excited you are about the pup but pleaseeee think about all the advice thats been given here.. does seem odd they said they have been taking pups to vet once a week and not prepared to give first vaccs.. i was talking to your son earlier and he told me about their idea where to pick up , that is a huge concern, i think. just dosnt seem right... id hate for your daughter and your family to be heartbroken if something (god forbid ) happens to the pup healthwise,, you could loose a pup, kids and yourself will be devasted and loose money as well.. if u went through a breeder,, most breeders are kind enough and will work through any problems or concerns you have and will help you.. i can pretty much guarantee this so called "breeder" and i use that term very lightly for these people will not help... it is well woth the wait IMO to find the right dog. there are also some great dogs in rescue that need loving homes, and have had all their vet work done, so theres a cheaper option to go for as well... (did you look at the little pup that was posted in petrescue ) what a cutie.. awwwwww good luck with your desision, hope to see you around more.. take care simone..
  13. awwwwwwwwwwww,, how sad poor mumma and babies,,, glad you will ba taking him in... i agree get him checked tho..just to be sure.. will look forward to pics when he arrives..
  14. yep my little 5 month old staffy boy... he doesnt bark unless hes playing with the other dog, doesnt dig, have trained gim to dog in his sandpit,,, doesnt have any accident at all anymore in the house... is crate trained... he is the best and i love himto bits..... eta,,, he dos chew pens and paper thats about it,,, swf did more damage than him at that age and still does at 1 year old..
  15. good advice i aggre 100%..... a dog that young and small breed shouldnt be jumping on and off a bed..,as it could do more damage to a growing pup..
  16. toby started this too.. at about 5 months he was desesed at 6 months,, and he has never done it again.. same story with remy he has started to hump toby and a cusion. and has tried . half attempt on my leg..lol he is booked in to get the chop in 2 weeks time..lol
  17. aww shes a sewwtheart good on you for going with the rescue pups , all the very best for a long and healthy relationship with her.. look forward to many updates and pics,,,,
  18. no comment.... as others have said.... listen to the great advice,, no pup or do should be tied up 7 days a week.. you are going to create a bored distructive dog,and are asking for problems..
  19. congrats to the winner and runner up ,,, all dogs are awsome and clearly a lot of talent and work went in to all envolved well done
  20. gotta luv that...... lol i know and i still didnt get it right..lol... thanks !!!! dougie for pointing that out..lol.. sometimes i think i should just leave it,, someone will know what im talking about.i think.
  21. so sorry to hear of your loss he is a lovely boy .. RIP Andy, run free at the bridge
  22. ohh dear ive only just seen this , sending my belated thoughts to you, im so very sorry for your loss boxa,, barlky was a beautifull boy,, run free lil man R.I.P
  23. aww she is very cute... good luck with her.. would love to see pics as she grows..
  24. remy has grown up a bit since i first posted , hes reasonably good the obly thing he chews up is pens or pencils left around by the kids.. ohh and his fav is still shredding paper and pulling stuffing out of toys..
  25. well done guys cant wait to see the pics and who wins..
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