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Everything posted by jackie_a1

  1. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/record...dog_living.aspx
  2. Gilly you're right. Last time I checked tallest was a dane and she had it on Oprah meeting the worlds smallest which was a chi but another dog could have taken the thrown Ill check.
  3. If you want to see the heaviest dogs look up 'Zorba mastiffs'. One of the heaviest dogs in the world was named Hercules. http://dogs.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Zorba_Mastiff Hercules: http://i336.photobucket.com/albums/n345/Hu...nLaSusa-zo2.jpg
  4. I have said also numerous times this thread isn't meant to distress anyone. It was never my intention and I have read all of your posts and thankyou for sharing your experiences. It is a sensitive subject so it's up to people as individuals to decide if they want to continue to post here.
  5. I read on one of those chewable packets that shoving the chewables down the dogs throat isn't good because the chewables need to be chewed to be better digested. As opposed to the tablet forms that are supposed to be directly swallowed the chewables need to be broken into smaller pieces (if the dogs refuse to chew them) otherwise they do not get absorbed as well. My dogs will not eat the chewables EVER. I always get the tablet form and just pop them down the throat.
  6. Three words. What the frack?
  7. You might not want to know Rastus but I need to know. I'm not made of money. I have to and had to ensure I had the correct amount of money to be able to pay for the procedure or any thing else that might acquire additional costs. I couldn't just assume I'd have enough money or just go in guessing. Some vets have different payment options.
  8. Westie funnily enough that's where this guy was doing it! I was in the oval and he was behind this sports shed and there was toilets there too. Luckily my dogs have never rolled or eaten poo but I don't trust the pup he enjoys the munch on duck poo. Razor can't stand the sight, smell and taste of feaces it repulses him. Edit: Because I just read your last sentence again and had the image of you flinging poo HAHAH ;)
  9. Were the toilets locked? You know the saying when ya gotta go you gotta go. Question is if it was human poop and there was no toilet paper there did they use leaves? Or just do a Robinson Curosoe and go free ball. I've witnessed a man mid dump at our park and I didn't see Razor rush off but because he was squatting Razor got so excited and ran over to him. The man couldn't crap in his pants cause he was already mid way through so he pulled his pants up and started running. Meanwhile I was calling my dog trying not to be disgusted and laugh all at the same time.
  10. I just want to say thankyou Deelee. That is all I had meant by my prior comment. I personally like to be informed regardless of how 'heart wrenching' or 'confronting' it is so I know I am making the best decision. And no to those who are itching to write it. It doesn't mean because you don't research you are making the wrong decision or being irresponsible. It just means I ME prefer to arm myself with knowledge as it was the first time I had to euthanise MY own pet so I wanted to be sure it was the right decision and unlike other people cost was something I had to be aware of, aswell as body disposal. Like I have written before if this thread distresses you or what's written distresses you then I advise perhaps not to continue to read or post under this thread. It never was meant to upset or make any members cry. I was curious to see who else had stayed with their pet. It is no judgement on owners who haven't or don't want to stay with their pet.
  11. The thread was never meant to be distressing and as adults I thought we could have a conversation about it. But obviously my words were happily misconstrued and I was made to be a troll.
  12. I don't even know why I bother replying anymore. Maybe I'll state it simpler. I SAID MOST RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS WOULDN'T GO INTO EUTHANASIA BLINDLY. I don't and didn't mean knowing the ins and outs of euthanasia and it's process what drug used, the amount it takes affect, the technical issues I meant things THAT YOU AS THE OWNER WILL HAVE TO KNOW FOR EXAMPLE IS THERE FURTHER TREATMENT OR IS EUTHANASIA THE ONLY OPTION? BODY DISPOSAL WHAT TO EXPECT CAN THE VET COME DO HOUSECALLS If you don't know that and didn't know any of that when you had your animal euthanised then I didn't say because you didn't know that makes you irresponsible I never even used the word irresponsible to address individuals. But as its written most responsible owners wouldn't go in blindly I'll make it more clearer PREMEDITATED EUTHANASIA NOT ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. Just because you didn't know the basics I never said it made you irresponsible. And like you have stated its your opinion I'm entitled to mine. This isn't a debate this is a flame war have some respect.
  13. I realise people will disagree on a public board and I enjoy the intellectual debate. But I dislike the continual instigation of an argument. It comes across as sheer arrogance. I never inferred you were irresponsible and you took it out of context. An emergency situation is totally different situation as opposed to premeditated euthanasia.
  14. I'm getting severely irritated by people being on the defense about this you rearrange my words and interpret what you like to hear. My point is I PREFER SEDATION PERIOD. I feel that if you are responsible owner you would prefer and want to inform yourself about your options regarding euthanasia. Is it the correct decision? Will I leave the body with the vet or will I take it home? Cremation? Cost? Some people take their animals there and leave it to the trust of their vet and that's their decision or your decision also. However is it irresponsible to not ask questions? Then how do you know if euthanasia is even the best option for your pet?
  15. You're once again misinterpreting what I wrote. It's not irresponsible to get your dog euthanasied I never said that.
  16. Actually no I haven't seen a dog be euthanised without sedation. Because the vets I have worked for always use sedation. The sedation never took twenty minutes I have witnessed a large amount of euthanasia's and it never took twenty minutes for the dogs to go down. I'm not sure what sedation they were using that you witnessed but the ones I have witnessed and with Lucky all were extremely quick acting as to not draw out the situation. I'll look up if different states use different sedation medication. But the effects of sedation was well within a minute. Right. So when it's time to euthanise your pet you just go right into the vet clinic and say can you euthanise my pet? Or do you ring and ask first and say what do I expect? Am I doing the right thing? Can I take the body home etc? My next door neighbour had to put down her dog of 12 years it was her first dog and euthanasia she was distraught but she still managed to ring the vet and do some small research on the net. She didn't just walk into the vet blindly. That's what I am saying. I don't know of many responsible owners who wouldn't ask some questions not just to the vet but maybe to friends over the net etc even something as simple as body disposal.
  17. That sounds feasible. Maybe he is just re-establishing to the other dogs that it's his territory and that he lives here. I have a four month old am staff x and he luckily is still squatting (planning to get him desexed in a month) but he is learning from Razor after he defecates to kick the dirt up from behind him. I caught him doing it the other day on a walk obviously learnt behaviour.
  18. When I was considering having Lucky done I had to do research I had to look up cremation options, cost etc. I couldn't bury him in my backyard our soil is clay and I couldn't run the risk of Razor digging him up (as morbid as it sounds) I also had to ring and enquire if they did house calls (they didn't) an appointment time and (Lucky was dog aggressive) if I was able to enter through the back door before and after as I didn't want to be stared at although it happened regardless.
  19. Has anything changed in the house? Have you moved? Have you had visitors? Has any dogs or animals been on your property? New furniture etc? Maybe he is feeling an excessive urge to mark in order to show possession or dominance?
  20. And let me pat your back for that most people arent so saavy. I wish I could offer you some intricate reply as to why he is doing this but I'm actually not to sure. I'll try and do some looking on the web to help ya out Edit: To tell S_ed on yay for desexing
  21. S_edmonds is your other male desexed also? Sometimes this is a learnt behaviour.
  22. Domestic dogs descended from wolves, researchers confirm WASHINGTON (AP) Fido may be cute, cuddly and harmless. But in his genes, he's a wolf. Researchers tracing the genetic family tree of man's best friend have confirmed that domestic dogs, from petite poodles to huge elkhounds, descended from wolves that were tamed 100,000 years ago. "Our data show that the origin of dogs seems to be much more ancient than indicated in the archaeological record," said Robert K. Wayne of UCLA, the leader of a team that tested the genes from 67 dog breeds and from 162 wolves on four continents. The study suggests that primitive humans living in a hunting and gathering culture tamed wolves and then selectively bred the animals to create the many different types of dogs that now exist. Wayne said in a statement that DNA sequences of the animals also confirms that wolves are the only true ancestors of domesticated dogs. The study is being published Friday in the journal Science. Stanley J. Olson, a University of Arizona vertebrate paleontologist, said Wayne and his colleagues make a "logical argument" but need more evidence, such as canine bones found at places where ancient humans lived. "It could have happened 60,000 years ago or more, but we have no physical evidence, such as bones and so forth, to prove that," said Olson. "All of the materials I have seen indicates that the taming and domestication probably happened 10,000 to 14,000 years ago." Olson said there is evidence that primitive humans and wolves lived near each other and probably benefited from the relationship. Wolf packs, he said, probably got some of their food from carcasses left behind by hunting humans. It's possible, he noted, that wolf packs incorporated human bands into a territory protected from other packs. "They could have become like natural watchdogs," he said. It is also likely, said Olson, that primitive humans raided wolf dens, captured pups and then raised the ones that showed promise of being tamed. "Once they started feeding these animals, they probably couldn't get rid of them," he said. "It's clear that we like dogs and they seem to like us. That could be how it started." In the new study, Wayne and his associates studied patterns in the mitochondrial DNA from dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals. This type of DNA changes at a specific rate. The number of changes increases with time. Wayne said the study showed so many DNA changes that dogs had to have diverged genetically from wolves 60,000 to more than 100,000 years ago. "We have found that the origin of dogs is much older than previously believed because the genetic diversity within dogs is much greater than if their origin was as recent as 14,000 years," Wayne said in a statement. The researchers found four distinct genetic groups in the dog world. This suggests that wolves may have been tamed and domesticated several times, at different times and places, and that no single wolf ancestor is common to all dogs. It also suggests that dogs and wolves could have interbred later, adding fresh wolf DNA to the domestic dog gene pool. But no DNA evidence was found of coyotes or jackals in the dog family tree. The study showed that Fido, and every other dog in the world, was all wolf, the researchers said. http://www.trussel.com/prehist/news24.htm
  23. As in do they go to Heaven or the 'rainbow bridge' or are they just empty vessels? I think it depends on religion and beliefs.
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