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Everything posted by jackie_a1

  1. This is how I would police it Janba. Dogs bought, purchased or given without papers. If you go to a pet shop and buy a dog. If you buy one off a mate. If you are given a puppy. SPECIFICALLY a dog without papers. I haven't written the legislation...
  2. Hey love me! Well you can start by informing yourself and others of the malicious practice of animal slaughter. The children abused, wives people etc all have voices. They have the ability to speak they may choose not to but they can speak or write etc. Animals don't speak. They suffer in silence. Speak for those who have no voice of their own P.S (did you get my pm it was long and it didn't show up in sent items!)
  3. Medically of course a dog will be exempt its without question. If the law was to stand I'm sure medical and other exemptions would be first on the list.
  4. Okay let me specify. Dogs that are being shown, or bred (by a registered breeder or 'legitimate' breeder) are exempt. I mean specifically pet dogs. Dogs that are brought, given, purchased etc for the sole reason of being a pet. Working registrar dogs gryehounds and so on are exempt. This is aimed at the average pet owner who just has a dog for the sake of companionship.
  5. Adnil no way you're gonna get blasted cause I'm wondering the same thing.
  6. Hey all, So sorry if this has been done before but I read a few threads were this debate had come up so I figured might as well get this started. The poll question is should non breeders legally be made to de-sex their pet? As in are you an advocate for mandatory desexing? However I'm also curious to know your opinions on de-sexing ignoring the legal side. As in do YOU think owners should de-sex their pets? (Specifically non registered breeders) your average pet owner.
  7. I went into K-Mart today and asked them they all looked at me as if I asked to put my finger up their bums. Hahah thanks Sue and Cindy I just saw your post now. Must go back over the weekend... Has anyone got experience using a spring pole for their dogs? Does it resolve their boredom or do they get over it quickly?
  8. Miss Shell citronella spray deters and separates aggressive dogs. They hate it. I advise you buy some if you are worried. I'll kick a dog square in the head if it shows my boys any aggression. SQUARE in the head. Carry a big stick around with you or a spare choke chain. Keep it in your pocket and if the dog is running at you swing the choker at its head and aim well.
  9. For me there is an unwritten dog leash law. If your dog is off leash REGARDLESS how well behaved, how big, small, friendly etc and PEOPLE and or ANIMALS are within view/range you MUST put your dog on a leash. If the people agree to let your dogs meet then its on agreeable terms. No dogs bound up to anyone and no dogs get scared or hurt. Some people don't like dogs running over to them no matter how friendly. Some people arent dog saavy and cannot distinguish between aggression and play some breeds display different traits completely. I don't apply this law to off leash parks because I don't go to off leash parks I apply this to parks, playgrounds, public places. It's courtesy. Boss is 16 weeks old and I know he won't hurt anyone or be threatening but he does like to greet people I'm a dog person but I wouldn't want a muddy puppy jumping all over me I'd think the owner needs to take better control of his dog. Same applies to all dogs.
  10. Thanks for the support guys honestly what affected me also was all the diseases caused by hormone ravaged animals were eating. I'm a type one diabetic so it's obviously genetic but roid raged chickens for dinner can't be good for anyone. I was sickened that they threw the dog in the dumpster. He was just looking out like It's ok master I still love you. The dirty inbred hillbillies bashing the pigs are disgusting. I have never been so disgusted in my life ever. Have some respect for those who provide for you everything. I'm going to email this video to everyone I know.
  11. I was actually a MASSIVE meat eater up until yesterday. I'm converting my family too. I am only going to eat meat once a month and slowly I think I may become vegetarian. I am going to show my family the documentary today I spoke to my Mother about it and she has already turned off meat. We bought veges for dinner gonna make a hecktik soup. I went shopping today also for shoes and I made sure to not buy ANY leather products and checked where it was made. Thankyou for posting the link to this video it truly has opened my eyes.
  12. Yay well I'm heading to K-Mart tomorrow so that's good. Any specific rope you guys might recommend? I'm not to handy so to me ropes rope but I want it to be fairly resistant.
  13. I don't think there is such thing as 100% recall. You cannot say that. Assuming your dog will ALWAYS return to you when called? So you are dismissing environmental factors, for example an interesting scent, another dog, another animal, a frisbie, Al Pacino could walk out and call your dog you never know. You cannot predict your dog will always return to you it's an impossible statement to adhere to. Animals are unpredictable, as are humans. I always say I could never harm or kill a person HOWEVER, what happened if that person attacked me or threatened me etc I cannot with one hundred percent certainty say I wouldn't harm or kill them because it hasn't happened. If what you're asking is has my dog demonstrated the ability to come back so far 100 percent of the time then maybe some people will answer yes. But if you are asking can a dog have 100 % recall period. No the answer is no. No dog can have 100 percent recall.
  14. Yay I found it first go I won't reveal the answer haha. I voted no it's not a lost cause. Both my boys are cross pitts and I love them. And fack yes I would fight tooth and nail for the right to legally own be it cross bred or pure bred pitbulls because they are beautiful dogs and I'm sick of having to justify them. Last time I checked we live in a democracy not a communist country. They're telling us what dogs we're allowed to own next will be what cars we can drive and how often I can take a dump. It's not a lost cause, nor is the breed and it's reputation.
  15. The whole nation doesn't rise up in horror because when the images start getting graphic they turn it off or can't watch it. I watched it all. I cried and it pained me to watch but my pain fails in comparison. I think if you are an animal lover you need to watch it. Watch it, inform yourself with what is happening let those images burn into your mind so next time you pick up indian leather or buy a wallet you think twice. Or next time your friend is eating a burger you can let them know what they're eating. How can it be mandatory for every person to watch the film when you yourself (as an animal lover and owner) couldn't watch it? Do you think people who don't own animals or like them will care?
  16. I think all the methods suggested are great advice for Alfie. I personally use check chains but like any method they can be harmful in the wrong hands. Many people object to the choker but that's their opinion. The choker works wonders for Razor who rarely pulls since using it. Always a slack lead and he's happy to trot beside me. Alfie my puppy Boss is the same he has the worst habit of weaving behind you next to you walks under mine and Razor's legs. I bought him a check chain but it was the wrong size so I have to return it and get a replacement.
  17. Should buy citronella spray a shelter I volunteered at in the states carried it around in case any of the dogs got into a fight. (When they were temp testing the dogs). Apparently this disperses them quickly regardless of size, breed etc I haven't seen it first hand though.
  18. Poor babies , and your poor Aunty who will obviously be scarred as well as the dogs. I hope they don't develop any fear aggression as a result of this attack. Both my dogs are cross pitbulls and as a responsible owner that sickens me to hear her reaction. If that have been me I would have sounded like a gutter mouth the things I would have screamed at the inbred bogan.
  19. Don't forget how the owner feels. Never forget the owner. It is after all his/her dog. If you feel saddened about the pups condition imagine how the owner feels. I had a rottie diagnosed with parvo and she eventually passed from it. But I had the same concerned people question me in the vets, why was she so thin, why has she parvo? Didn't I give her all her shots etc I felt like an ass. I didn't and don't need to explain myself to anyone. regardless of if my dogs thin from an illness or if my dog isn't desexed. I think sometimes peoples misplaced concern can cause more harm then good in my own opinion.
  20. Did the dogs automatically know to jump up and grab or did you have to play with it for a while before they got the idea?
  21. Hey cookie! If you live in Sydney I know the AWL do breed testing for your dog. That way maybe you could know for sure www.animalwelfareleague.com.au
  22. If I had been the dogue's owner I would have already been distressed that my dog was ill and I was unsure of the prognosis. On top of that I'd already be feeling guilty because I hadn't been able to stop the dog from continuously being sick so much so to the point of her condition deteriorating. I would be scared of losing my new puppy, I'd feel like a failure as an owner. This could be the owners first puppy and or dog, the owner is doing the right thing by being at the vet. Maybe she thought she could administer medication and nurse the pup back to health at home. Where the puppy would be in a warm comfortable familiar environment and thought maybe that would be the best thing for the puppy. Then the owner gets questioned about her poor puppy on top of everything else that she needs to think about. Don't judge I know why you're concerned but I think it's misplaced. Leave the opinions to the certified expert. The vet.
  23. Awesome I'll have a look on the aussie dog site! Staranais whilst his a pup I might just keep it low to the ground but hopefully when he's full grown I'll attach one off the ground. I like the car inner tube would I need to go to the wreckers to get one?
  24. So I want to invest in buying or (if possible) make a spring pole for Boss. He loves tug of war, I can lift him off the ground whilst playing but he is getting so heavy so a spring pole would be awesome. Does anyone know any good sites or sellers. Also does anyone have or use a spring pole for there dogs (pics please ) and could I get some advice on teaching him how to use it safely? For those who don't know Boss is an american staff x and he is roughly five months old.
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