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Everything posted by jackie_a1

  1. Thanks for disclosing T. I would never get defensive on this forum if someone posted up a dog attack story and disclosed the breed. I don't think it's breed bashing at all. I think it's posting something you witnessed first hand and disclosing all the relevant information.
  2. Boos sounds like a dying goat when he growls and Razor is twice his size and growls also during play. I think the lady was just being narky. I've never had a problem with my dogs distinguishing between a play growl and an aggressive growl. I think it's the same as if someones tickling you and you're yelling stop it *giggle* stop it pleaassse! As opposed to when someones tickling you and you're like STOP IT! SERIOUSLY STOP TOUCHING ME! Most people can distinguish between play and serious as in my opinion can dogs.
  3. I'm with SBT123 and the others who want to know the breed. I own two bully breeds and it doesn't make me get defensive it makes me aware of truly how many incompetent owners are out there. Can the breed be disclosed or would the poster prefer not to?
  4. Oops Anne I forgot my kitties too 2 cats 2 dogs and 2 birds. Both female cats are desexed (One heat cycle and I rushed them to the vet, sounded like I was murdering a baby in my house.)
  5. Just to add. Those of you who voted and posted on this thread how many of you own entire pets or desexed pets? Both of mine are entire but I am planning on desexing Boss.
  6. To all of you who have joined in the debate intelligently and not gotten defensive or personal thank you so much for your input. For those of you who deem it acceptable to become defensive step back and take a breather. I am open minded I can see why owners are against desexing and I can see why people are for it also. I keep in mind all suggestions and don't demean others for their argument. There is no doubt that there are thousands of unwanted pets in shelters. Puppy numbers may be down but are dog (and cat) numbers? It doesn't matter if they are young pups or old dogs they all deserve to be homed. Mandatory desexing would provide the general public with information as to why they are being forced to desex, due to unwanted litters, strays, accidental litters etc. I've noticed a trend on these forum when in regards to others disagreeing with what others write. Respect other peoples views have an intellectual debate but don't flame people or render their opinion less factual because it doesn't coincide with what YOU think. In my opinion it seems that 'most' people I know and who work directly for shelters pounds etc or with rescue groups or in correlation with welfare organizations are a little more open to the idea of mandatory desexing. It's not the solution I am not saying that I wanted to see your thoughts and opinions on it ranging from professional breeders to simple dog owners.
  7. I think we like to think animal abuse like the dog in the dumpster only happens in third world countries or in the middle East, but it doesn't. It happens everywhere, I remember in Sydney maybe last year the year before a kitten was set a light and thrown into a mail box and apparently a few people were involved. It happens here in the Western countries too. Just the other month a cockatoo in my area was nailed to a sign post with drivers driving past the bird and no one stopping. Abuse happens everywhere.
  8. Lilli One word relax. Don't judge me you don't know me or anything about me. Don't get defensive either this is a debate not a debate on if you're superior in facts. I said it was a massive factor NOT the only factor. You cannot deny non desexed pets are a contributing factor to the over population of shelters and pounds both in the U.S and Aus. Of course because people here are dog fanciers and dog obsessed they feel themselves responsible enough to own an entire pet however as I continuously keep stating the general public do not have the same knowledge or information regarding entire pets or the benefits of having a desexed or an entire pet. Keep in mind that most of you here have been dealing with dogs since the dawn of time and to you this knowledge is second nature don't assume everyone knows the same as you. Like I previously stated. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. So don't make conclusions based on YOUR assumptions.
  9. Cordellia I agree. My boys are great and very well socialised HOWEVER I am aware of what they are bred for their genetic history etc. Most pitbull owners I know are aware of the genetics of their dog what they were bred for etc but I don't think they are aware of how that affects them in present history today. Personally I keep well away from off leash dog parks. Parks specifically fenced for dogs off leash because although my dogs are social I keep in mind genetically what they were bred for and I find it irresponsible of me to take my dogs there. No matter how social your pitt might be animals are unpredictable and are slaves to their genes. In my own opinion
  10. Yep I live West Syd and no limits on dog ownership (I have heard other states do it to my disgust). And yes lifetime register also and it's cheaper if your dog (not sure about cats) is desexed.
  11. Maybe also if you post this in the training forum some of the professional trainers will help you out too. I'll have to read this thread take some hints haha.
  12. Labsrule, I haven't read anywhere anyone saying 'Labs are bad dogs. 'They are not friendly they all are aggressive no one should own a lab.' Because if that was written anywhere that would justify being defensive. Some people I think were sharing their stories to inform people that ANY dog can be a nuisance regardless. I think labs seem to be brought up more because they are a more popular and abundant breed in families and for the average owner. We have hundreds in my area and personally I've never been attacked or bum rushed by a lab BUT it could happen. We're all dog lovers on this forum and I don't think anyone was attacking labs in particular. If I got offended every time I heard someone say something bad about my (be it cross breeds ) I'd probably carry a sword around
  13. So 50 % voted yes and 41 % voted no.... interesting.. To the other voters thankyou for specifying In regards to overpopulation in pounds and shelters, have you guys looked at the link Bec posted showing the documentary earthlings? It's clearly stated there that overpopulation due to undesexed pets is a massive factor. I think education is the key ok. BUT sometimes people don't always get it they watch a video about euthanasia etc but come home see Fluffy and seriously change their mind and want to breed from her. I think if they did bring in mandatory desexing, MEDICAL, SPORTING, BREEDING, SHOW and WORKING (drug detection, disabled assistance dogs) should be exempt. OBVIOUSLY this won't happen but it's something we should all think about because give it time we will be legislated on breathing.
  14. Whoa massive thread haven't checked it since posting last night so give me time to read. In regards to people getting defensive and trying to question me. RELAX. I HAVE NOT WRITTEN A LEGISLATION OR GONE ABOUT THINKING ABOUT ONE. I am just asking should desexing be legal legislation. To everyone asking me about cross breeds etc I am not a politician I would not know how they would write an act up. For me the question was for pet owners your average joe blow.I don't know how they'll distinguish between breeders, or sport dogs, or show dogs etc I DO NOT KNOW. So relax stop getting worked up and enjoy the debate.
  15. Miss Tornsocks, Hope we have been informative without being to opinionated I have read through this post which went from asking for advice about off leash dog behaviour to having to justify that labs are good dogs, WHEN nobody was saying they weren't too many owners are getting defensive. Here is the over all opinion about labs they are great family dogs, great working dogs, and great companion dogs. OH WAIT..... SO IS EVERY DOG that has had the right raising, socialisation and training etc. Please stop getting defensive. No one is labrador bashing or otherwise we all love dogs on this forum that's why we're here.
  16. Yes Nellbell but people can be products of their environments and not necessarily their genes too. Eating meat isn't a problem not at all. Animals are carnivores correct but do animals farm their prey and torture them? Or do they exploit them for money? Nope. Animals kill to survive humans kill for enjoyment. Did you watch the part on Kosher meat? Everything that was happening was against the law but people don't care its sickening.
  17. Bingo furballs! The thread was in question to try and reduce puppy/dog numbers and not to make cross breeds or non show dogs extinct. (Both my dogs are cross breeds never owned a pure bred in my life.)
  18. Nekhbet I'm telling you if a legislation came to pass cross breeds won't be wiped out. Look at pitbulls condemned and banned and people still continue to breed. Bull arabs are pig dogs aren't they? And aren't bull arabs trying to be recognized as a pure breed now? Bandogs are also hunting dogs too and I have read some people think they should be made purebred. So perhaps if the government put in a legislation they'd recognise certain minorities or sporting groups. I told you I haven't written a legislation so I have no idea how they'd go about it. Cross breeds will remain as long as humans do.
  19. Also on this topic Do you think two entire males or two entire females can live happily together? Or do you think entire males have a higher aggression then desexed males?
  20. I haven't written a legislation or really thought about how they would come about writing one but I assume papered show dogs or breeders would have a certain class of their own. I assume if your dog is a cross bred you would immediately fall under the legislation, I'm against legislation but for voluntary desexing. Education is the key however how many people listen? Out of 100 people I'll talk to about their dogs (75) of those think its an awesome idea to breed from their pets. I think skiing is a good idea too. Should I do it? No because I don't know the slightest idea about skiing.
  21. Not all animals in shelters are untrained and randomly bred. Some animals owners pass away, some are given away, some are in financial ruin and can't afford a dog, some run away, some get stolen etc. I know not every non ANCK breeder is a money hungry monster. I never said that or implied it in any way, but would it be such a bad thing that dogs numbers would be sufficiently decreased. I doubt we will ever run out of cross breeds. Every day I hear of a new doodle or shitpoo... And if there was a legislation in place of course people will underground breed its inevitable.
  22. Hahah Nekhbet I was agreeing whole heatedly with you. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER breed from any of my dogs. I do not have the experience, expense, time etc to do it and it would be irresponsible of me. Also Jed agreed definitely agreed. I think dogs and cats should NOT ever be sold in pet stores period.
  23. Ruby it's not dramatic its trauma any one who has been attacked by a dog will tell you they have felt the same way. It's ridiculous that you report this ignoramus and nothing gets done but the minute a pitbull type is reported it is confiscated and most likely euthanised.
  24. Nekhbet Razor is entire and I don't like the idea of being forced to desex either. BUT at the same time I don't like the thousands of millions of animals in shelters homeless either.
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