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Everything posted by herding_guy

  1. Not wrong there.....but sometimes...............?
  2. Wow, that month went fast - must type faster :D:)
  3. That's exactly what I said 2.5 years ago when driving home with a manic Kelpie named Scout. Haven't looked back though, but still say the same words sometimes. He has taught me so much so I wouldn't change it for the world. Congratulations LL he looks great. IMHO Spotswood is the best quarantine station in the world - I've never seen a dog or cat lose wait yet. I am there regularly so I will look out for him. Welcome Yank.
  4. Riley, you are both clever girls so teach her to use the toilet
  5. Teach without one. How old is your dog?????
  6. Big Kev - well I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!! Don't be modest your bitch is a very stylish worker and is a very good all rounder - although can be a little edgey in the yard when the pressure is on. She'll get better with age. Yes your puppy is already bouncing off the wall, ceiling, windows, fences
  7. Paul is involved with Welshpool and Port Albert. Not sure about the rest this year Welshpool wil be held the last wekend in October. Wally my dogs are Beloka, Puds, Futura. But all have Beloka blood lines somewhere. I like the strength of these dogs but the friendliness of the Futura. The Puds girl is a little too nervey but a lovely paddock bitch. I think I remember you and Wiz but can't remeber where, I'll be looking out for you now though. Coolibah Coolies -I have always believed in train 3 sheep and work 3 sheep only however have known a few dogs to do both well. Good dogs should work out flight thresholds of sheep and keep to them. Kelpie i - GOOD LUCK we're feeding him mexican jumping beans and rubber.
  8. Hi Wally, Have not been to any trials this year to busy with other things .....I need some weekends off but will be out again very soon with some new pups I hope. You may have seen me at Neerim, Warrigal, Port Albert, Welshpool haven't been to any up your way for a long time. If you've ever watched a high jump I'm the one with the big male red and tan boy that wins. :wink: There are a number of BC men still trialling in the Yard Utility I'd say it was about 20% of the entrants at Welshpool last year. Infact my bitch was beaten by a BC - they are very different working style dogs to the 3 sheep BC though. I don't think that Kelpies are being bred more and more for yard work only - I just think it's the way more and more people are utilising them. All mine and their lines work the paddocks and most of the breeders I now are selecting for all rounders. Generally speaking IMO I just don't feel they are a suitable selection for 3 sheep although I now their are some dogs out there doing it. I'm looking up the next trial up your way and I'll make point of getting there.
  9. Hard to keep out the riff raff ...but in all seriousness this is the place you will see about 100 dogs put through their paces. There is no other event like it in Victoria, well worth a visit. It will be done!
  10. I love yard utility trials - they are IMO more exciting. We've had trials where dogs have to move sheep onto and through inspection ramps, trucks, trailers etc. It's the diversity of these trials that make them attractive or appealing to the public.
  11. I hope that more training groundds can be made available. It's not very hard to set something up if you can find someone with a bit of land, Sheep can be leased and rotated often. Try and get a group together and see what you can do. So, from what you have seen do you prefer the yard utility or 3 sheep. I know I prefer yard utility but I am biased because of my dogs IT gets even more specific when talking about selecting dogs for landscape, stock to be worked, climate, type of work etc etc. My young girl will work three sheep well but it's yet to be seen wether she will be good in 3 sheep trialling. I have been told if you are serious abut 3 sheep than you should only work yor dog on 3 sheep. This makes sense as it is very different working 3 sheep to 5.
  12. If my breeding is right then she/he should be better than her dad. I may have to keep one for myself In all fairness to my choice of herding breeds, the Kelpie, they are more inclined to do things for themselves. He doesn't like too much correction because by nature he is a fairly natural worker and once the rough edges are knocked off his early waywardness, he feels he knows the job better than his boss. He just wants to get the job done but at the same time never wants to finish. What more could you want. Gotta love 'em. To those that are budding or would like to be budding triallers what do you want need? More yard utility trials, 3 sheep trials, training grounds, trainers?
  13. Noooooooo! All jokes aside though - here is a quote from Lance Barnett when asked about selecting for trial, published in the The Countryman 2 January 1969, when asked about selecting for trial; "...It is supremely important to select dogs that are that are most ready to comply - and this, in my view, is where the Border Collie men have licked the Kelpie breeders. In the beginning, as today, the Border Collie man when selecting his dogs considersthat the most desirable traits are good dispositionand readiness to comply. Thus they have become heriditary traitsfirmly fixed in the BC make up. The Kelpie on the other hand, appears to have been bred by men equally as hard headed and determined as the dog itself. And so Kelpies have been bred that could be flogged into insensibility before they would listen to reason. Their greatest hearing aid a piece of plastic piping." What was he trying to say? However we have digressed somewhat - We'll need to get some well organised city based yard utility trials organised and see what happens.
  14. The Aust Working Kelpie would be bred for more bidable, softer, nervey, type dogs that are easy to train for the novice handler - you know like those Border Collies. :rolleyes: No, seriously though I have noticed a change in the AWK over the years. In the past people have bred "Cool" dogs and these dogs won big trials. However when breeding for this some dogs will be 'underdone' in tempremant, a little soft in nature. These dogs don't take the knocks like the kelpie was origonally bred for. What you need in a trial dog is the cool dog, keenness tempered with pliability, ie ability to accept a high degree of discipline while still retaining the desire to work.
  15. That's a bit of a generalisation Probably is a generaisation but I'd still like to see them unload a truck of merinos I still prefer to choose the dog for the type of work...A trial dog is a trial dog anything else is a bonus (Now I'm in trouble :rolleyes:) but a dog chosen for working thousands of head over 1000's of acres is exactly that - if he can also be trialled that's a bonus too. Last one I viewed her was a little too difficult perhaps I need to watch more. No help from judge and no helping dog on cast - but I have seen it done at friendlier/smaller trials with points lost. We are in agreeance but why not have a few more city based entry level trials anyway. Don't you think that would happen? Yes I do, I just hope it doesn't. This is something we need to bring to light and hopefully gain control over before it becomes a problem. Dead right! I'm leaving this one alone
  16. No, it would be great to have everyone included - the trials would be easier courses / judging and more regular events. Yeh, thay've been great for the activity but still mostly show people / ANKC memebers and the courses don't include the yard utility type. Well yes, that's what I was alluding to, and I reckon it would be exacerbated by having a huge trialling scene of people and dogs that had never done "real" work, and just trained and bred for the trial scene. Breeding for the trial scene is already happening out there and has been for some time. IMO 3 sheep trial dogs are not suitable for working in real situations. Love to see some of them unload a truck of 500 merinos. :rolleyes: its not what they were bred to do. We have 'real dogs' called Kelpies for this I'm just hoping that the city trials will give those working dogs living in the city a chance to experience and do what they were origonally bred to do. Wether they only get to being trained for their first trial or go on to win a few at least they can do an activity they are meant to do. I'd hate to see people starting to breed for the suburban trialler there are plenty of good type dogs being bred out there now that will still fit the purpose anyway. In every litter you get the softer types coming through, the biddable ones, these are the dogs usually sold as pet, obedience, agility dogs etc.
  17. Agree but I also think there is a way to satisfy all. Some city based folk get a little nervous trialling for there first time at the country based trials. The city trials would give them the trialling experience they need to go on. I a more concerned about the true working dog lines being overtaken by breeding for trialling only but this is a whole other subject.
  18. I have had a lot of fun trialling and working my dogs. Although trialling is becoming harder and harder because I'm helping city handlers train their dogs most weekends. :rolleyes: From my point of view I think it's great and it's giving new life into the activity. We are now seeing a lot more starter / learner / city slicker entries in the yard utility trials accross Victoria where once we only had novice and open. There are a lot of working bred dogs living in cities that need outlets and herding is the best one for them, seeing this is what they were bred to do. I quite often get that 8 yo kelpie or border collie who comes in having never seen sheep before that performs like an old pro - It's like a light bulb goes off in their head " Ah that's what my life is about". Those with behaviour problems and anxieties forget about all their dog or human aggressions or OCD's and work side by side with a strange dog and human. Their life seems to make sense to them all of a sudden. It's a wonderful thing. It wont be long before we see city dog only trials! Go city slickers!
  19. Nat - I agree. I am a trainer. I don't train for ADT. Correction chains in my opinion should only be sold by trainers who know how to use them (believe me there a few trainers out there who can't) not pet shops. I like to teach people how to use a flat collar and voice control first. I'm not a fan of the correction chain only due to the fact that many people have difficulty in learning how to use one. Like Erny I wish the prong collar was still available to people, with suitable dogs, as an option. IMO - pick a school that doesn't teach with one and doesn't insist you use one either as per the school I teach at and ADT (not that I'm advocating any). I advise that you ring all schools in your area and ask questions, go out and visit and make your decision when you are completely satisfied. Happy training.
  20. Intrigues me as well, should make for an interesting evening of conversation - make sure you've got time because I can chat dogs as long as I can work 'em. :D Sure will. I have a lab that comes in for training and herding - he's not bad at all. He is a loose eyed dog as some herding breeds are as well. Look forward to meeting you and your charges. Dave
  21. You let me know either way and I'll make sure your at any event you want to be at - you could have a sleep over (bring the tent) it would be fun. Great your in. Love to see Max strutting his stuff again. Stll can't get over that sly eyeing the lead sheep under thier legs thing he did
  22. YB - you'll be there - I'll come down and pick you up myself if I have to - and that's that. Wish you were here too. When are you moving?
  23. Hi guys, Just wanted to say thank you to those DOLers who attended training / practice today at Moorehome. You guys were great and the dogs were awesome. I really enjoyed having you all there so I am organising a BBQ and activity day for you all (that is everyone who has come to a herding / training day) as a thank you. For those interested please PM me. We are also currently organising another herding training day - one for beginners and a advanced day for those that are more experienced (you know who you are). Anyone interested??? Thanks again - you guys are the awesome. Cheers, David, Geoff.
  24. Good on yu guys Have fun. YB - see you at herding soon (I hope)
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