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Everything posted by DoBeRMaNN

  1. ohh ok joe im gonna take your word for it over my vet :rolleyes: ..maybe medicines and things of that nature were not properly tested 50 years ago,but what the hell was safe back then?? tand also that was a lifetime ago in terms of how science has progresed these days medicines and other medical products have been tested for years and years to strict guidelines and with australia being one of the best for medical safety for humans and animals i would beleive that it is completly safe. and for all the people who say its not safe , where is your evidence?? and how are you qualified to make a statement that it is not ..when vets and the medical community say it is..
  2. i got my dog heartworm injections ..my vet told me that as long as your dog is free of heartworm the prevention injection is fine and isnt harsh at all..but if your dog does have heartworm the injection to get rid of them is quite harsh on the liver..so if your dog doesnt have heartworm and is clear id say get it...think about it why would they do it if it was bad for your dog?
  3. some dont and some do...very confusing lol i think ill do it once every other year
  4. every 3 years sounds reasonable maybe even every two
  5. my vet says they need there shots.but whos gonna trust a vet..does anyone else get there dogs shot every year or not...cause alot of people say you dont need to once they have had there first 3 shots and then there booster one year later there is no need for anymore..and some even say its bad for there liver..can someone please help
  6. sorry not been reading your posts properly
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