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Everything posted by gossco57
I am looking at a dear little dog at the moment but have been advised she has a Grade 2/3 Heart Murmer. How serious is this Grade..what would be the long range difficulties..
Special Recipe For Added Weight Gain Required
gossco57 replied to gossco57's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi those that have responded...settrlvr I am feeding them VIP Sausage or similar product as well as chicken necks and Supercoat for Juniors. There weight varies between each dog. Some seem to maintain it better than others. They are of a healthy range a good majority of the time it just seems to be occasionally one will drop that little bit of coverage. They are feed individually. I welcome any suggestions....cavandra Thank you for the recipes it was the Satin Balls I was looking for so I have printed it out and will make them up tomorrow after shopping...jed They dont all loose weight regularly just some some of the time. What would you suggest to gauge how much each one should have. I also leave the dry food out for them as I would hate to think any of them would be hungry. Can you suggest which dry food would be worth trying and what other wet food would be more suitable. Kindest Regards -
Quite some time ago there was a recipe posted for extra weight gain...can any one help? My furry family although wormed etc regularly and given a all round diet of both wet and good quality dry food loose weight depending on the weather even though they have wool donnas jackets etc...I am looking for something that will give them that little boost and keep them in tip top shape. Any suggestions would be great.
KitKat I live in Victoria. Would you suggest a tin food as well?
Kit Kat I've looked around the stock agents and the vets and I cant seem to get either Royal Canin or Eagle Pack could you suggest where else I could try as Eagle Pack keeps coming up quite regular as a great alternative.
As I am still wondering about the best diet to have my elderly 3 Chinese resteds on I have been looking around and wondered what your opinion was on the Hills Science Diet. Fors and againsts please.
It certainly wasnt ment in that way after ready all the post I certainly have altered my view in many ways. As I said in the end I only want to do what is right for my dogs. It was never my intention to say this is what I feed my cc and I know I am right I should have worded the start of it to say What are your suggestions this is what I am currently doing. I hope this clears things up for you all. I know you all loveyou dogs otherwiseyou would not be on the forum and also that you all do the very best for your animals. I admire the commitment that reputable breeders have in maintainingm the dogs and keeping there choosen breed as true to form as possible.
Ellez first of all your dogs you have or breed arnt common I happen to like many breeds of dogs. Bother the American Cocker (love the head shape) and Staffies well who wouldnt like staffies. I would have a managere of dogs if I could they have alwaysgiven me much pleasure. But the breeder I got my firt cc suggested a lot of the things that I have been following I also have been adviced by other ccc owners what they feed there dogs. At the moment I have just rehomed a cc h/l and I am so upset at the lack of lustre of her cresting I"m asking for advice on another thread. The bottimline isI sincerelywant whant isbest for my dogs.
Well I like it to too but I do have an article saying why they believe garlic is not good for dogs. I just saying I choice nottogive my dogs anylonger after reading ther article. But if you think I am going to post such a contriveral thing afer this one and the Myth about the Bark Diet :p However if for you own point of interest let me know and I"ll will send it no prob
I"ve just rehomed a cc h/l I have never felt such brittle cresting and she was on Hill Science Prescription Pet for at the Rspca. I am open to suggestion for her diet.
:D no worries thanks
I feed raw with the addition of a small amount of Eagle Pack dry food. I do not like Supercoat, but if it suits you that's ok. Where do you get this brand. I havent heard of it
I was wondering about bloat in large dogs. :D Thanks. I have small dogs and I like to feed them 2xper day.But let them snack on a limited amount of dryfood to nibble on and yes of course some fruit. :p
the only thing is i am really worried about what they say about chuicken necks been bad for them I am abit confused :p sory about the caps forgot thats regarded as shouting
So what size bones would you suggest I was told kangaroo tail bones are very good.
I believe that you all have put forward some very good points for both sides and it certainly has me thinking. The best I can do is see what works for my dogs the best and keep an open mind. I must admit I am concerned not giving my dogs a big big bone, to chew on, they do seem to enjoy it so much.
You may like to read this site it explains the risks of uncooked meat WWW.AVMA.ORG/ONLNEWS/JAVMA/JAN05/050115WW.ASP
Miranda I am so pleased that you can sleep at night. Yes Jennie is right all I wanted was a discussion and peoples views. Strange way of doing it perhaps but it certainly has given me an amazing amount of reasons to review what I feed my dogs. Far more information then when I have asked on other threads for advice. THANK YOU
Whos Gets There Dogs Shots Every Year
gossco57 replied to DoBeRMaNN's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
espiny Totally agree. There is some great information out there about the negatives of having it done after your inital puppy ones. -
Jennie I am always open to new ideas why do you think the barf diet is good. I only wanted people to put across there point of view. Is that not the right thing to do. Get everybody thinking. By the way love your Pappilions look nice and healthy obviously the Barf Diet works well for you and your dogs
There you go every one is different !!!!!!!!
I agree with you again it is an ongoing process in life to learn from each other. I think through the thread most strongly did not agree but I did not at any time say that is what I suggest all dogs to eat it was what I suggested for Cresties to eat. Cant imagine a Rottie eating a lump of watermelon But once again it everybodies choice what they feed there cresties. Still There is one thing in common we all love our dogs we all do our best and give our best to them we all believe we are doing what is right for them. by the way I have always admired Irish Wolfhounds since I met my first one working at the Vets