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Everything posted by nabs

  1. Great news!!! Hope you got a rest! Smallest girl born at 4 days.
  2. CB she has had a long hard labour. You should find in a day or so she will be more accepting of the babies. I have had this problem with maiden bitches who have had to have a C section. They always do come around though :-) Welcome to the sleepless club LOL!
  3. Mine were born this week. Fingers crossed my next boy keeper is there!
  4. Try and keep the pups on her as that releases more oxytocin and might get some of the retained placentas out. It is also important so she bonds with the pups and helps bring her milk in. If you start supplementing then she won't produce the milk needed to feed them. It is all about supply and demand. Congrats on your babies!
  5. Join the club! My husband is at work in WA I have two kids and seven adult Danes plus a Sheltie to look after. My kids have been great though. They were a great help. I could do with a proper sleep as I am exhausted. Hanging out till the weekend when my daughter can puppy watch for a while and I can climb into my lovely soft bed for a break. :D Hope she finishes soon. Go easy on the Oxy as it can tear the uterus. Use sparingly. You're doing a great job CBC. Hang in there!
  6. Here is a litter update not quite 48 hours old.
  7. Your vet is correct re the Oxytocin. Good luck with it CBC fingers crossed they make an appearance soon!
  8. CBC I would be seeking the vets advice as well. Have had my share of bad whelping experiences over the years and I would be concerned about the period of time now since her water broke.
  9. Congrats BB on your new litter!! Hope you are all doing well this morning. Thinking of you CBC. Hope things go smoothly. I am tired. No real sleep in a few days. Babies are very noisy and night and I jump at the slightest noise.
  10. HI all. We finished around 10.30pm so it was a relatively short delivery. First stage was a killer though Perri handled the actual birth much better than the lead up to it all last night! We ended up with an excellent split of three boys three girls. All fawn (they look dark in the picture because Fawn Dane pups are born with a lot of black guard hair that does drop out after a week or so) Mother doing great and has eaten a good meal. All now cleaned up and settled. I am off to the recliner now next to the whelping box to keep an eye on things. Good luck to the rest of you and your litters. Will be following you all.
  11. I put my bitches on Folic Acid prior to breeding and up until they whelp. Since doing this I have not had any form of kink tails, birth defects such as cleft palates or any oddities.
  12. Have a total now of two boys two girls. Two more remain. Fingers crossed they come before it gets too late! All good weights and feeding well.
  13. We have a dog and a bitch born so far. All going well. Both great weights and feeding well. Four more to go!
  14. Perri just broke her waters so expect some action very soon
  15. We have been in the first stages of labour over night. Pacing, whining, digging little sleep. She should start to whelp today.
  16. Perri has had a slight temp drop. Refused her dinner and has been having a bit of a dig in the garden. Under the tree near the water tank seems to be a good place to have them she thinks! She is a little restless. I would say possibly early stages. Wouldn't it be nice if she whelped during the day tomorrow?
  17. No action yet. Day 59 (due day 61 as it was a frozen implant.) Temp has not changed and eating like a horse. Cannot fill her up at the moment. I am guessing Monday night. X-ray showed six puppies
  18. In my breed (Danes)Present, BISS CH Kochak Rebel Rebel. This bitch is the absolute epitome of beauty, elegance without losing Great Dane presence. She is only 17 months old already a BISS winner (from the puppy class) her best is yet to come. Past in Danes Multi BIS BISS CH Airways Gremlin (imp Sweden) Gremmie had it all. A true show man and a crowd stopper. His beauty is still very much admired to this day. A prolific sire of other BIS and BISS winners. Past in other breeds. Doberman Multi BIS BISS CH Dobeherr Disco Dolly. She was a cracker of a bitch.
  19. Have it done by a professional as the extra weight can cause the actual trailer frame to snap. Especially if the trailer was not designed originally to carry the extra weight front or rear of the trolleys. There have been two cases of trailer frames breaking in QLD in the past 6 months. Both due to weakness in the actual frame. Both were well known brands of trailers.
  20. We have movement now! Perri was ravenous tonight! She seems to have grown over night.
  21. Seven days to go. Madam is getting rather restless at night. X-ray this week so we know what is going on in there.
  22. There is nothing wrong with Eukanuba it is a very good food. But.......................... I know a lot of dogs that have a palatability issue with it. It does not appeal to all dogs. You could try RC or Eaglepack. Advance is another that is popular. Some dogs just don't like a particular type of food. What does your breeder suggest?
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