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Everything posted by nabs

  1. Enjoy your showing Fran! You have hooked up with some great Doolers :-)
  2. Pay TV is a lifesaver! I have now graduated back to my bed. Pups are two weeks old. Mama likes to sleep with me. She wakes me so I help her in the box with the babies and there she lays for a few hours feeding and cleaning. Then comes back to bed until morning. Getting more sleep (me) now I can hear the pups in the box from my bedroom as they are just off our room. Lap top has been a god send as well Perri has been a great first time mum. She is pretty laid back with the babies. Not overly fussy and cares less about the passing parade of other Danes and Shelties that come to take a peek at the kids. My two skin kids have been wonderful this time around as well. They are old enough to help out and my eldest helped with the whelping of the babies. She really enjoyed it. It is 4. 30 here in QLD so you can see I am on puppy watch LOL. Changed all the bedding for the pups and they have had a good feed. Time for me to crawl back to bed!
  3. Normally go by the date of the first born. Congratulations!
  4. Our babies are now almost 2 weeks old eyes are starting to open and they are also trying to get up on their legs. They have grown heaps. Here is a recent photo of them at the "Milk Bar"
  5. Thanks Hesapandbear, I have met and spoken to Tiakina and I have my name down with her also. I am not sure that she will be breeding again early this year as she had 2 litters late last year, and she helped me get Merlin also Merlin is from a pair of dogs bred by Tiakina and he is just gorgeous Our Brady is from Tiakina in WA. Brady is a wonderful boy. My daughter just adores him
  6. RIP Jan. Photo of Jan at Brisbane Royal last year where she judged the State Finals. Sad loss for the youngsters of the dog world as well as us adults.
  7. Ha ha bet you won't use half the stuff on the list! I use hand towels to dry pups off. Nappies would be good as well.
  8. Perri's puppy cam will be on for a while this morning http://www.ustream.tv/channel/great-dane-puppies Enjoy!
  9. First time mums I do it for them. They catch on quick. Last litter a week ago Perri had the first pup. Looked at it bewildered when it came out. Second pup I had not a chance to get near. She did the rest herself.
  10. I have one week old Daney babies up. Wish I could get it a little less grainy. Link
  11. Breeding is not some hobby for the light hearted! A hell of a lot of blood sweat and tears goes into being a successful breeder. It is not just a matter of putting two dogs together and having a litter. Many years of research, failure, loss, travel, money, heartbreak and the odd high is needed. It is not like stamp collecting. Start showing first and see if you have what it takes to continue on and become a breeder. Breeding is the hard part. I don't know why people all want to become breeders. It is much easier to show other breeders dogs. Showing is the fun part. I have a one week old litter at the moment. Have not had a proper sleep since they were born over a week ago. Breeding is something you need to have in your blood. You need drive and dedication. You also need a very good understanding of your chosen breed and it can take years to acquire this. Breeding is not a money making venture. Prepare to have very DEEP pockets!
  12. Our babies are just over a week old. Have grown heaps and doing all the right things.
  13. Simethicone is an anti-foaming agent that decreases the surface tension of gas bubbles, causing them to combine into larger bubbles in the stomach that can be passed more easily by burping. Simethicone does not reduce or prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract, rather, it increases the rate at which it exits the body.[1] However, simethicone can relieve pain caused by gas in the intestines by decreasing foaming which then allows for passing of flatus. Simethicone is not absorbed by the body into the bloodstream, and is therefore considered relatively safe, with sources reporting the worst side effects as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas and heartburn. While sold as a treatment for colic, randomised controlled trials have not borne this claim out.[2][3] Simethicone solutions of differing concentration also have industrial applications for reducing foaming in certain chemical processes. Link
  14. Our original one is a few years old now. Never leaked! We have had some pretty heavy storms over the years and it has kept us dry.
  15. It is very safe Erny, they give it to babies for colic.
  16. De Gas is simethicone based, Very different from an antacid.
  17. She would not be doing it on purpose! Read the old thread.
  18. She has made us some beautiful leads for the Danes and Sheltie.
  19. I am surprised your breeder has not given you a detailed diet sheet and puppy information pack when you purchased. I would be contacting them and asking them for the same.
  20. Have a soft spot myself for the Blue Merles as we have a BM Sheltie.
  21. I find my 8 week old puppies don't like their Euk soaked and have big enough teeth to cope with chewing the food. I dislike soaked food, not only does it cause plaque on the teeth but I was told by a US dog nutritionist that hot water actually kills off any of the goodness in the food.
  22. Re the Dogs QLD website. I was told a new improved site will be up soon.
  23. Awww delightful bubs CBC! My little monkeys have grown so much in a few short days!
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