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Everything posted by nabs

  1. Why not cook your own chicken stock? I do this all the time. Stock powder is very high in sodium.
  2. I had a guy who was obviously very drunk asking me if I had a bitch available on the main reg for sale! Cheap price of course! I hung up!
  3. Hogz will send you my mob number in case it changes again
  4. Perri's babies will be seven weeks tomorrow. They will be assessed with our co breeder next week to see if they agree with my picks. Had a day of families who came to visit their new babies although most are not sure which one they are getting yet :rolleyes: I am going through 24 cups of food per day!
  5. This is a good addition. I know of someone in Australia who has been suspended but still attends shows with her dogs and hangs around getting someone to show them. In my opinion she shouldn't even be AT a showground. If it is in QLD they should not be at the grounds or their dogs shown.
  6. Dogs are very resilient to spider bites. Rather spiders then snakes! When we lived many moons ago in the Blue Mountains the place was crawling with them!
  7. I have some very bad photos from the 80's at shows. The perm the clothes and THE TIGHTS LOL!
  8. She should have been ordered to spay the bitch. The moment could have come out of the fine instead of half going to the RSPCA (there still would have been plenty of change left for them) There seems to be little value on life. Morals seem to have flown out the back door these days..........sigh. Sad fact in our disposable society.
  9. Supercoat gave all my dogs the runs! Ditch the milk. Don't over feed the pup. Good luck
  10. Gorgeous CBC! How the time has flown!
  11. Great news! Hope she continues to thrive now!
  12. My babies are now 5 weeks old This is one of the girls that I like.
  13. I would be very concerned. Pups eat and sleep. If they don't suckle which is their very first instinct then something is wrong. Crying is an indication all is not well. The longer you leave it the less chance you have of the pup surviving. They go down hill very fast at this age. Vet ASAP. Also get the pup on some heat ASAP. Pups cannot regulate their temperature for the first couple of weeks of life. To me pups sounds chilled and possibly an infection. Swift action is needed or the pup will die. Good luck!
  14. When Toledo shipped our new trailer up from SA to QLD it cost us around $800 that was about three years ago.
  15. At least you are feeding a large breed specific food. Even though I would not be recommending the Hills one. Our dogs are all raised on Euk Large Breed Puppy, chicken as the basis of our diet for a growing Dane pup. I also give chicken necks, fruits, vegetables but the Euk is the basis of the diet.
  16. Good luck with it. Sorry Didles read it the wrong way. All the best beladoza!
  17. Firstly Diddles I just want to say I do hope your baby pulls through OK. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sway there was one of these Danes entered here at a show last year but I don't think they turned up. I don't know the owners. New exhitors I think. Yes they can Frenchies were sold for a min of $2000-$3000 each Bulldogs the same They advertise on petlink alot. So if you add up the Frenchies and Bulldogs that 26 puppies x $2000 = $52,000 This is the type of thing that gives ethical registered breeders a BAD name. Sadly anyone can set them up as a reg breeder. Does not mean they are a good breeder. Word of mouth is normally a good way to go in finding a good breeder. This sort of thing makes me so angry when they are only in it for the money.
  18. Norton 10 years old. Lost him last November. How we miss him
  19. Puppy gods smiled on me this time. Three boys three girls!
  20. Congrats everyone on the new arrivals! All looks gorgeous. Our babies are up up and away. Eyes open and can hear quite well. So cute at this stage. They are also trying to play with each other then fall over LOL
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