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Everything posted by leopuppy04

  1. Wow - i'm loving the replies already. I always love to hear what others have to say about particular tools & methods. I'll cover 'me' first. I looove my clicker. Like PF - I would spend probably 1 session just on charging, then maybe the next 2 sessions doing about 5 charges before asking for something. Doesn't take the dogs long to figure out that click means food. Whenever I click - food HAS to come. Even if it is accidental. As for a click ending a behaviour - I am not sure about this one and not sure if i'm doing it right. If I click and the dog then moves out of position that is fine.... but that tends to happen because I have thrown food or something. With a 'stay' for example - I can click the distance and return to give them the food - they won't have moved till they hear my release. Like I said - I don't know if i'm doing *that* part right, but it seems to work for us I like the precision of the clicker. It has helped me shape things like - getting the quoits on the pole, covering your eyes etc and other really precise things that I wasn't able to get with the "yes". I find *personally* that my timing with the clicker, is better than my timing with my voice. Having said that - I don't always use the clicker. I don't like the way that it can 'unintentionally' become a 'cue' for the dog - ie: like food in hand = reward, if you only train with a clicker, I fear that the dog will see 'clicker in hand' and I only work then. So I mix up my training with the clicker, voice, food etc,etc,etc. I like to use a whole variety of training tools . I guess the main place that I use the clicker would be 'trick training', 'precision training' and 'beginning training'.... Another downside of the clicker (as well as an upside) is the darn precision of it! Kinta is one very clicker savvy girlie - Leo is too, but K will only be shown something once and likely she'll offer it again. A couple of wrong clicks and oops! What have we trained?!?!?! I think you have to be very careful with your timing using clickers. I don't think the clicker is the be all and end all, but I certainly enjoy using one, which at the end of the day I think is the main thing, rather than the method - if YOU enjoy doing it, the dog certainly is ;) Now - to answer some points already raised: Agreed. I don't recommend the clicker to the average pet dog trainer, but will to someone who I think capable of using one and already has the basics etc... or someone who wants to go far in their training. Usually when I train with the clicker I have the food on the bench/in my pocket, clicker in hand and no lead.... so all i'm holding is the clicker - hence why it doesn't *really* affect me, but can understand how it affects others. Timing is a big thing though (as mentioned before) so, I will only recommend one to someone who has their timing down pat (a simple "yes" seems to be more forgiving). Again - I agree - but to a degree. The free shaping exercise is not isolated only to clickers as you *could* do it with a 'yes'.... it's just that most that do these use a clicker to train it. But - my dogs will not offer 'randomly'.... I didn't want this, so although some see it as unnecessary, they have a 'working' command solely for free shaping - sort of a cue to say 'ok time to figure out what I want'. I also sit on the ground with them - so my posture is completely changed. AS yet I haven't had too many episodes where they 'offer' like mad - but I will tell them 'enough' if they start and I don't want it. So those cues are really helpful in that aspect. ;) - Hi Cosmo! Long time no see! Totally agree. My voice is big with me too. ALL the time while i'm clicker training i'll be using my voice too. Yep - I sure do have a VM Cosmo.... I guess the reason I have both is I like the precision of the clicker and use it mainly for teaching and tricks. Once we get to proofing, I won't use the clicker as often. On the whole - I like the enthusiasm I get from the clicker. Yes, it probably isn't solely just the clicker but I think the anticipation of the "ooh CLICK! What did I do!?!?! How can I get that treat again?!" enthusiasm is so rewarding for me and the dogs, I just love the method . I find I get more of that using the clicker than a simple "yes" or toy/ food play . I find the clicker excellent for focus work too - once that clicker comes out -they don't care about anything else but earning that click :D ETA: just incase this post wasn't long enough I also love the clicker as I find the speed of them learning something is just sooo much faster. In under a week I have really solid foundations for scent work (ie: picking up each article), seekbacks (hide and seek games) and the d/b (almost full retrieve).... this was only through minimal repetitions. Again - I know this can be achieved without the clicker, but as the dogs really do get eager about it, I find it really helpful
  2. Ok - question time from me again. I thought it would be nice to bring up this topic as I know that some months ago there was a huge influx of people who were keen on trying clicker training. Soo..... What is your method of using the clicker? (ie: every click = reward, click = end of behaviour etc,etc) What do you think of it? Love it or hate it? Pros/ Cons? I'm basically interested to hear what you think of the clicker if you are an old 'pro' at it, taken it up in the past few months or tried it and not liked it!
  3. Another thing to try Husky - have about 5 pieces of food in your hand. Get her focussed on the food - feed her one and if she is still standing, immediately give her another, and another, and another. Then release her and have a game. Kinta used to sit also - but this is a really basic way of getting them to hold the stand. After all - why would you sit (almost wrote Sh!t... oops! ) when there is food on offer!!!
  4. From what I've heard - they won't get much credibility from me either. Has anyone ever heard of "control unleashed" It has come highly recommended to me and would love to hear more
  5. Highly recommend both K9 Company and Croydon. Depends what you want to achieve - K9 is a nice small indoor club to just do some basic work and later work up to tricks and such. Croydon is outdoors on a Sunday, much bigger and offers more in the way of obedience, agility and flyball (more advanced). I train at Croydon and love it. I did some work at K9 and loved it PM me if you want some details - i'm happy to assist PC - I just found out that Flyball had started again on the Saturdays..... can anyone come along (I have been invited before, but have never been able to make it!)..... is it running all through summer again???
  6. Congratulations to everyone! SSS - Ziggy sounds like such a fool!!!! Hehe - you gotta love them naughty! Wow - so many ppl went to Croydon!!! TO - nope I didn't get any passes - but we got 3rd place NQ for Novice Agility... dratted dog clipped the first bar.... here is a video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtOUAPN_TSc His weavers need work and I pulled him off the broad as so many dogs were cutting it!!! Either way - i'm happy with his run. Excellent Jumping is not fit to be seen by anyone :rofl: Feralpup - I didn't know you were at Croydon! Congrats on your successes! T(ad)pole - good to see Abbie stayed 'on course' in the arvo . Well done for your first VCA trial (haha - TO I *did* go up and say hi... knew I recognised the dog somewhere :rofl: ) Pax - well done to you! And also to Laffi - great to hear your little girl is paying more attention!! Arya - special congrats to you!! Even for just 'staying put' and plugging away! I am sure you will reap the rewards soon!!! Husky - WTG Micha! such a clever boy! Daisy will be a good girl in her own time i'm sure ;) SW - hehe - Blush ran well.... up until she got to the tunnels!!! I mean - who knows what may hide in there! I'm still jealous of all that coat btw Congrats to all else! What a happy little thread AS for me - did more training last night - have hit a wall with K and her d/b - but have been offered some suggestions so will try that... Did some scent work with Leo (getting ahead of myself here!), don't really know how to teach it, but wanted him to be happy to pick up each article first.... does ripping it out of your hands and trotting around the room with it in your mouth count?!?!? ..... he just LOVES the seekback too!!!
  7. LOL Thanks BCE. Prodigyboxr - I just loved your vid. Are you competing at the moment?! Have you started with your Pug? I know I saw a vid of her ages ago and she was great! I would love to know how you have been going with her trialling :rolleyes:
  8. That sounds great Ptolomy! What type of play - if you don't mind my asking? Is it just 'razzing' up play and being silly or doing a trick or something that the dog sounds rewarding?? Sounds like you had quite a good weekend also
  9. Do you ever have a moment where your dog has done something that makes you just proud as punch over it?!?! Doesn't have to be anything special - but brag about it here!!!! For me..... I've been training on/off for open obedience since June.... I am never motivated in the middle of winter . Saturday I had an agility trial where the dog ran well, but the handler abominably! Well for excellent jumping anyway. Sunday we had our obedience training. I've been having a few sticky spots with Leo's training and we haven't been for a while, so this was going to be interesting. Heeling - instructor said he heeled great - never took his eyes off me (we like to gawk at crowds - who knows they might have some food to share ) and never lost position!!!!!! Retrieve - we have been having a lot of problems with this in the sense that he will trot out (or maybe walk) then turn around and look at me - as if 'waiting' for another command. So we have been working heaps on this. Result was on Sunday he RAN out to get the d/b, didn't even pause, picked it up and bolted back :thumbsup:. Same for over the jump too (with a difficult throw).... So now all we need to work on is COP, Broad and stays (our worst)! I was so proud of him though I also took Kinta in for the first time (13mths) as she has now finished all the classes so we did a very short session. Her heeling was great, considering her age and she gave me a nice straight recall too. Handler was told off for walking too fast and not making turns/halts clear enough for her causing her to get confused. On the whole - I was pleased with her too! I thought it would be nice to have a mindless brag page - a place where you can brag about the silly things that you usually wouldn't on here - we all need to say how proud we are of our dogs!!!! It can be anything at all - from coming back to you on a walk to doing something absolutely superb!
  10. Can't let this thread die!!!! So who competed at the Adelaide Royal?!?!!? How did you go?!?!?! I'd like to congratulate Ness on their performance in the ring! From what I can see - both handler and dog handled the crowd situation well and performed beautifully - even with the audience clapping at the wrong time LOL! I'd hate to see what they are like for UD scent work LOL! Congrats Ness - I think you both worked wonderfully considering how nervous you were - if it were me - you wouldn't have been able to get me off the floor Keep us updated everyone who is competing at the Royals
  11. I highly recommend Dixons Creek boarding kennels - they are really good with their dogs and only a small kennel. Have you tried calling their breeder? PM me - i'll see if I can help out a bit
  12. YES! Kennel cough is highly contagious. It doesn't matter whether your dog has been vaccinated or not! KC lays dormant for up to 10 days. Recently around Vic - KC seems to have spread all around the shows/trials and obedience club. Our obedience group went for a social run with 14 dogs after classes about a month ago. One dog had been exposed to KC. Out of the 14 - 6 came down with KC within the next 2 weeks (some caught it from their mates at home, but all were at the run). I believe it is most likely to affect the 'older' dogs who have not been exposed to it yet. BUT -if your dog have KC, please keep it at home - vaccinated or not, they can still get it. My 2 were 2 of the 6 that got the KC - it involved 3 weeks at home and 2 missed shows that I *really* wanted to go to (haven't shown for a few months)..... Hope that answers the question :rolleyes:
  13. I would assume that it would be if your dog is particularly 'hot' or just had excessive exercise it would be an issue??? I haven't had a problem yet, and feed frozen stuff a lot..... I would have thought that since they are digesting/eating it slower, it wouldn't cause any problems..... I've never heard of it before though!
  14. Hmm... distraction training for who Arya - the handler or the dog ;) :rolleyes: :( ;) I should try that one day though - the ball/ crowds and noise would be great practice for heeling and such (and stays too!)
  15. LOL - it looks impressive doesn't it!!!! In all honesty - I wouldn't say it's *harder*..... it's a different 'style' For me, the hardest would be keeping in time to music, thinking of moves..... oh and getting the dog to do distance. If you break it down.... they are a series of tricks that have been excellently proofed Looks like fun though
  16. Yeah! I would have entered, but the Aussies are showing the next day so have to get my pooch ready ..... It should be interesting - she is as naked as a cut-snake at the moment!!! Why do they choose the worst times to drop coat :rolleyes: :rofl:
  17. OI! Ness - I thought you were out training!?!?!?!?! :laugh: :rofl:
  18. Bummer! That would have been good practice! When does your Royal gear up Ptolomy?! You sound as excited as you (probably) are nervous?! Don't the crowds make you nervous?!?!?!
  19. I can just see Leo (if we did the Royal) going out of the ring, stealing some poor kids hot dog then coming straight back into heel position Funny how we always forget to breathe when in the ring.... I think one of the tapes a friend took of me - you could noticeably see my legs shake How do the dogs put up with it?! - what you mean you get no extra points for getting the d/b OUT of the ring Are you getting it taped Ness? Ah well - doesn't matter how you go - you know you are taking the best BC (sorry, can't say best dog, as I have 2 of those ) home and i'm sure you'll be able to see plenty of positives out of your hard work .... unlike this lazy butt
  20. I'm sniffing out a 1st place, 200 and great work by Ness Good luck - you know you have more guts than me......
  21. open food containers - that's game!!! I'm waaay too nervous to enter the Royals - plus we aren't ready yet ...... but I'm sure my dog and myself will fall do pieces coz he is such a sucker for people attention Hmm.... if I were though - i'd do a few exercises at the local schools near me about the time when the kids were getting picked up - starting with 'focus' and slowly building up to an exercise or two..... Usually end up with people going "ooh look at the clever dog", or "look at the pretty dog" which is good distraction for him Can't think what else I would do... Practice holding my breath for 10mins?!?! ETA - evidently Royals affect my spelling too
  22. I'm so happy to hear you are getting 'somewhere' Jules!!! go Brock!!! :laugh: Don't they just LOVE that game though!!! I even 'test' them with a couple of distance 'sits' too - although Miss K likes to 'come in' a little . TO -I never looked in this topic before. I've been having troubles with d/b too - reason being I didn't know how to teach Leo so I ended up skipping a heap of steps..... AND the fact that if they d/b doesn't move - why chase it .... it seemed to be going great guns until last night..... I threw him a ball for a reward and do you think we could get another *good* d/b retrieve?! Nup - silly thing was just too fixated on the ball! Luckily when we went back to it, he retrieved nicely Have you tried breaking it down further? Getting him to sit infront of you - and then giving him the d/b to hold..... then slowly building up from there???? ETA - hmm - I just read back..... What ptolomy said
  23. I just told my dogs about the 'feng shui' (sp?)..... They started moving their crates around as well as bowls toys etc..... apparently it gave the room a more 'equalised' feel AT least it got them out of the closet I guess.... but I really don't want a crate on top of the coffee table.......
  24. This is a very fair point. A farmer would NOT want his dog going up to everybody on the job to say hi. Likewise - a 'flock guarder' should not view all that nice to intruders into their paddock. Those that did would not have been kept on the job long. On the flip side - someone with a gundog could not have worked if the dog was gun-shy, but probably wanted a breed that works well for it's master and got on well with others (hunting in groups) as well as other dogs..... A Pug wouldn't be much use 'attracting fleas' if it loathed sitting on it's mistress' lap.... Each dog was bred for a purpose, and although these purposes have changed.... many, many years of breeding are behind them.....
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