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Everything posted by leopuppy04

  1. Polly at 4 weeks (how cute is SHE!?) Piglet at 4 weeks (we never look directly at the camera ) cheeky panda at 4 weeks ("naw Ma do we REALLY have to have photos taken?!) ollie at 4 weeks: Misty at 4 weeks: Lacey at 4 weeks: As I said - I tried some stacked shots, but mostly they turned out like this: or like this (what she said drop right?!) we'll work on it
  2. Well my babies are 4 weeks old today Getting cuter by the minute. I was adventurous and tried some 4 week stacked shots, but am not hopeful on the way *they* turned out! How anybody gets 4 week old babies to stand still, I have NO idea!!!
  3. Does that mean she'll be an obedience and agility star of WA?!?!!?
  4. Agreed - she's just loosing her puppy fuzz to me.
  5. Is she EVER! She gives me a look of disdain now when I pop her back into the puppy pen. "Oh but mum, WHY must I look after them?! They BITE!" She is still great though and when she is *there* she keeps everything spotless, but now, if there is something more exciting to do - forget it! Took her for a quick run at agility last night (don't worry, she was disinfected post agility!) and she had SO much fun. Can't say she was terribly accurate, but 3 mths off from weaving and oh yeah, I know how to do my entries again I got bitten a few times though . Poor love - I have told her that it's all looking up from here. mum is home tomorrow so will be able to spend time with the puppies outside etc. What I would do without Mum helping me, I have NO idea!
  6. So which one are you thinking about keeping? This one sounds like a keeper! Is the pup going to be your dads? Though I say you keep Misty so I can see her grow! sheesh the demands of DOL! RS - problem is EVERY puppy plays the 'the further you put me away I'll charge into you and jump all over you' game . They are just so cute! I had 6 puppies nibbling my toes this morning as I got their breakfast ready Nobody has a definite home yet . I won't make decisions until 6wks of age or even later as then we will know which ones are show quality and have a better feel for their temperaments and such. Don't worry - I'm as antsy as all of you to see which one would stay here LOL - You really like Misty eh?!
  7. No letting up eh?! I was too busy getting attacked by a pack of wild dogs to take pics . Can you take my word for it that they were VERY cute?! Just had another play session - what fun!
  8. Thanks everyone To be honest I *don't* know what I want, I just want one that's not too thick, soft and comfortable in your hands. I don't like thick leads, so want something nice and thin (but not show lead thin)
  9. Thanks everyone! We just had the biggest play session which was hilarous as some of the toys (naturally their favourites) are almost as big as them, so trying to carry them around is a bit of an issue they all seem very playful with their toys which is just so cute to watch! I'm in . I get all Squee when they see me and come charging up to me. I kept putting Ollie back in the pen and the further I put him from me, the faster her would run toward me and climb into my lap :rofl:
  10. apparently someone on DOL makes them too (not K9 force, someone else) - any ideas?
  11. Anyone know of where I can get some good quality leather leads that don't cost the earth?! I think I like soft leather, rolled or braided..... I'm not sure, but I know them when I see them Helpful aren't I?! LOL
  12. Haha - but the year has just started :p We've only entered 1 trial this year.... so does that count?! We can't really tick anything off the list, but we're on our way I guess. In our one trial this year (Was it really that long ago?!) We got our 2nd ADX pass and a Snooker pass with Master Leo, so can't complain with that. Kinta hasn't seen the inside of the performance rings yet, but hey, who can blame her. Babies are looking good and arrived safely and homes so far are looking good :cry: As for conformation, well unexpectedly, while pregnant, Kinta knocked off over 40 points towards her title and a shortlist for best in group, so you can't complain about that. It's only a teeny step until she can be CH Kinta, so once she grows some fur back, that will be our main aim. Not long now till we're back in the rings As for UD - slow and steady wins the race... coming along nicely, so hopefully entering the ring is not too far away :eek
  13. I can share Monty the evil cat. That's about it. Monty doesn't need to be shared He was a donated, non-refundable (or exchangable) gift
  14. No I asked and Laffi won't share Homes are still being decided but most of them will have somewhere to call home shortly I am sure
  15. LOL - join the line guys Panda I think will have almost as many admirers as Leo methinks What's the bet she'll have the prettiest head too
  16. Thanks GB Haha - Kinta is getting tired of the whole affair and has been great with puppy buyers coming in and out all the time As for Lacey - haha Piglet is looking more and more like mum we think . Ooops - named the wrong dog!
  17. Yeah dad got over that as soon as he saw the puppies Hehe - poor dad - he'll have me looking over his shoulder saying "NO not like that, you're doing it ALL wrong"
  18. Misty looking pretty :rolleyes: Lacey: Leo inspecting: Gotcha!: Hey - don't go! Fine I'll chew on Panda instead :rolleyes: dinner! Lacey again! Ollie Misty:
  19. You mean I'm meant to RUN through here?! Stalking my prey :rolleyes: Having a snack: Ollie: Ollie having a say: I think there's something up my butt :rolleyes: Misty:
  20. Having a cat.... I mean DOG nap :rolleyes: Looking cute :rolleyes: and again :rolleyes: Love this shot of mum and daughter so you like ride on this thing? Piglet: seriously - I am like SO much cuter than you! Piglet trying skateboarding: Piglet starting herding early (it's a sheepie) :rolleyes:
  21. :rolleyes: well dad wants to do agility - so I best start the babies off on the right foot right?! Haha - Kinta starts whining at me and looking at me funny when I play the video back :rolleyes: Ok so here are some shots (well a LOT!) from today! Gold D - if THIS isn't overload, I don't know what is!!! :rolleyes: Inspecting the new 'digs' everyone with me now "we are siamese if you please...." :rolleyes: You said people do WHAT with this? I thought this photo was adorable! cowabunga dude! Soooo.... the story goes like this.... Piked out Polly soaking up the rays:
  22. No - never start them too young NC!!! Tunnels and all :rolleyes: Next week - contacts and 2 x 2 weaves :rolleyes:
  23. Next the video: ETA: :rolleyes: another 44 photos to come :rolleyes:
  24. first up - some photos fromt he last few nights: Sisterly hugs: attack of the Panda bear :rolleyes: Evil puppies: panda: Ollie resting: Misty resting: Sisters apparently make good head rests: Lacey: If I can't see what I'm doing, then i'm NOT doing it!
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