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Everything posted by leopuppy04

  1. Thanks everyone! They can't learn enough about life experiences to start off with I think I just hope they make their new owners proud... coz I'm gonna miss the furries when they go (though not the cleaning up!)
  2. yeah yeah yeah No I haven't yet, you're going to have to wait till the weekend/ Friday night
  3. 5 weeks old yesterday and starting to develop their own characters now! Cheeky too! We started clicker training last night - trying to teach them the idea that click = food... seemed to be going well although I think I'm training vicious killer dogs because in their mind click = BITE HARD TO GET FOOD!!! They have officially moved outside now - out in the puppy wonderland during the day, then up on the deck during the night. Each pup comes inside one by one for some cuddles and play time... a great way to find out abou their temperaments. Puppies were introduced to some 'scary sounds' last night - sounded like a war zone in our place I played the CD while they ate dinner.... Kinta was more curious than the puppies So, because of all the fun we were having, I haven't taken their weekly mug shots yet . Be patient, I'll be sure to get some soon
  4. Yes, the but question is - would *they* want her
  5. Miss Monaro - she pulls the cutest faces ALL the time
  6. bcgsd - wonder who that was...... SnT - thanks . Can never have too much enviro stimulation! love how confident they are climbing over, under and onto stuff - wobble boards, beds, you name it . Hopefully I'll finally have a pup that has rear end awareness . Poocow - no idea which one we are keeping yet.... all of them?!
  7. We train them young to like feet, socks and shoes: Panda playing tug and skateboarding at the same time Misty just being cute! likewise for Lacey: Panda and toy again I'm done
  8. More this is a great way of getting really speedy tunnel entries and exits: step 1: Step 2 &3: repeat as necessary Panda wondering if this is a 2o2o behaviour: Lacey killing the toy: Panda joining in: Lacey being silly: piglet just being cute! apparently lacey knows her name
  9. From last night and today Polly playing 'killer bunny' later Ollie joined in: apparently puppyhood is tough... Misty sleeping: Polly and again: and again
  10. LOL - I was just thinking that today!!!! No mothers day special gifts for her - just lots of visitors to see the puppies kinta still likes to remind them that they are HER babies and you need to be careful, but she's been great!! Photos coming up soon when I find my USB
  11. how and what have you been trying with the d/b blitza?
  12. LOL - hence the name Pockets . Kinta was called "lacey" before I got her Love_ASD - yup they can all hear just fine :D
  13. Haha Heidii!!! Would be interesting to see who goes to the highest bidder :rolleyes: Aussies are the best - good choice No piccies today - sorry!
  14. Baby brain isn't an excuse! I started on Scent work again when Ella had 4 week old bubbas with no issues!!! I found that the longer grass worked more so than the cans for Ella, she just ignored the cans and was still grabbing any old article but once they were dropped into longer grass where it was a little harder to see them she really started using her nose. I also used really really smelly treats to start with (cheese, salami, sausage etc) and I started with Metals as well. She now will pretty much do a full set pretty consistently. I am slowly starting to phase out the treats being rubbed onto the article but am taking my time doing it. LOL yup - we have 4 week bubba's now and since they were 3 days, if training was on the cards, babies were unimportant Will try the long grass too - but finding it might prove difficult
  15. ROFL Ness - Kinta started off well - and then she just decided it was a simple retrieve exercise, and I decided that her nose was detached from her brain Will try the 4 cans . Kinta has just shown me what a good boy leo is - I think that's her main task. Or maybe it's baby brain
  16. LOL - yup we've been doing that and also doing a bit of seekback stuff..... she seems to be going really well with it, but I think the trainer is a little sucky and I guess she doesn't get the scent detection yet
  17. As in to find lots of things that 'smell like me' in long grass? We've done a bit of it yeah - but only started recently, so she wasn't exactly a baby
  18. Had to re-visit this thread as I started scent work with Kinta last night and it seems she has read Seita's post and is doing EXACTLY the same thing that Ella is doing . Are the 4 cans just put out anywhere or are they strategically placed out? Will try the long grass too (although hard to find long grass at the moment Have a feeling this is what she'll do to me too - she won't even sniff and will just pick it up straight away. We have played lots of 'hide and seek' with the seekback and she does that really well, but as soon as you use your scent discrim articles (wood) and have a 2nd one out, tis pot luck whether she gets it or not
  19. Can't make up your mind eh?!!?
  20. Yes, you must have pigmentation at the very least around the eyes, but you also can't have the majority of the face/ head white. Therefore Misty is probably your 'maximum' white allowed in terms of face and body. White must not go past the shoulder/ withers, nor can you have white body splashes on the coat etc,etc.
  21. Thanks It's not so much the symmetry (you can have split faces etc where they are black on one half of their face and white on the other) but more in terms of limitations in the amount of colour etc. We have pretty strict requirements in terms of the white colouring because coupled with the merle gene this can cause a lot of 'excess' white on dogs which can cause health problems (eg: deafness). So "Panda" is a mismark due to the excess white on her face . Does that make sense?! I'm glad everyone is enjoying the pics. I am VERY pleased with my "Prime" litter . As yet, I have not got a stand out puppy in terms of temperament or structure. I think it's a very even litter and am thrilled with their temperaments. Of course, this all depends on what the Boss thinks, and I am extremely biased
  22. That's what they all say thelinks LOL Miss Monaro - Piglet is super dooper cheeky - you can have her . I'm always running after her and grabbing her out of areas she SHOULDN"T be going AS for Misty - B9 - who can refuse that face . So no fighting girlies :rolleyes:
  23. hey thelinks you are really and truly sucked in now aren't you Laffi - they will be monsters by the time you come! The pups are around 2kgs now so 1kg heavier than last week.... must be resting on a good paddock :rolleyes: I think it's more coz it's close ups now
  24. LOL Bonnie - I think you'd take any of them home! nope, not that clever B9 - that one was a bought toy - from wagsalot on DOL
  25. shoe shots fromt he other day: Nobody said these things MOVE: Ok.... so it's round and fluffy: It's ok.... I've got it! It's ALL good (we promptly fell OVER the ball shortly after this shot )
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