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Thanks guys. I think start peg is the way that I probably want to go. my next question is - if you use a start peg, do your dogs ALWAYS return to the peg first, OR do they sometimes pick up on the scent on the way back to the peg? I love the idea of the PVC Ness (or the pot plant!) I look like a real weirdo walking down to the park with my little garden stake The other day I was wheelin my jumps and box to the park down the street on a collapsible trolley thing. I sure got some heads turnin probably thinking what on earth is the crazy lady in the gumboots doing?!?!?
So at the moment what I'm using for a start peg is an equivalent of a bamboo stake painted white. Do you think this is effective seeing that we mostly have pigs tails for a start peg, or is a cone better???
yup this is my issue with Leo too!!! So while K is a different dog, I don't want to go through all the issues I had with him and thinking 'he's got it, oh wait no he doesn't!" I think L understands the point of the exercise but it really was his confidence levels (too mainy failed attempts) and the lack of the 'tracking' that caused so much heartache. for me, I'm a fan of Sieta's theory as I've heard from many that this is quite effective. I guess I want a bit more clarification and understandin before we begin. Until then, it's 'hide and seek' at home!
Sieta - this is one that appeals to me after talking to a few people also. I have a few questions: 1) what do you use as a start peg? 2) did you find the dog took a long time to connect the 'go back to start' peg with 'start to use your nose' 3) Did you find the dog quickly picked up on the visual/ meaning of the start peg?
Pretty much like you did although the first few time I let him see where I put it. Did you start with heeling stright off sm? TSD interesting.... So you basically started as you would for the articles exercise??? How did you find he coped once you started adding turns etc???
Hi all Well I made a royal mess of teaching Leo how to do a seeckback. Seeing as it took him so long and also not wanting to stuff kinta up, I'm looking for some input on how you taught your dog to do a formal seekback. We do heaps of hide and seek games around the house and now I want to begin making It more formal. I'd love any ideas And suggestions :D feel free to make it As idiot proof as possible!! thanks!!
I've had no reply either about how to register the dog as a neuter either
People wishing to be involved with getting Neuter Class Rolling. Bilbo Baggins Bilbo Baggins Junior Aziah Capanash GoldenWei leopuppy
Wow - well done Smisch!!!!!
Yup - I was going to say the same SP. If they are worried about getting enough for one class, they won't offer more than just 'open' at the moment.
Maybe we can split up the work that can be done and then send out a combined effort to all states? I think we need one person from each state to call a few clubs that haven't gazetted yet to see if they are able/ willing to offer the neuter shows. I think we need a few people to find out the full rules of the neuter show, as well as anyone else who would like to contribute to a letter/ article. I am happy to colaborate all ideas and write up a draft article (in a fun way) such as info about Neuter shows and 10 FAQ about Neuter shows, or perhaps 10 reasons why you should support the Neuter shows etc... that way more people will be aware it's on/ clubs will be encouraged to hold it?!?!!
that's my thoughts too SP . How can we get an article submitted? Can a member simply write to dogsvic and get it published?! Maybe it's something to look into (haha - I'm happy to do something like that and take some ideas from people on here and collaborate it all)???
Great idea rysup. going to go through my list of shows soon for some being held later in the year/ early next year and sponsor a neuter fringie . I think it will be a while before we see a real change... but if we start now, that could be by next year. The hardest thing is that for now, these schedules probably had to be in before the neuter shows were known to be available. Yup - I even let one of my puppy buyers know taht I'm happy to change their details over. Am happy to do it for a few more too. I am sure Benson's breeder would be more than happy too as well . simple phone call can fix it all Out of confusion though - does it actually work as a normal show? So you get points for BCC/DCC and BOB, then points for NIG and points for NIS or is it just points at BOB level? Ta
great idea SSM I think ifwe let them know that we are interested, then they would be encouraged to provide the class ;)
Good luck BB - don't forget to put in a thank you note when you send off your entries Good luck wil!!! You could have had a race out with Leo if they made it to 'in show' Now that's wishful thinking ;)
*bump* Nobody!?!?!
More a case of so badly supported when they where offered.All fine & dandy to say its snobbery but where are all these people when they where offered?? In my state the only ones whom seem to enter where people with retired veterans who figured they where going to the show anyway so they entered them. I don't think it's a case of snobbery, but as SP said, why would we support the classes when there was nothing to show for it. Now that there is a title attainable, then trial secretaries and committee members need to put behind them that it was *previosuly* not supported and at least try now that there is a new title. If nobody offers the class, then how are we to enter/ support this new title... or better yet - what's the point of it I encourage everyone who IS interested in this class to let their trial secretaries know that it WOULD be supported if offered. Unless told we won't get our classes. Lets be a bit pro-active ;). Even call those secretaries holding shows for Dec onwards and ask if they are going to be holding a neuter class. Unless we show interest, then the previous comment of 'not well supported before' will hold strong. We'll assume nobody holds them, and stop looking for those classes, and then when they ARE being offered, we won't enter . Bugga - and I can't go as I have the state obedience trials
Even now with the new rules Aziah?! Lets hope it picks up eh?! I've been putting letters in with my entries, to encourage them to offer the class/es.
Hi all as most of you are aware, as of July the neuter classes will be able to gain points towards their neuter championship. Since the schedules are now out or July and august- has anyone noticed any kennel clus offering this class??? I know it will take a while with the scedules needing to be in long before the date of the event (about 6 months) but how can we encourage kennel clubs to host this class? I for one am really keen to support this class and have quite a few friends waiting also! I am sure once the ball starts rolling it will be well supported. Any ideas???
Hi All, I'm looking for some areas or beaches in Sth eastern melbourne (suburbs) or along the penninsula that are great for dogs to have a good romp. Anywhere really as it could be a day trip or just a quick, local walk. Don't mind if they have restrictions during summer or are open all year round. Would love to hear what people recommend through experience.
Lol Jules I remeber we were discussing this at training the other day!!! Sad thing for me is that I'm such a training junkie two is just not enough
Haha - I just found a solution. Take your parents 14mth old puppy that you bred back for the weekend. Enjoy the chewed up bedding and demolition she left within 10 mins of playing again with her mother :D good thing they're cute!
Ptolomy you are not a good influence!!!! I look at you and think 'ah but ptolomy trains 5 dogs in one night!!'
Hahaha that's what makes it even worse Aziah
Hi my name is LP and I suffer from the two year itch!! I seem to get a new pup every 2-3 years seeing as the older doggies are SO good and I could do with another one to train! Anyone else suffer this problem!?!? Also why do they make puppies so darned cute!? It's almost too hard to refuse!!! What's worse is that now I have nobody else. Stopping me from getting another pup!!!