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Everything posted by TollaBC

  1. nah its sunday mornings now but no idea what times.
  2. as pomquest said i havnt noticed anything different at all so wont be buying it again but rebel sure loves it.
  3. Thanks heaps for the link Jey im in the same position a bit tight on money.
  4. hey what blenders do you guys use? i bought one about a year ago but it didnt last very long now looking at getting another one.
  5. Hey Prinnie, Animal Options at ormeau (spelling?) has the missing link still as thats where i get it from
  6. ROFL i know what you mean FHRP last year rebel came 2nd in obedience nationals for CCD and man he had no obedience what so ever!! we have to do lots of training i think hey :D Congratulations on your 2nd place, how many people had entered for the 2nd day? I dont think ill do the novice level until i have some form of obedience in rebel between those pegs :cool:
  7. haha thank you so much I know what you mean about the heeling, reb is normally an awesome little obedience dog but man as soon as i got to retrieving you would swear he had never been taught. I really have no idea if we are ever gonna get him to actually sit and stay before i can send him off as how are you suppose to practise that stuff at home? When the judge picked up the gun he just went ballastic, maybe i need to get a toy rifle see if that does the trick and makes him excited. Who knows.
  8. Congratulations on your encouragment award, you should be stoked with the way your boy is coming along. I cant believe we even managed to get a place when we only went for the training side of it! Thank you for your congraulations and for letting me know i wouldnt have found out otherwise :D See you at the next training day and good luck tomorrow.
  9. yeah i reckon, keep me updated as well
  10. Im not to sure about the lead, i just bought the black dog one and i think its 12 meters?? I cant totally remember, but mine has never been measured at a trial. Im happy with both mine with the dogs, I know that Roxy had a few tried on her and they just didnt seem to sit right on her because of her coat and then when i bought the callicoma it was right from day one, and the one rebel has is fine for him also but i think with his coat it wouldnt matter what harness he used. Your welcome to give them both a go, Im not sure if anyone at the club has a black dog one?
  11. Hey Molasseslass, I have two different types the Rogz harness for my toller boy and then i have the callicoma one for my border collie, I have also seen people use the Ezy dog harness but i only use them for the car, but you are welcome to have a look at all three at the next training session.
  12. congratulations!! was this for obedience CCD? at redlands?
  13. Yeah i would be interested in knowing where the browns plains one is also Thanks.
  14. Yeap with our club any dogs under 9 months of age are not allowed to compete, though they are allowed to do a real short straight line.
  15. haha, well i dont think you can train for it? I know with my two i just took them along and they just chased it, didnt do training for it. There will be dogs that just dont want to chase the bag.
  16. Yeah i know some of the people that go, they seem really nice keep trying to get me to go but dont really think its my bcs thing.
  17. A dog can only participate in an endurance trial if it is between two and 8 years. Have started training my border collie up for it, and hopefully will be doing a trial this year and then my toller will be next year.
  18. yeah i never thought it that way 2tollers and wheres my rock but its sooo true as my bc is very gentle taking the food always has been and probably always will be but that doesnt mean she isnt food moviated because she still is, but she prefers her tuggy anyday when doing agility, the food comes in handy wth the obedience. My toller boy he just tends to gulp the food down quick as and seems to have this look what is that all? You may never get that response from a bc.
  19. Hey there Jules i cant help you but i just wanted to say i am looking forward to any responses you may get as you have just described my border collie fully! Good luck with everything.
  20. The brisbane obedience club only trains on a friday and sunday morning now, stones corner is now not being run.
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