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Poodle wrangler

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Everything posted by Poodle wrangler

  1. Update: I took Charlie to the vet the morning after the bite as it was still swollen. Started antibiotics. Vet opened it up today under anaesthetic (Charlie being desexed) as an abscess was forming underneath. This started as just 2 puncture wounds, about 48 hours ago:
  2. It looked better b4- was initially only 2 puncture holes. This was after the vet got to it. All the action was going on underneath with the abscess developing quickly from Monday lunchtime (bite) to this morning.
  3. My mini poodle has attacked chickens b4, to my horror, his recall went out the window. A friend's GSD ate their chickens despite what they thought was adequate fencing. Once he had the taste of it .... I fear the chickens may be too tasty a temptation and you'll need to confine the dog in some way . You can't blame the dog, really. Is it your dog?
  4. Charlie got desexed today and vet opened up it (developing abscess) up to let it drain as he was under anaesthetic. It was getting harder and more difficult to drain. Keep an eye on Atlas, tb, as this was WITH antibiotics from the morning after the bite occurred. Poor bloke:
  5. The white froth can be a sign of heart problems, which can cause a fluid buildup in the lungs. They will cough up white, frothy secretions. You later also mentioned both dogs were 'seniors' . "white froth" is a classic sign, but obviously no one can tell over the internet, that's one for your vet . It could affect what diet's best for your dog, too. Some heart problems can be very well managed with medications, but depends on severity. While you're there, you could ask about the stools ;) . If any food's left over/ unsuitable local rescues would be grateful for a donation (see rescue topic). Best wishes .
  6. How did you go at the vet? (My bets on something stuck in either nose or mouth). Hope all's fine, now ;) .
  7. I'm now expressing pus out of the side of his face. Noice! Glad he's on antibiotics, already ;) .
  8. My mini poodle does this. Best I've seen is a RottyXNewfie racing down a hallway with floorboards - BANG!- he skates down further and is "dead" by the end of it Very dramatic.
  9. They're both handsome . I've been going around saying that my poodle boys are tough, all-weather dogs. All the wimpy staffies at training have their knitted jumpers, dog coats etc .... .
  10. It's probably unrealistic to expect your 1 year old to heed your warnings. I've got kids, too, and despite what people say, you can't watch them 100% of the time without going bonkers. The dog will not see her as higher in the hierarchy for years yet due to her size. You can train your dog to be more tolerant, but this may have no effect in the situation as the dog's just woken up. My 3 year old was quite successful at poking fingers thru a crate. You can buy or make a cover for the crate, however. Crates are not meant to be used as a cage at all, but as a nice "den" for the dog, with his bedding in there etc. Can also be used for toilet training as dogs don't like to eliminate in their den. Please make some change as if this continues, you can expect your 1 year old to get more than a nip from the dog . Dogs are magnets to toddlers. Ours liked to wake the pup to give him teddies and blankets to sleep with . Could you could put your baby in a playpen when you're not able to directly supervise? I like the idea of the crate as you can lock it and be sure both human and furry kids are OK. I bought one specifically for the time I thought I'd have to get a babysitter. They're less than $180 for the largest size
  11. Anything stuck in her mouth e.g. stick, bone etc. ? Sneezing was the first thing my dog did when he had a bone stuck across the roof of his mouth. Out with pliers .
  12. I think any dog that bites should have only one chance of rehab with a behaviourist or trainer and lots of hard work from owner. What's the saying, "Only bad people keep bad dogs" ? I think her dog has an unreliable temperament and she is not with him often enough to rehabilitate him (fulltime work and active social life). My parents are too frail to even walk him, sister does this 4-5 times/ week. He's not obviously spoiled, and spends time with them inside and outside. He's been to the vet recently for a checkup and vaccs. and has no identified medical condition to explain his behaviour. In retrospect, he wasn't the best choice from the pound, but we liked him . He's now ~8 years old and I think they should consider PTS. He was onleash when he attacked and a fit 80kg man couldn't hold him back. As it was, he ended up dragging my dog with him, making the injury worse . Unfortunately, the dog's fighting fit. We were very lucky that the worker he bit didn't sue. I was visiting as my Mum was in hospital and both my Dad and I apologised profusely. I think he was kind and felt sorry for my Dad. Other people he's bitten- one was a friend of my sister, other my Dad, so didn't report.
  13. What specific ingredients do these foods have that help with arthritis and how much does your dog get thru the food each day? I think the amount from the special joint supplements is much higher e.g. glucosamine and chondritin? It might be better for your dog to give supplements for arthritis specifically, rather than buy the prepackaged diet? What does your breeder suggest? They should know if one of their pups has arthritis at a young age. Keeping your pup nice and lean will help his arthritis and growing bones, also. Good luck with your pup .
  14. I've said that they could be sued, but I think they're in denial about the problem .
  15. No problems with the nasal part of the C5 here. Is it possible your dog had kennel cough (symptoms not yet apparent) b4 the vaccinations? As a teen, I was vaccinated with rubella not knowing I already had it and was sick for a few days as a result. Clavulox is the brand name of amoxycillin which is an antibiotic. Antibiotics would only be effective if your dog has a bacterial infection. Kennel cough is a virus, but you can get a bacterial infection in addition to it. Amoxycillin is not one of the stronger antibiotics, but often used as one of the first choices. If your dog's doing no better on it, the vet may prescribe something stronger. A stronger one is not prescribed first, otherwise the bacteria would quickly develop resistance, making the drug useless. In humans, at least, cough medicines like Benadryl have not been shown to be effective (http://choice.com.au/viewArticle.aspx?id=100208&catId=100231&tid=100008&p=6&title=Do+cough%2c+cold+and+flu+remedies+work%3f) , but if your dog seems to get some relief, why not? Get well soon .
  16. I agree. Convincing both parents and sister is another story. It's my sister's dog that lives with my parents. Sister has no fencing. Had he bitten any of us, with his history, I'd have taken him to the vet straight away to be PTS. Excuses include: "But he's so gentle at other times", "He's territorial" and "but Charlie went up to him" (i.e. it was Charlie's fault this happened). I didn't even argue about that (though I disagree), but said, "Look, he's bitten 3 people I know of. If he bites someone, Mum will be sued because the dog is registered in her name, let alone the fact that he could bite a child in the street." Her response was to again blame my dog and say, "Don't talk about this now, you'll spoil Dad's birthday" . I spoke to Mum today and told her about the vet etc. She said again how "he's alright when it's just us here" (referring more to how dog becomes overexcited when sister arrives). I'm reluctant to upset her too much as she's spent most of last week in hospital. I don't know what else to do. My parents are elderly and hate conflict. They're reassured by having the dog there as their home was burned down about 10 years ago- people broke in, used accelerant and set it on fire while they were out . I wish I was making it up, it still sounds unreal to me. They live in a quiet, suburban street in southern Sydney that backs on to a reserve. I'm over 2 hours away from their place, so am in no position to do much to try to rehabiltate their dog. I helped chose him from the pound about 8 years ago and suspect he was mistreated b4 we had him. I'm going to tell Dad and my sister that we need the dog to be elsewhere, for safety, for us to come to visit. I don't want there to be any chance of him biting the kids or dogs, but it doesn't solve the problem for my parents if he gets out . Is there anything else I can do?
  17. There's a commercial silver-based cream available- often used for burns- Silver Sulfadiazine Burn Ointment. Could that be suitable for some people? Has been shown to reduce infection with the antimicrobial properties. There's a link here for a kit to make this sort of thing, however, it says kit no longer available: http://www.elixa.com/silver/ointment.htm.
  18. Thankyou. I didn't know that might be necessary. Took him to the vet first thing this morning as it still looked swollen. The vet said there's an abscess developing underneath and fluid sitting under the skin, so Charlie's having antibiotics and warm compresses to help bring out the fluid etc. in there. He's booked to be desexed Thursday, so the vet is going to look at it then and lance and irrigate while he's under anaesthetic, if needed. Didn't think it was necessary yet. I'm going to ask that my sister's dog goes to my sister's house when we visit (dog lives with my parents), so there's zero contact possible. I'm considering this attack a warning. It's both my dogs and kids I'm concerned about. The "keeping them separate" plan, at my parent's, is too likely to fail at some point - This episode being an example . Thanks, everyone . He seems fine other than a wonky face (the fluid). He's tough, he's a poodle .
  19. The vet said there's an abscess developing underneath and fluid sitting under the skin, so Charlie's having antibiotics and warm compresses to help bring out the fluid etc. in there. Charlie's booked to be desexed Thursday, so the vet is going to look at it then and lance and irrigate while he's under anaesthetic, if needed. Didn't think it necessary yet. He's been good and he'll be back to obedience Wednesday night to socialise with lots of friendly dogs . I'm going to ask that the dog goes to my sister's house when we visit so ther's zero contact possible (I'm considering this attack a warning). It's both my dogs and kids I'm concerned about and the "keeping them separate" plan, at my parent's, is too likely to fail at some point. Thanks, everyone
  20. Thanks. He seems fine. He's the most good-natured, laid-back, friendly dog . I'm really angry with my sister's dog, though- inflictor of wound. All Charlie did was approach him in a friendly way. My sister's dogs has attacked my older dog in the past, though my dog did the "wrong" thing and stole his bone. He's also bitten at least 3 people I know of. I can't allow either my dogs or children near him when I visit my parents as his temperament is unreliable. He's a ?RidgebackX Staffy over 20kg, so can be hard to manage with his strength and minimal training. I'm considering his future :D . It looks worse this morning and more swollen. Off to the vets, just in case ...
  21. My dog was attacked and has a bite wound at the back of his face- look like 2 punctures. The area also looks slightly swollen. He's a standard poodle and was held down by a similar size dog for a few minutes. I've washed the area with warm salty water and he seems otherwise OK. He's booked to be desexed Thurs. Should I take him to the vet before then? My other dog has had a bite wound on the body which healed fine, but other than that, I've no experience with this :D ?
  22. I guess their dog has been an increasing concern. It concerns me more now that he will accidently end up in the same room with my kids and he cannot be controlled even on leash. He's bitten both other dogs and people. He's attacked my older dog, though I thought it probably justified as my dog did the "wrong" thing and stole his bone. The dog has no recall. I was there once when the dog escaped from the house, dog ran off for zoomies, then ran up to a worker a few doors down the road and bit him. The guy did nothing other than put his hand out as you sometimes do for a dog to sniff in greeting. No fast moves, not carrying anything looking menacing, didn't approach dog. The dog's an ex pound dog, so his history up to 8 months of age is unknown. He's about 8 years old now. Desexed. Went to some training at a younger age. Walked about 4-5 times a week, dragging my sister behind him. I don't think they'll be willing to see a behaviourist or train him further. Dog actually lives with my parents who are over 70- no way either could manage this dog on a leash :D .
  23. Earlier today my sister's dog attacked mine grabbing him by the face and held him down and wouldn't let go. I don't let my dogs or children near him normally, but my 3 year old opened the front door. My dog went out, walked up to her dog, and he went for him. Her dog on leash, mine off. Brother-in-law and OH only adults outside at the time. BIL tried to pull him back using leash, but dog wouldn't let go. OH tried kicking the dog (unsuccessful) and said dog only let go after he put his knee on dog's neck with his full body weight. Panic-driven manoeuvres. My 5 month old standard poodle was just "screaming" with his head pinned down. I ran out, moved kids well away and went for the hose as her dog hates water. By this time the dog had let go. Dogs are similar size, the sister's dog being a ?RidgebackXStaffy ex-pound dog (ie. well-muscled jaws). My dogs has 2 puncture marks on the side of his head which I washed with salty water and then left alone. Also looks swollen. He seems OK and I'll watch the wounds for any problems. These dogs will never have the chance to be together again, but what SHOULD we have done in this situation? It seemed to be unprovoked. Thanks :D
  24. Haven't used it, but isn't it imported from France? How much are you paying just for that?
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