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Poodle wrangler

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Everything posted by Poodle wrangler

  1. What reaction are they having? Are you applying the Advantix at least 48 hours after bathing? Ring the manufacturer- they should be of some assistance as they don't want pups reacting badly to their products. You have to wash all bedding, vacuum, treat sandy soil areas (fleas breed in sand). Definitely a flea problem? Not a flea allergy? Only takes one bite for problems, if an allergy. Other allergies?
  2. Agree with slicker- part fur as you go and get right down to the skin. Had a similar problem with the poodles running amok. Other thing I've had to do was just patiently work through the coat with my fingers plucking out spikey things. Settle down in front of TV with dog beside you.
  3. Sorry, no tooth abscesses here, but the MIL tried giving antibiotics instead of biting the bullet and getting full dental work on her dogs --> waste of money and only delayed the inevitable, while the dog's had ongoing pain . If not a showdog, I'd just get it removed if vet suggests this- will allow the abscess to drain properly. If the infection gets out of control or into the bloodstream, your dog could get seriously ill. Hope she's fine.
  4. My disgusting poodles have eaten rabbit, duck, roo and possum poo- all with no obvious ill effects. I found the mini with a maggot-ridden ribcage from the golf course yesterday Dogs have stronger stomachs than humans- they're pretty quick to vomit up anything too disgusting for them to cope with. My dogs are wormed monthly (is in their heartworm preventative, Interceptor Spectrum). eta: Drontal is the best intestinal all-wormer. You can buy other brands at the supermarket. Something is better than nothing.
  5. My standard poodle's breeder likes to use Livamol for pigment- to try to keep the darker apricot colour as well as noses etc. Is often given to horses for their coat, too. Can't say whether or not it works, but shouldn't do any harm.
  6. I'm no BARF expert, but often wondered myself about how patties fitted in with BARF . I think you'll find many people use the term BARF very loosely and don't really feed BARF at all. ;) greatdanes. Subtlety of a sledgehammer..... Not selling something, are you? :wink: Where are the DOL detectives?
  7. My dogs like to pee in the same area, so perhaps try this. Use a word when he toilets - e.g. "wee wee" or "toilet". Say it as he goes and reward+++. Keep doing this consistently and he should go when you use your word. Make sure he has access to plenty of fresh water and knows where it is.
  8. My understanding is that silver has an antibiotic effect. Is used in creams to treat minor burns and in some special hospital-grade wound dressings. Haemorrhagic enteritis kills. I'm guessing the colloidal silver is in addition to vet treatment? Worth trying in addition to vet treatment. Paws crossed for the dog. Diet is also important to look at for hot spots. Worth trying a change to see if it helps e.g. less processed dry foods which are high in grains.
  9. Agree . Giant breeds have special diet needs- best to ask the experts. Flaxseed oil is for coat- omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Kelp/ seaweed has iodine and is sometimes suggested for keeping good pigment on dogs (e.g. nice black noses etc.). Honey- is basically sugar, so wouldn't bother. Alfalfa- ? Digestive enzyme- ? (maybe if dog has a digestive problems) Apple cider vinegar- often suggested as an overall tonic as well as preventing dead patches in your lawn from urine.
  10. You have to wash all dog bedding, vacuum carpets etc. as well. If mozzies are also a problem Advantix covers them as well as fleas and ticks. Are you in a paralysis tick area? You need to apply either Advantix or Frontline fortnightly to cover paralysis tick. Try pricelesspets.com.au
  11. My vet suggested to me to add Metamucil (Psyllium husks) to the diet also. Mashed, cooked pumpkin is another alternative. Vet should show you how to express the anal glands yourself.
  12. If it's a plastic bottomed crate (i.e. not really cold metal), just leave him with no bedding. Or you could use newspaper. A 10 week old bladder is still small, so I'd take him out at least once overnight also. Pups seem to prefer to wee on things that are absorbent e.g carpet over tiles, grass over concrete etc.
  13. "it aint over til it's over" Wait outside until he goes, use your word for toileting and reward++. I found a short walk when they go outside helps them go as well as taking them to the same spot each time you use the "word".
  14. Triangle of Temptation http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=64101 is great, too . I'm sure all the "meanies" out there are nothing of the sort . Good leaders aren't mean- good leaders are both loved and respected. Dog is happier because this "stress" of being leader is taken off them. They're no longer getting confusing messages. Applies to dogs of all sizes. Smaller dogs tend to get away with a bit more as they can be controlled physically.
  15. Nothing wrong with sleeping on the bed per se. BUT the day the dogs don't get off the bed when you ask, is when they should be turfed. As long as you train your pups and they respect you at other times, it's not a problem. My older dog slept in the bed occasionally when Mr PW was away, but when he came back, dog thought he was no.2 in the house. He needed to be demoted and part of that was getting off the bed! Staying there tells the dog they're high up in the pack order. At 8 weeks, I'd be expecting toileting accidents in the bedroom (yuck!).
  16. Good idea. They should be helpful. I'd be inclined to switch flea treatments, though. Don't you need paralysis tick coverage in Brissie? If so, Advantix or Frontline Plus should be used fortnightly to cover for paralysis ticks. Lots of info about the different flea treatments here: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=81686
  17. Sounds like she's testing you and being difficult. Ask the GSD people what they think about having one season b4 desexing- I'm not sure if that's best or not She'll benefit from training e.g. local obedience club or even some private lessons if you're time poor. Triangle of Temptation is great from me, too! Free program and never too soon to start. When you add up chewed items, it makes a dog run look much less expensive. Cheap, even . Ditto training- she'll be a big dog and training can be the difference between a dog you love to live with and one that makes life difficult. If you're at wit's end now- get a trainer. It's easier to change bad behaviour sooner rather than later. Let people know where you are so they can recommend someone ....Like everything, some trainers are useless, others excellent ..
  18. Is she pulling or leading you along during this time? If so, leave out this bit. Let her explore off leash somewhere safe (e.g. backyard). I found it helped to walk quickly/ jog for a short time so that our pup wasn't getting used to a tight leash/ pulling. Obviously, large breed puppies need only very short formal walks- best to take it easy while they're growing.
  19. Don't expect too much- he will take a few more weeks to toilet train. Pups vary in time taken, though you can help him along a LOT! Clean that area of the house that's become a "spot" for him really well, too. Pup's sense of smell is much better than yours. Otherwise, he'll think it's the same as the paper in the laundry. Ignore accidents in the house. If caught in the act, just say "uh, uh" and take him straight outside. Praise if he then goes outside.
  20. I like the carriers/ crates as they contain any wee, vomit etc. Line with newpaper, throw out newspaper and hose out carrier. I had an old one and was very handy for car trips with pup until toilet trained and over car sickness.
  21. Yep, second that. One of my dogs had a stick stuck up in the roof of his mouth and you'd have never known unless you looked. Do you have other dogs? Is she licking stinky places (one of my dogs grooms the other ALL over, yuck!)? Not eating her own poo? Other poo? Stink dog looks pretty healthy and glossy!
  22. Phenergan comes in 10mg and 30 mg tablets, so check the dosage if you're going to try that one! Will make the dog sleepy.
  23. Vets can charge what they like- much like Drs. I paid about $40 for microchip and vaccination C3 added up to approx $85- consult and examination included. I'm in a regional area. Pups should be sold microchipped already. Knowing a good vet is very worthwhile. I'd pay more to see a better vet even if it is for something as straighforward as vacc and chipping. What area of Sydney? Did you want someone to recommend a vet?
  24. Kibble= dry food= what some people call "biscuits" (for dogs) e.g. Purina One in the supermarket.
  25. Sensible advice from Toohey. With anything vet or medical remember just because it CAN be done, doesn't mean it SHOULD be . If it was a cancerous polyp in the ear, is it likely to be curable with surgery? Would the surgery need to take out a lot of other tissue and leave the dog disfigured/ in chronic pain? What's the cost? Not everyone can afford many thousands and the risk of complications is much higher in an older dog. Blood tests can run into hundreds alone.
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