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  1. Hi All, I'm boarding my animals at this facility next week and saw they have training as well. Has anyone used them before? Their website is fantastic and they sound really good.
  2. Not everyone that fosters needs to know about how to test a dog. But every organisation needs to have people that do know how to do it, and there needs to be good communication between those people and the foster carers. I would hate for anyone to be put off foster caring by your post. Foster caring may not be for everyone, but we have plenty of carers that find it really enjoyable and worthwhile. Having the correct procedures in place (to prevent the horrible things happenning that Cordelia mentions), actually make things a whole lot less complicated than groups taking short cuts and not following procedures. You don't need any special skills to be a foster carer when you are with a group that will give you the right support. :D I don't think I was with the right groups then :D To those prospective foster carers reading this thread, don't let my post put you off, just research the Rescue Groups you're interested in first and ask questions. If answers aren't forthcoming and/or you get the impression you are being treated like a Mushroom, get the hell out of there. It is a big pain in the butt and the hip pocket to get used and then cut off for reasons you'll never be told. (The above does not relate to anything or anyone I have been involved with or been a part of in the last six months)
  3. There should be. It would prevent people looking at a photo and getting it stuck in their head that the dog is just wonderful yet misunderstood. Too many people look at photo of a sad dog and get sucked in because it "looks like such a lovely dog".. what the?? A photo tells you NOTHING of a dog. Too often dogs are rescued with an assessment that is so heavily based on emotions instead of actual knowledge... especially the people expected to foster the dog..... when homechecks are NOT done and transport people or foster carers are given completely false information (or completely fluffed up information in order to get them to take the dog) it is TOTALLY unacceptable. Fosters should NEVER be put in the situation of feeling bad about a dog they can't handle or contain (when fences have never been checked or if they have little kids, work full time etc) and transport people should NEVER be held responsible for having to make a decision to take a dog back to the pound because of the stuff ups and lies passed on by the people who organise a release. Good post Shmoo! hear hear
  4. I'm so glad I don't foster care anymore. Seeing some of the stuff that goes on between groups is enough to make me run a mile. It's all so complicated now. Almost need a degree for it, or a course in temperment testing. Your stuff looks good though Schmoo
  5. did you ask a vet what the go was with the puppies and Nutro? I'm really interested to find out what caused that.
  6. They get chicken frames and lamb offcuts from Woolies. I also get them chicken pet meat from the butcher every now and mix it with veges. Does this mean they are at risk of H worm?
  7. I love his show and have used his methods on my dogs with great success. He's definately a guy I'd love to meet
  8. The heading pretty much covers my question. I used to use Revolution but have bought some Advocate and just wanted to know if I need to administer anything else or does Advocate have it all covered with regards to worms etc? Thanks in advance Helen
  9. Thanks so much Tangwyn I don't know why it didn't come up in Google for me. I've saved the link in my favs and will use them from herein (I'm all for home delivery, those bags are bloody heavy). So far they're loving it. I'm still feeding them raw as well and supplementing it with the dry.
  10. I have been searching for weeks after reading about Nutro on here and could find only a Maleny website that sells it. My local pet barn at Blacktown didn't know about it and pushes Science Diet.... Anyway I thought I'd check out Dural Pet Superstore on Old Northern Road today and yippeee!!! There it was. Not sure if I got a good price, here's what I paid: Nutro Indoor Cat 3KG $32.95 Nutro Dog Large Breed (Blue packet) 15kg $89.95 I got a 5% discount having bought two bags of Nutro and also got a container for both as well. The Dog food container is excellent and fits 15kgs and then some. (I'm a freak for animal food containers lol). I know there are people like me on here who want to try this stuff and don't know where to find it so hopefully I'm helping someone here. Can't wait to see what a difference it makes to Science Diet. Will let you know if a month or so :rolleyes:
  11. did the materials cost alot?
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