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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. It's normal and not a problem if it only extends to his toy but I stomped on the behaviour with my dogs pretty quickly, mainly because some of my husbands friends have a 'maturity problem' :laugh:
  2. Oh no! I hope it's all OK, our kelpie did this to us(collapsed and unable to stand), 24 hours at the vet and a big bill later she was home looking very sheepish, hopefully that's what happens here too.
  3. Just curious which other organisations out there have puppy raisers to take their pups through to trial/training age? I've been talking about what sort of dog we would get when our current girls are eventually no longer with us but we might be looking to travel a bit by then and I don't like the idea of kenneling a pet dog for long periods just to go on holidays. it occurred to me that a puppy being raised would onlt be with us for 12 months or so and we could then travel in between puppies :D Obviously there is also foster care. Thing is, I'm not that big a fan of labradors so just wondering if any other organisations have a similiar system in place?
  4. I could just see him toasting himself happily in front of a wood fire
  5. Where are you Hankdog? At the wildlife park I worked at we fed the captive ones small raw fish like whitebait and the odd other things as treat, shellfish, pinky mice, etc.
  6. That my basset will stand perfectly still happily wagging her tail while my daughter uses a facewasher to give her a facial and showers her with kisses :D
  7. Isn't your little one a bit young yet anyway, wouldn't have had his second vaccs would he?
  8. I'm bringing the gang to melbourne next week and wondering if anyone would be interested in a play at the dog beach one day, Monday or Wednesday would be best for me. :D
  9. Unless that was a state based thing Donatella, my friends doctor had to report that their dog had bitten her son
  10. I imagine it would come down the 'domestication genes' that researchers were playing around with in foxes. It was quite an interesting study that showed genetic changes in the foxes when they were selectively bred over many generations to be more docile. I can't remember much more than that sorry, it was a doco I watched maybe 8 or 9 years ago and the rest of the details are scetchy, I have a feeling they were in russia though.
  11. As far as I can tell it's just a lost and found type service.
  12. Those that don't believe that there can be some dogs predisposed to aggression do you also believe that breeders can't breed for good temperament, that it's all nurture? Just curious regarding the thought process :)
  13. I'm in agreeance with you here Dogmad. As sad as it may be for the dog i wouldn't keep it and couldn't in good conciense rehome it so that only leaves one option.
  14. I think they can, responsible breeders talk all the time about ensuring breeding animals have good temperament and not breeding animals with poor temperament. if they can breed for good temperament the reverse must also be true.
  15. It does say the dog was surrenderred so it's also possible the family requested it.
  16. When will people not take on an animal if they don't have the time to raise it to be well adjusted. My best friends dog attacked their son, she was in denial that it was their fault but I basically told them, the dog was confused, didn't understand it's place in the pack, etc, etc(which it didn't, I'd been telling them that for a long time because they just weren't putting ewnough effort into raising him right, he was well cared for, just not properly disciplined). Even after the kid was bitten they still didn't get it until about three weeks later it got through to them and the dog was placed with a friend of theirs with no children who got in a behaviourist, etc. Theirs wasn't one of the breeds that always get the bad rap, it was a curly coated retriever.
  17. Google tells me that's about the right amount
  18. Mandatory reporting when the child turned up to hospital with a dog bite
  19. Well she got back to me and seems it's unlikely to be an issue in Australia thankfully as the cocoa is processed into raw chocolate overseas and then sent over here.
  20. Actually I might mention it to my aunt whose other half does the chocolate factory displays and was going to get some from the factory kitchen, I don't know if she ever got any but it was spoken about and she's a dog owner and foster carer so the info might be of interest to her.
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