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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. I hope they continue to run this one in the future. It's just down the road from my mum's place so I'll gladly bring the girls down for a trip a couple of times a year to coincide with a show for my future neuter girl(hound group)
  2. All the more reason to get them desexed I think(unless you are a genuine breeder) and get their ear tattooed if possible(especially for females). They aren't worth stealing for breeding then.
  3. Has anyone else noticed there's a bit of a working breed theme happening here LOL
  4. Name: Sascha Age: 9.5 Crime: Face licker
  5. Thanks Having just read the info on there does anyone have any feedback on 'Ice on ice' and 'Show off'?
  6. I was going to get some from clipperworld online but it's out of stock. Can anyone recommend a good value place online to buy it?
  7. That price is very reasonable! How big are they?
  8. Thanks guys, I'll ask her about the crate, the soft one is more than sufficient for my current girls as they are very well crate trained and just lie down and go to sleep(in fact I could just put one of those little fences around them and they'd assume it was inpenetrable LOL), not sure what this girl is like in that regard. I can order a wire one through work at 20% off retail so can probably get it cheaper that way and I have a little fold up ikea moving trolley which I was going to get rid of but thanks espinay I might hold on to it for now until I determine whether I'll need to upgrade to wire. I may well end up over that way Alyosha as it's actually quicker for me to get to Canberra than Sydney. :) Thanks for the tip on the pants, I hadn't consider the black blending in so I'll keep that in mind.
  9. As I am out in the boonies and would need to get anything I want ordered in through work can anyone suggest good brands for things like chalk? I am going to use my two current girls for the time being (probably the kelpie as she's probably more likely to just do a nice slow trot without tripping me over LOL )and just practice moving around as I have bad shoulders and I tend to move a bit stiffly sometimes so I think I will need to train myself a bit to look like I'm not tense.
  10. She's a tricolour basset with quite a lot of black over her saddle as far as I know, I've only seen one small pic of her so far and then just the descriptions from the breeder. I've driven myself nutty trying to find a pic of her online as I was hoping there might be something from a show but couldn't find anything, she's only been shown in neuter as she got pyometra and had to be desexed before the breeder got a chance to even get a single litter from her so her show results probably aren't as well publicised I guess although I understand she's done alright. We still have to go through the long process of introducing her to our current dogs and making sure they will even be happy to live together and then waiting until the breeder is ready for her to go so she won't be with us until probably after christmas I would guess.
  11. Just wondering whether anyone can either point me in the direction if a list already exists or give me an idea of what things I'll need to buy to get myself set up to show next year. I'd like to buy a few things gradually so that by the time our girl gets here I have most of what i need and it won't be too big a financial outlay at once. I have a large soft crate, is that adequate? She's been shown before so is most likely crate trained already, but I just wanted to check if this is consider secure enough at the shows or whether i need to get a wire one? My son may also be doing some junior handler so I guess we'll both need suitable clothes of some sort, a big leap for me who lives in jeans and t-shirt so i really have no idea there, I'd prefer to wear pants though if possible as i am quite tall and I find it hard to find skirts that are a freasonable length. Chances are I'll be attending shows, atleast to start with, with the breeder so hopefully won't need my own shelter, etc yet but i do have a pop up gazebo thingo if needed. Anything else I should be investing in? She's a basset hound so no long fluffy fur to worry about, most grooming will be done at home before the show and it will just be a bit of a tidy up while there so I'm hoping I don't need to worry about tables or any of that if I'm happy to sit on the ground and do her tidy up?
  12. I probably could do it myself but I'm low on time at the moment and to be honest I'd rather just throw some $$ at someone else to do it LOL
  13. That's exactly what I'm looking for Espinay2! Any leads ( :laugh: ) on where I could get one made?
  14. She also just mentioned that if we wanted to she would be a good dog to learn show handling and maybe for my son to learn too so we might get to try our hand in the ring next year
  15. Oh wow, I could make that Ruffware one! It's very similiar to the way we make our safety ropes for roof work LOL. Might have a think about that ;)
  16. That's pretty much what she's wearing now. If I could get a thin puppy width one but long enough for her neck it would be perfect!
  17. I've been trawling ebay and I'm wondering whether one of the thin paracord style show slip collars might work? Rather than setting it up as a slip collar I thought I could get one that was just long enough to slip it over her head and use the name tag ring to hold the rings together so it doesn't tighten. Luckily having such big ears her collar can be quite loose without coming off as the ears hold it on LOL.
  18. Oh should have said, no collar is not an option as the kids have accidentally let the dogs out before and having a scent hound nose she just goes. I can't risk her not having a collar on even though it hasn't happened for a long while now. I would however consider something thin that is just for her tag and then putting a broader collar on for walking.
  19. We are going to go and play on the beach for starters :)
  20. I'm hunting a new collar for Josie. Because she is a basset and has lots of excess skin around her neck the collar makes it harder for the air to get in to the folds and while she doesn't get anything really nasty going on the lovely white fur around her neck looks grotty and discoloured. So I'm looking for a collar that will allow plenty of airflow. I've already nixed the idea of leather and I'm thinking a light nylon might be the way to go but most of the ones for large dogs are also quite broad and I'm inclined to think something narrower might be better? Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated :) I'd also be keen to know what the most effective products for cleaning white fur on dogs.
  21. Now we just have to cross our fingers that she fits well with the gang. Atleast we have plenty of time to try things out before a final decision gets made :)
  22. Well if all goes well we're on!! It sounds like the plan is for her to keep Angelica until after her other girl(Velvet) whelps her next litter, she will keep one from that litter hopefully and then that pup will become velvet's ongoing companion and Angelica will come to us. She is waiting for velvet to come in to season and if the mating is successful then Angelica will come to us about six months after that so I'm thinking we are looking at 7-9 months in the future, all dependant on a successful mating. At this stage we are looking at meeting up a few times and going for a walk with the dogs so they can meet each other and see how well they get along and then we'll go from there gradually. :)
  23. Today I went and fitted my basset hound for a life jacket so she's safe to take out on the boat :D I'm not at all worried about my kelpie keeping her head above water if needed(she'd probably beat us back to shore) but my basset has next to no swimming ability. Got me curious if anyone else has bought anything interesting for their doggys lately?
  24. We are in a regional area of NSW so no worries as far as numbers. She rang today when I was out and left a message to say she would give us a call tonight. :)
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