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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. It's oil based so you'd probably need something with a detergent like a carpet and upholstery shampoo
  2. She has money put aside for desexing, vaccs, etc, etc, she's just not willing to spend thousands on the initial purchase cost. As you would know my basset cost a lot more so this is a point where we have a difference of opinion as i would just find my preferred breed and then spend whatever I had to to get one LOL I don't know her well enough to get super pushy about the necessity to spend more, random people ask me for help often because they know I have some experience in the dog world.
  3. Thanks all. Sadly I suspect she might be heading out of her price range with most registered breeds, I might just have to hope she finds something young in rescue. Just hoping she doesn't decide it's all too hard and just buy whatever she can find in the trading post.
  4. Unfortunately she won't consider an older dog She has her heart set on training her pup from small the way she wants it trained. I don't know how she'll go finding a small fluffy pup in rescue, I'm sure there aren't many around. She's not in a huge rush, she has holidays over christmas so was thinking around then might be good if possible so she's home for the first few weeks, but apart from that is happy to wait and see what comes up.
  5. That's certainly another option riverstar. My kelpie isn't from a registered breeder, but she did come from a working farm with many generations of proven workers(and the bloke certainly didn't make any money off me, he was keeping one for himself and simply wanted working type homes for the rest). She cost me $20 LOL. She was purchased back before i understood the value of a registered breeder but I'm still pretty comfortable with my decision even now. I explained to her the difference between that decision and my decision to spend well over $1000 for my basset which is a breed i would never have entertained getting without the added assurance of proper health testing. She's very receptive to advice and wants to do the 'right' thing but that has to be balanced with her budget contraints which are probably sitting at around the $500-700 mark at this stage(but might have some wiggle room there if we found her the perfect breed ;) )
  6. As she doesn't have a specific breed in mind at this stage I don't think she's too set on the size, she just doesn't want something big. I think, for example, that a cocker spaniel sort of size would be getting too big, anything smaller than that she'd consider.
  7. I'm quite breed loyal with my dogs and my cats. So much so that I've already spoken to the same breeder that my russian blue came from about sourcing a cat from her from the same lines, the last cat we bought off her 26 years ago!
  8. That's what i was thinking Anne or maybe a mini poodle or a bichon
  9. I am going to look at rescue with her too, I want to give her the options. Her budget isn't tiny, well over the cost of a rescue dog but I'm just not up with the cost for the sort of breeds she's looking at so I have no idea what to tell her to expect, I suspect the more common sort of breeds she is considering would not be in the same price range as my girl was so it's potentially a doable thing for her, I just have no clue that's all.
  10. Excuse my fairly simplistic question but I'm just trying to get some ideas to help out an acquaintance of mine. She was going to buy a random crossbred BYB type puppy but I've been steering her in the direction of a health tested pup(especially important with small breeds I told her ;) ) or rescue. She wants something low shedding but doesn't mind a little bit of shed just not crazy shedding, she was originally thinking a maltese X shih tzu so small fluffy/long haired. Happy to groom, particularly wants a pup so she can train it the way she wants. In theory I think she's sold on the idea of a health tested pup but I'm not sure how high I can push the $$ before she'll balk, at that point I'll steer her to rescue. Is anyone able to give me suggestions of small breeds that might suit a family with a small, well-supervised child. I know people like CKCS but I think the shedding might not be what they want there. Also if people could give me an idea of costs for different breeds I can discuss the pros and cons of different breed options with her. A lady I know just spent $5000 on her small BYB dogs knees so that's been good ammunition for this conversation LOL
  11. Does he have a bit of loose skin? If he's not being dried well enough after baths it could be fungal. If it looks crusty or smells yeasty you could try some canestan to start with
  12. I don't know why it should bother you Alyosha. Bird common names, like many things, differ regionally. In Victoria there are Plovers and Magpie Larks to name a couple, up here they are called Lapwings and Peewees. You'll have to just deal with me calling them Plovers and Peewees, plus I'll always call rockmelons canteloupes and potato scallops potato cakes!
  13. That's almost worse! If he's self-appointing himself as the root of knowledge on a topic, even if it's only a random top ten blog, he just makes himself look stoopid if his research is lazy.
  14. Well he basically has admitted he doesn't care. Which is kind of a shame because with a cool talent like that he could actually make a difference by providing accurate information.
  15. I don't get it, why aren't they allowed to state that it was a bull mastiff now?? If it actually was a bull mastiff then what's the problem, if they reported that it was a lab or a cocker spaniel no one would be jumping up and down. They can't just change what breed it was to make it more acceptable to those are worried about BSL...
  16. I'm not kidding myself that my comment will actually get published but I just submitted this:
  17. They're cute. I do reckon the pekingese one looks more like a Puli though!
  18. As long as they ask first so I can supervise I'm OK with it. I don't like parents letting their kids just race up because Sascha is getting less toerant in her old age and while I don't think she'd actually bite it does make her obviously uncomfortable if people are dragging on her so I encourage people with small kids to give thier love to the basset, pretty sure you could peg her to the clothes line by her ears and she'd still be wagging her tail and giving air kisses to any kid she could see LOL
  19. Nowstarin is that list available some where that i could print it out properly?(as opposed to from a forum post) I'd love to take a copy of it to work, i've been saying for yonks that Frontline wasn't as effective as Advantix but a couple of them still recommend it over Advantix saying that they are exactly the same as each other. Personally i use advantix on one dog and am looking at trialing Scalibor on my kelpie as she seems to react strangely to Advantix
  20. Well they've been treated that way since they were puppies so not really any different, just further along in the whole scheme of things is all.
  21. You could also try feeding on a wider flat tray or in a speacially designed bowl to slow down his eating. I do to some extent favour the top dog in our house. Not to a huge extent but she gets her food first, etc. She is getting older now and the order is changing and it looks like my basset is taking over as top dog(under the humans that is). I have started giving the basset's bone to her first in the evening instead of the kelpie and she is no longer snapping at the other dog which used to be a big problem. I think it is a delicate balancing act though, between supporting the natural pecking order of the animals and taking it too far to where they think they can get one over everyone.
  22. Yep, usually called a car seat hammock
  23. My neighbours informed me a few days ago that one of my dogs has been barking when I'm at work We never had a problem with them barking until the previous tenants next door had a horrid cattle dog that used to rush the fence, snapping and snarking and barking. My dogs put up with it for a few weeks and eventually they had had enough and my kelpie started barking back and after a bit the basset would join in so we had to resort to a bark collar(even though the other dog was still allowed to continue), I would always rush out there and tell my dogs off but the neighbours never dealt with theirs. All's been quiet recently since they moved away and took their snappy dog with them but now that we have new people next door she's started barking, guessing she's just pre-empting another annoying dog but there isn't one, just an annoyed neighbour... The number of times I went out thinking I was going to growl at my dog and she was lying on her bed and it was the cattle dog! What annoys me most though is that their indifference to their dog's antisocial behaviour has caused lasting issues with my girls which are now causing problems with our new neighbours.
  24. It doesn't take 28 days to build a fence and I imagine the only reason it was $900 was because there were fees for boarding because she hadn't claimed them yet.
  25. It's possible there are issues with importing it related to AQIS(the same ones that mean some dog food varieties aren't in the country). As a probiotic product you couldn't treat it and that might mean that they wouldn't allow it's import(possible that you aren't really supposed to import it in small quantities either...?)
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