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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. Fabulous! I'd just watch that the others don't try to get too playful, she might feel OK to move but might have some ripper bruising.
  2. Josie scared the hell out of me last night, getting a belly full of air after her dinner and starting to look very uncomfortable, I was able to put her paws up on the couch and burped her which settled things thankfully but I was very close to getting the kids up and going to the vet(a good 30 minute drive so I needed to try to help her at home incase there was a real issue happening). But it did make me realise that I need to be more careful with her given her breed and age. I didn't get much sleep because I stayed up to keep an eye on her and make sure it didn't get any worse and she's coming to work with me today where the vet is a five minute drive away so I can keep an eye on her. In my googling last night while sitting up watching her I found a reference to having a product like Gas-X available to give in situations like we had last night where there is gas but it hasn't progressed further or to try and slow the progress. Does anyone keep this in their cupboard and if so what is the dose rate for emergencies? Also is there anywhere that one can go to learn to tube a dog? I used to work as a vet nurse for a little while and I frequently crop feed small and large birds(including an emu) so sticking a tube down something's throat doesn't freak me out but I'd like to ensure I do it right if the need arises! Any other good first aid kit additions appreciated, not sure I could do a needle through the side. I've also decided that from now on it will be two smaller meals per day, she's always hadan evening meal in the past but I don't want to risk going through last night again.
  3. I think that's a very simplistic way to look at it. Many breeds are known to not cope well in pound environments, especially those that are very owner focussed. Koolies for example are one that are known to sometimes struggle in pounds but don't have these same issues out of the pound environment.
  4. A lady I work with breed bull terriers, I've met hers and from the way she describes shows they can be pretty feisty but not to the degree that they are 'unbalanced' which that one sounds like it was!
  5. Oh my gosh, we are up to six puppies now, go Reba and SLF!
  6. It probably is the morphine. I refuse to be given morphine since the one and only time I had it, left me feeling really wired but did take away the pain.
  7. Just bumping this thread to say CONGRATS to SLF on the safe arrival of Reba's pups :)
  8. If it's an Indian Myna you could trap it and get rid of it that way.
  9. OK I worked out why, it's a closed group therefore in order to view the page you have to be a group member. If you want people to be able to purchase without joining(and to be honest while I support the cause I don't want to join any more facebook groups and I'm sure I'm not the only one) then you will need to change the settings to allow public access.
  10. If there is a deformity to her chest then it could have a full break and may need pinning, keep a very close eye on her
  11. I have a facebook account and it doesn't work for me either, what is the name on the page, then it can just be types in
  12. My mum cracked her sternum recently and said it was one of the most painful injuries she's had in terms of ongoing pain, every time she breathed it hurt. I'd be asking for an xray of her chest area to look for cracks. If it is a cracked sternum there isn't a whole lot you can do but rest but at least if you can confirm that it isn't anything too insidious it will be a comfort
  13. Is it an Indian Myna or a Noisy Miner? I've lived all over and never found Indian mynas that swooped. If it is an Indian myna that's very unusual
  14. A lot of foster carers are very experienced in rehabilitating those good dogs who've had a rough start though, and a home environment would have to be a better place to achieve rehabilitation than a pound environment. being in the foster home doesn't mean they are immediately up for adoption.
  15. I've done the side of a house with a tall gate at each end and used bird netting as a roof from the roofline to the fence, works well.
  16. OK, so they are just using the term to sell dogs. thanks
  17. Is it just me or does it look like Boris has cataracts in some of those photos? I'm wondering whether the addition of a new dog at a time when he coincidentally was also losing his vision is causing him to lash out in fear when she raised her voice at the other dog. Just a theory...
  18. My vet looked at me like I was a moron when I told her I was doing the 3 yearly vaccinations and would titre test if needed, then proceeded to basically imply I was killing my dogs by not vaccinating them every year. Needless to say we don't talk about vaccination any more with her!
  19. The guys selling them call them pitbulls Hockz?
  20. She'll walk on either side so no issue there but we are practising all the different ones so he can remember them when he's asked. I think it's only really the mouth that will be the major issue so I'm going to keep working on that until we either get her sorted or we come up with another dog option. Table is good, as long as their is a ramp she'll stand on the table(easier actually, she's less likely to crouch)
  21. OK I apologise for the blonde crack in the title :D Bringing the washing in off the clothesline this arvo and just as I got a fitted sheet off Josie ran through, got her head caught in the elasticated corner of the sheet and ripped the sheet out of my hands, then proceeding to tear around the yard at high speed in an attempt to escape One of those moments you wish the video camera had been running!
  22. Yep, she's not a fan but she's improving :) At least she's easily persuaded by bribes ;)
  23. Does it need to be a traditional method? The manual only shows the way they should look stacked, not the method used to get them there. Hard if you can't actually reach the back of the dog. :p
  24. Bahaha, that's awesome! The teeth will I think be our biggest challenge, she's getting better about it but it's hard when she's 5 years old and not used to it. I'm sitting on the couch in the evening groping around in her mouth to try to get her over her aversion LOL
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