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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. I don't think vegans are crazy, i think the way PETA goes about things is crazy.
  2. There's been a lot of trees flowering off season here at the moment because of the weird weather. My dog actually got stung by a bee on her nose the other day when she took a drink out of a cafe supplied water bowl and turned out there were bees drinking at it which I hadn't seen before she stuck her face in it. If he's bee allergic it could be the cause.
  3. 6 years ago my kelpie collapsed randomly, lost the ability to use her legs, etc. Similiar situation where we went to call her up to the house late at night and she couldn't be found. We initially thought she had been bitten by a snake but after being tested negative for snake bite we were at a loss. After two days at the vet on a drip she recovered and came home. vet suspected she had eaten something funny, maybe a dead bird or similiar(although she doesn't usually eat dead things in the yard) which had given her a nasty bacterial poisoning. We never actually found out what caused it but she's fine now and it's never happened again
  4. A well bred athletic style basset hound could suit you well. My girl will play for hours on the beach and go for long walks with me in the bush but she doesn't really care whether we do or don't just as happy to lie in the sunshine, they are amazing with kids which is why we chose them. Often not so great off lead though as they are a scenthound so will follow their noses(Josie does go off lead but in areas where it's easy for me to keep an eye on her). They can be a little stubborn but once you have the basic training sorted they just do their thing without much hassle. Handy thing is they can't jump farm fencing :p
  5. Trying to get everyone to go vegan to get cows out of the dairy industry. Cos PETA want cows extinct. Realistically once we aren't eating them, using their hides or milking them there won't be many around any more will there
  6. I just looked and that company has in the past had products tested and patented in Aus so very doable, especially since it would be very commercially viable as a product.
  7. Probably easier just to train the dog to bark on command
  8. I agree although my first thought was, "What will do with all the pups/dogs that survive?" It's already so hard to place rescue animals, with a higher success rate for parvo treatment things will get even harder. That's not to say I don't think we should treat them of course but it's an interesting flow on affect...
  9. I would just add an extra small portion at some point during the day. My dogs are on a simgle diet that is very rarely altered but i adjust their weight by adding more or less as needed. If she's K with the kangaroo you could increase the ratio of kangaroo in her meal or simply give an extra portion at another time.
  10. No definitely not!(if only i could convince myself of that LOL ) The difference in him is enormous so it's well worth it for us.
  11. My son has been tested and amines aren't an issue for him but he has to have a diet free of artificial additives and low in salicylates. Takes some getting used to but not too hard once you know how. :)
  12. Don't know if this has already been discussed but just found this interesting news report as a link when i was reading something else. Talks about a new treatment for Parvo being developed in the states: https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/world/a/24065661/promising-cure-for-puppies-parvo/
  13. Yeah they're morons. My son is on a specialised diet to help with his ASD but diary isn't an issue at all. Maybe the original confusion comes from aged cheese which can contain amines which can be an issue for some people with ASD.
  14. Only on DOL would it be completely normal to have a whole conversation about the different ways people have had to manipulate their dog's penises LOL That said I love threads like this because it makes me more aware of things I may have to look for when I do actually have a boy dog! I hope your little man is having less trouble with his little man soon :p
  15. I'd be crating her at night for a week or two to try to break the habit.
  16. And just for the record, i wasn't actually joking LOL http://www.babesinarms.com.au/babylegs/
  17. She wears them bunched up, as they should be. Just because my dog's ankles are shorter than your dog's ankles... :laugh:
  18. My dogs have leg warmers. All the most fashionable dogs are seen in hug-a-lugs/babylegs ;)
  19. They'd have to be pretty bloomin amazing. I can't imagine using that much paper to clean up two poos even if they were epic ones!
  20. Um if two dog poos are the make or break of whether there is enough toilet paper on the plane I'm seriously concerned about the way they cater for their human cargo!
  21. Dick leave? Could you please define that?
  22. No. If necessary I would just take annual leave or speak to my boss about leave with out pay or making up the hours later.
  23. Kelpies blow their coat once a year so they shed a bit always and then once a year have a big shed. I can't handle lots of dog hair and I just use a deshedding rake on her(furminator type one) and doing that every couple of weeks and a really good brush out when she blows her coat she doesn't shed much :)
  24. I've never found kelpies to be stubborn,they are usually very keen to please but they often don't take kindly to being scolded or treated poorly. My girl can be told off at a whisper and that's enough for her to know she's been naughty :)
  25. I fed mine their dinner in the halti for the first few days LOL
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