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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. My boss just got a stunning little bobtail boxer girl from Traxx boxers who are located at Kings Plains
  2. So many things about this story make no sense to me. Like why you would transport an unconscious child home before calling for help.
  3. My basset does it if I put a collar on her, she prefers to go naked :laugh: Changed anything like that recently?
  4. That looks great rusty bucket, I'm going to remember that acupressure point. We only just avoided full on bloat a while back by putting the dog up on the edge of the couch and 'burping' her. I'm very glad it worked because we are a long way from the vet, if she had a torsion as well she would have had no chance, she was expanding very fast to start with. I'm so glad to hear Sumo is OK, my worst nightmare!
  5. Thanks everyone for all the help and ideas. Will look at what is available to me locally out of these suggestions, start there and try one thing at a time till we get a nice balance. I prefer to shop locally with my perfume allergies as it means I can open the bottle and actually smell it and make a decision that way, I've been caught out in the past with products being marketed as suited for sensitive people only to have them smell like lavender, etc. She is conditioned every bath and without the extra bathing her coat and skin are stunning, i think we are just sort of teetering on the edge of overwashing if that makes sense. Trifecta it's not a bad doggy type smell, bassets and some other scent hounds have their owns sort of slight aroma, i don't mind it at all, it's not like what i would call dog smell like you smell on dogs with bad diets but given she's visiting very clean hospital type places with people that can be sensitive to smells if they are having chemo, etc I like to try to make her smell not houndy. :laugh:
  6. Thanks guys I have a big thing of fish oil capsules so might start adding one of those since she doesn't like sardines. For some reason I thought it was plush puppy I looked at last weekend but maybe I'm wrong so I'll have another look ETA. It was plush puppy I looked at last weekend. I smelled the herbal whitening and one other but they were both very fragranced. I stood there for 7 or 8 minutes waiting for service while the lady chatted to a friend an then gave up and wandered off so I didn't know there was a non fragranced option.
  7. She needs to be pretty spotless as she visits oncology wards, etc. I trim her nails a little every second night, wipe her ears out twice weekly and wash her the afternoon before each visit, she only gets washed if she's actually going on a visit, not just for the sake of it. Bassets do have a houndy sort of smell naturally which I don't mind but it does make a bit of a challenge to keep them smelling pretty for hospital visits. :) I'm happy to look in to alternative shampoos but as I said I tried to find a new one to try last weekend and the ones I could find at up at EP when i was there all smelled strongly of lavender which would make me quite ill. I've tried aloveen but while it left her coat soft it seemed to make it look dull, like there was a residue despite good rinsing?
  8. I have tried a number of different shampoos and conditioners but still having trouble finding something that doesn't dry her out slightly with twice weekly baths. Her coat positively glistens, we often get comments on it but I can see the frequent bathing starting to take it's toll(we still get 'oh isn't she shiny' comments but I can see the difference ;) ) I went hunting for things up at Erskine Park last weekend too but they all smelled strongly of fragrances and as I have a fragrance allergy I had to strike a lot of options off the list. I wasn't meaning that I didn't want something I could buy from a pet store I was more looking at supplements or coat conditioners that are natural and therfore less commercial(and therefore would likely require me to look outside of the pet market). There are plenty of things I can get through work but they are very mainstream and don't go much in to the supplement side of things other than a few commercial brands that I'm not a huge fan of. We don't really have dirt here, lovely lush green grass so I'm going to try the coconut oil, I don't mind using a damp towel to wipe the excess out since I do some form of grooming with her most days any way.
  9. She gets blackhawk plus raw eggs at the moment(thankfully with 24 chooks we have plenty!) and her coat has never looked better but unfortunately she refuses anything I add sardines to. I can just see it heading towards drying with the increased washing and want to stop it before it gets worse. I'm having to bathe her twice a week at the moment so not surprising really.
  10. Can anyone reccomend a home remedy that I can apply to my basset to moisturise her skin and coat? As she is now doing pet therapy she is being bathed more often and while her coat is still shiny it does seem a tad dry and her skin is a tad dry as well. I contemplated putting some olive oil in a spray bottle and misting her with is and rubbing it in after she is dry but thought I'd ask if anyone had a better suggestion. I'm in a regional area and find postage tends to make things very expensive so I'd rather go with something I can access via the supermarket or health food shop rather than an obscure product.
  11. Yes all houses here and in a lot of areas of regional NSW colorbond fences are standard on all sides due to termites. Never had an issue with them
  12. Colorbond fencing is standard in every yard where i live. Maybe try and observe her during the day when she doesn't think you are looking.
  13. Here's a linky http://www.amazon.com/Animal-Planet-PET20109-Raptor-Costume/dp/B004ZKU3NK/ref=cm_rdp_product And just because it's awesome I had to copy this review :laugh:
  14. I have a daughter and her best friend who are both dinosaur crazy. So I just bought this for my dog as a surprise for her... Waiting, waiting, waiting for the post...
  15. What do you need them to do? If it's just general friendly, obedient type dogs then i might be able to help, will just need to check if a friend can watch my smaller humans for me.
  16. Ya know what LG the bastards would probably get off on it . I'm thinking some sort of drug could be injected in to them that causes 24 hours of intense pain and vomiting.
  17. Front attaching harness might work. Also sounds weird but I used to use a miniature horse foal halter on my lab X boxer. Not sure how well it would fit a GSD but it was great for him and the webbing is nice and broad.
  18. So I've been asked to see if my dog would walk on a slow treadmill for a job! Only problem is I've gone all over this arvo and I can't find a single person with a treadmill I can trial her on. She doesn't need to look happy on it(they actually want her to look sad so it's a good thing that's her natural face!) but it's important she doesn't find it distressing obviously. I'm on the Nowra area and will be travelling to Wollongong with her tomorrow morning. We would only need 5-10 minutes to just do a quick play around and see how she does before I agree to take her up for the shoot. if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated, given it's just a quick trial I'm happy to use pretty much any type of treadmill.
  19. OK, thanks Huski. that's an option then. I'm going to talk to the powers that be and find out whether they have a preference for what i train them in. With her deep chest my kelpie is larger in the chest than my basset so it would be handy if they could just share the good harness for now too while I'm working out who's going to be chosen for serious training.
  20. Well Ruffwear is pretty sure she'd be in a small? Can't say i feel a huge level of confidence. They did recommend I buy somewhere I can try on first but as I don't have any retailers here that won't work.
  21. Ah yes a bit of JRT would explain that.
  22. Yes if Josie gets up a trot it's easy to see how they restrict movement. I don't use them for walking much as a result but I don't usually find an issue when we do since my girls are cruisers not pullers. The ones I have sit further up on the chest though, they don't seem an issue for my kelpie with her deep chest and long legs but not good for Josie's short broad chest
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