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Everything posted by delta

  1. Hi; one of my pups is going to my daughter, and I would like to get for them car harness so the puppy can sit on the back seat next the child booster seat. I have been looking on line and in a shop, but there is so much and none really look the right shape for Whippet. I just wonder what brands do people find good for Whippets. hanks on advance
  2. I use the dosage given on the packet for 2 years old child - according to weight of the dog
  3. Lamb flaps and necks are good, but i found them often to be too fatty for my dogs. If I want a dog to put on some weight I give them as many chicken necks as they would eat. Often at first, dogs are not interested in them very much, and will only eat one, but once they get use to them they keep coming back for more.
  4. Kangeroo meat is hard to digest, however roo is, i would imagine the only animal that has not been treated with some chemicals. The roo has lived natural life, was shot and his meat that is sold in the supermarket (human consumption), does not have any preservatives.
  5. Salty water is not much good if the infection got deep into the wound. I would be taking her to vet ASAP; even if the only place today is the emergency clinic. Unless you deal with the infection immediately you are running the risk of further complications and possibly losing the bitch. Does she have puppies or did she lose them? You have to confine her so she cannot get out and dig; if she does have pups she may try to bury them.
  6. I have heard that there has been outbreak of parvo both in Sydney and Melbourne. Cannot see topic on this subject here????? Has anybody else heard about cases of parvo? I know of one confirmed case of parvo in vaccinated pups.
  7. I always keep box of Periactin tablets, available from chemists for something like $6 per 100. They are very effective antihystamine, especially for dogs. Great for people too but they make humans very drowsy; knock me out for 24 hours. Do not seem to affect a dog though this way, Some years ago my daughter got stung right next to her eye, which blew up like a baloon. I stuck one Periactin down her throat and by the time we got to the emergency the swelling was less than half. The doctor told me that if I did not give her the tablet she would have very likely lost the eye.
  8. When you bring a new puppy home, regardless of age, I would recomend taking out every 30 minutes or so, until they have a wee. Then you can relax and just take them after meal, when they wake up, if they circle or every couple of hours; whatever comes sooner. Best thing is to install a dog flap, and they will soon learn to use it. I have in this moment two 12 weeks old pups, who have run of the house, and last accident was some 5 weeks ago. Puppy usually only poo after meal.
  9. Yes I would also be very interested in titre test in this area. Also, it would be great if vets who do large number of testing would keep some sort of record of the results. As it is we are just blindly vaccinating, or not vaccinating, and have absolutely no idea if our dogs are protected or not.
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