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Everything posted by dae2

  1. Sorry Dan, I did not read properly your signature so I just used your nick. Thank you Holly, I will try manipulate his food and post here if I have any luck. Regards, Andre.
  2. Thanks Zayda. I am hesitant to do a full allergic investigation, because quite a few people mentioned to me that first it is non-conclusive - allergen may be found or may be not and second it is lengthy and costly exercise. Out of your experience how good are those dermatologists and how much I am looking at? Also do you know of a good dermatologist in Gold Coast or Brisbane area? Cheers.
  3. Dear All, Thank you for your comments. My breader advised me when I was getting a puppy from him to feed dog with Eukanuba brand soaked in worm water in the evening and give him raw chicken wing in the morning. That's the way he feeds his dogs and they all look very healthy. I basically followed his recomendations from the very beginning, there were no changes to his diet since I've got him (just obviously change from puppy to adult maintance lines of Eukanuba). Please see the images of the affected areas if it will give any other clues, although Omega 3 and tea tree oil sounds like a good candidates for trying to start with. Thank you.
  4. Thanks for the suggested Omega3 I will give it a try. As about possible poisoning, that is what I was suspecting all time long, but I can't find any traces of anything unusual on my backyard. I will make couple of pictures of affected areas and post them here. Thank you for the advises. Andre.
  5. Hi, I have a 5 years old German Shepherd and he was quite healthy until about 9 months ago when I found that his stomach area and his legs covered with large pimples. The naked area between legs was of a deep red color. I took him to a vet and they said that it is an allergic reaction to something, but there were no changes neither in environment nor in his food. The only change was new neighbour who does not like any animals . After a course of antibiotics things got better, but only for a months or two. After this period things came back but with more complications, now on top of skin problems dog's ears got some infection as well and nose was coverid with some crust. Another visit to vet and another "allergy" diagnose and another 400$ worth of tablets and drops for ears. Again it worked only for about month or two and problems are coming back again. Has anyone seen/heard of anything like this? What vet can you recommend in Gold Coast area? I know that I can do test to various allergens, but it is an expensive and inconclusive excercise and I don't really believe in "allergy" theory as nothing really changed in environment and period over which it occurs eliminates any types of flowers or plants producing something what can cause allergy. Please help. Andre.
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