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Everything posted by Eldoop

  1. Hi Herr and Erny, yes it was great and I LOVE going to training, we always have a ball, and my niece (Tegan) and her pup love it aswell ;) and at softball there are alot of dogs and we wlak around with our well behaved pups and we get alot of comments while other dog owners are getting their arms pulled out Sorry didn't mean to high jack the thread
  2. Hi Axel :p you have the very same problem as my eldest niece with her staffy....word for word ;) and what Herr Rottweiler said is spot on with my niece's dog she is a female dog but went through the same thing, just stopped listening and started being the boss, my niece had to start to use a water spray bottle and spray the dog to get her to listen, but my other niece (the two sister share a house) would pull the dog up and correcting the dog, and now Willow will listen to the younger sister but not her owner (the eldest sister) and its still like that today, its a shame, Tegan has told her what to do, but you just have to be the leader of the pack, no question about it, and then things will settle down and you can enjoy your fur baby again ;)
  3. Her jaws meet up ok, and the other teeth look ok and top and bottom meet up, its only the lower canines that are sitting next to/and just on the inside of the top canines so if they grow forward and tilt out they will sit in the correct place, but someone else said to wait till she is 1 year old before worrying to much?
  4. Thanks you Mel My hubby had a look last night at her canines and said to wait afew weeks to see if her jaw will grow abit more with her and see if the tooth will start to tilt out and sit in place, at the moment the bottom canine tooth looks like its going to grow through the roof of her mouth and not tilt outwards to sit next to the top tooth, but as you said, I'll give it time and see how it goes... she doesn't seem to be bothered by it yet..
  5. I've just noticed tonight that Minx bottom K9 teeth (I dont know what the tooth is called?) is growing straight up and if it keep going it looks like they will hit the roof of her mouth? so does anyone know if the teeth start to tilt out while they grow to sit beside the top K9 tooth????
  6. Oh that is so sad, I hope you get stuck into the council, makes you wonder why you bother microchipping and putting id collars...someone didn't do their job Big hugs to you
  7. Tilly a beautiful pomeraniam gave up her fight some time thismorning at 14 1/2 years old, she will be sadly missed but she is onto better things over the bridge, look for Cindy and run and play again, R.I.P Tilly
  8. Gee I needed a lunch break reading K9's post it is so long ;) sorry K9 just having a joke
  9. Jenny, but I wouldn't have caught onto that if you hadn't said anything ;)
  10. Jenny we had to get rid of the cape weed at our horses paddock aswell, if it takes hold its a bugger to get rid of, I use here at home a garden tool..(dont know what its called..sorry) but it has two prongs and a 'U' shape under the handle and you push the prongs into the base of the cape weed and push the handle to the ground and the 'U' bit under levers the weed out of the ground....hope you understand me here ;) and it takes roots and all out and I haven't had any cape weeds for awhile now, as soon as I see a small one starting to grow, I pull it out, dont know if this will help you, but it has me and I'm no gardener Also can you PM me the emergency vet in Hallam as I really should have it incase. Thanks
  11. Hi, No her puppy teeth are gone, the vet checked for that when I mentioned the teeth, as I said, since the vet visit I've been looking in her mouth and the small molar in front has come through first, then when these bigger ones have come through there wasn't enough room to fit, so you can see they have grown at a angle to try and fit in the gap, with me now
  12. OMG Jenny Poor Chelsea, I'm glad to hear she is Ok now, give her a big hug for me thats so scary how did you cope? I guess you do when it happens to you, now I'm worried about Minx, hope I never find out whether she is allergic to bee's
  13. Well I have said on another thread about Minx teeth, but now after seeing her eating/chewing (or trying too) a lamb bone with a chunck of fat on the middle of it thismorning I'm starting to get worried At the vets two weeks ago while there I had a full check up done on everything and before we went to the vets I noticed Minx molars on both sides on her bottom jaw the one that sits under the very wide molar on the top jaw, (I hope you know the one I'm talking about ) well they have grown on an angle leaning inwards, not staright up, anyway at the vet she said it may have been because the baby tooth was in the way and hopefully as Minx grows the teeth will straighten as theres not much they can do about the teeth? well since then I've been in poor Minxy mouth almost daily having a look and I can see what has happened.... the small molar in the front has come through first, and then these bigger molars have come through and there wasn't enough room in her mouth so they have grown on an angle and leaning on a inwards angle pointing towards her tongue (but not touching her tongue or anything) but where I'm starting to worry is when looking in her mouth, these teeth dont meet the top molars, they sit just to the inside of the top teeth, not under them .... (still with me guys?) so I think this is why she is haveing trouble chewing bones and the fat off bones, my other dog crunches the bones and the fat is gone, but Minx takes hours chewing and chewing and when she had her puppy teeth she would crunch through chicken wings and you would hear the crunch, crunch, now with her adult teeth coming through she takes longer to eat a chicken wing and doesn't seem to have the crunching of the bones as much Should I worry or has this happened to anyone else's pup? will her teeth straighten when she is fully grown? or should I change vets?
  14. Hi, I'm very interested in this thread as Minx has black nails and I think are getting long, I walk her on concrete but they are still long, so what do the vets charge to cut their nails?
  15. OMG Cass I'm so sorry to hear about your loss and still a baby too gosh happy one minute and gone the next, I couldn't cope with that.. Hugs to you and your family
  16. yes I agree with you saltwood, also I'm getting mixed advice on the 3rd injection, some are saying to only get the C3 and some are saying not to bother at all with the 3rd vacc?
  17. I dont know the answer to this...But...if it was me, and you and your puppy are happy and there are no problems, then go for it JMO Minx sleeps next to my bed on her own bed, but if she was a smaller breed she'd be in with me too
  18. Sorry to sound silly here but is Advance a dry food?
  19. I've only taken her to one vet, what happened was when she was in having her 2nd injection I said the vet about her itchy and he could see anything wrong, but her itch was n't as bad then, then last sunday was the Pets day out at Frankston and there was a vet stall and a sign saying ask about itchy skin, so I did, this is how the second vet come about, then when I went to buy some Malaseb I didn't have Minx with me that day, and thats how the 3 rd vet happened (but as I said, this vet never looked at her) but No.....I only have One vet
  20. Ok she had this jab on the 12th last month so if she was going to get ill, she would have by now, and NO there are no mozzies around my area, well none I've seen yet anyway and she does not have a rash at all, and is only scratching in the one spot which is under her armpit area/ribcage area/under belly etc etc :D
  21. Hi all, well yesterday I went to buy some Malaseb to wash Minx and I spoke to the vet while I was there, or it could have been the vet nurse, not sure, I asked for the vet and she came out, anyway this is the 3rd vet I've seen about Minx itchy under her ribs area, but this is the first that hasn't looked at Minx as I dropped in while I was out shopping, and this one said Minx must have fleas, so after I said to her 3 times....No she doesn't have fleas, I just didn't argue with her then I asked where would she be itchy if she has fleas then...... and after she listed the spots on the dog, I said...well I can honestly say NO she doesn't have fleas then!! so I told her again for the 10th time where Minx scratches! anyway it boiled down to bring her in for a skin scrape as I already knew, but all I wanted was to buy some Malaseb to see if what the vet at Pets day out said was right. Also while at this vet I ask what the 3rd vacc would cost so I can get Minx done while I'm there getting her skin checked as she is due next week, I said I had a C7 done at my vet for her second vacc, then this girl told me there is no such thing as a C7 injection? there is only C3 or C5?? and that my vet took me for a ride??????? does anyone know if there is a C7? I was told it included kennel cough and something else and something to do with the blood? sorry I cant remember what my vet said to me now, but at the time he did tell me? Have I been ripped off? :D
  22. HR (abit off topic here) but do you think ADT will ever have their own training grounds one day?
  23. K9 Force you might have to put on a side kick to help you out by the sounds of it...lol
  24. Well said K9 Force and if I could add, and I've said it before......what I did worked as Minx hasn't touched it again and at the time, she just sat at the door wagging her tail at me and has no issues at all about what happened, she is training very well and I have no problems with recalls so she is fine :p Have a great day all
  25. I am going to look at the eagle pack, someone said that the beef pets mince or the veg might be the cause, so to feed her pets chicken mince for afew weeks, so this is what I was going to do, then reintroduce her other foods one at a time? and if she starts itching again I'll know which food it was, that is if its even food thats the cause :p Last night and today I've noticed she is scratching more under her belly and armpit area, but still cant see any rash, she was abit red where is scratches but thats it??
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