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Everything posted by Eldoop

  1. Eldoop

    Feeding Puppy

    I didn't mean it was BARF I'm feeding them, I was saying it was like BARF...... I feed Minx raw meat thats minced with vegies in it, (like BARF I guess) I cut and paste this from the first post so sorry I wasn't saying raw meat and veg that I'm feeding is barf...hope that clears that up
  2. Eldoop

    Feeding Puppy

    I'm a member of ADT (Australian Dog Traning) and they will tell you raw meat is best, they told me that at puppy pre-school aswell, I feed mince beef, mince chicken carcess, vegies, fruit, and it has omega oils and other goodies, and I just add good dry food into it, and any scraps aswell also raw chicken wings are good for pups, Minx gets raw chicken carcess but she's a big girl, also lamb or beef bones, but never feed cooked bones.
  3. Eldoop

    Feeding Puppy

    I tried adding abit of raw meat in his dinner last night and he only had afew mouthfulls I thought I'll put him on it slowly and just add alittle bit at a time, but he didn't seem to like it, and thismorning he only ate half his breaky? yet he seems to love the raw chicken wings.
  4. Chloebear puppy pre-school is great, I took Minx and went with my niece when she got her puppy, its fun, the pups get to play with other puppies and learn to play nice and they teach you some training hints etc, and you can ask any questions you like...food, toys, training, sleeping, toilet training etc etc where about are you located??
  5. Hi is there any poodle owners out there or any poodles at your club, I would like to do either agility or flyball with Cody when he is older, I started agility with Minx and she was coming alone nicely but I couldn't make the night they did training, so sadly had to give it up, but would like to do flyball aswell, so what would a toy poodle be more suited to? if any?
  6. Ok I'm rusty as here and cant think at what age do you start to take your puppy for its first walk? also the papers I got with Cody said not to worm him for a week, so what are the ages you worm your pup...is it 6, 8 and 12 weeks old?? and what is the best wormer to use? I want to take Cody to puppy pre-school like I did with Minx, but I'm sure Minx was walking on her lead by then, so wondering when I should start Cody on a lead? sorry if this seems a silly question and something I should know, but when you haven't had a puppy for awhile you seem to forget
  7. I feed Minx raw meat thats minced with vegies in it, (like BARF I guess) I now get some great looking meat and its got all sorts of goodies in it....mince beef, mince chicken carcess vegies, fruit, omega oils, and heaps of other good stuff, now I'm currently feeding Cody what the breeder said which is cooked mince meat and puppy dry food, I've had him one week tomorrow and wondering when can I start to slowly feed him the same as Minx? or is he still to young for raw meat?
  8. Hi All...well the last two mornings I've got up around 5 am and taken him out for his morning toilet, so no accidents in his crate, but today for the very first time he did a poo in the front room of the house I have paper on the floor in the living room where we spend most of the time and if he needs to go before I take him, or I'm busy etc, he goes on the paper, which doesn't happen very much as I'm normally on the ball with him...he goes out after a sleep, after a feed, and around every hourish, also when its a nice day I put him outside with Minx (shes a great baby sitter) for half an hour as I can see him from the sliding door and can watch him from inside aswell, and thismorning he did a wee right at the door where since day one I've taken him to the same spot in the yard and he normally goes over to that area when he is outside, so I'm wondering what going on with him today
  9. Oh I wish Cody would he sleeps through the night in his pen, but gets up and has already gone on the paper before I can take him out, he wakes up and goes to the toilet then cry for me to get up is there light at the end of the tunnel. ;)
  10. I used Advantage for puppies on him and haven't seen anymore fleas, found about 3 in the end ;) but he still scratches and I'm always checking in his coat, what else could be making him scratch?
  11. I'm feeding him 3 meals aday but am thinking for making that 4 meals, I feed him breakfast first thing in the morning, then at lunch time, then about 6 ish at night....what I'm worried about is I'm not getting to him in the mornings as he has already been, so I am concerned he will not ask to go out from over night, or will he grow out of it and start to ask or wait? with Minx when she was a pup, the first night she went on the paper but after that I would hear her wake up and take her outside in the mornings, but with Cody he is quiet and by the time I hear him up, or he starts to cry, its to late ;) Oh and like I postsed in the other thread...I need help with him waking up to early
  12. Thanks Sas, ring a bell....I'll have a read.... I've been reading about the crate training, currently I have a crate/cage from Bunnings, at night I put it in our walk in robe (only place I can put it without it being in the way) and he can still see and hear me and Minx sleeps beside the crate, but I'm thinking after reading some of the other posts that it might be to big? he has his bed and enough room for some paper next to his bed, but we have had two night were he has done a pee on his bed and not the paper, but he always has a poo every morning on the paper.
  13. With Cody I take him outside after he wakes up, eats, and about every hourish, so far he has been good, only had about 3 accidents, but my question is first thing in the morning when I hear him up, I get up to take him out and everytime he has already been, so will he start to let me know, or is it a case of if he's not letting me know now, he never will??? my niece said her dog let her know she wanted out right from the first day she got her, also all our dogs we have had (over the years) never seem to let you know they want out, just sit at the door waiting for someone to come along and open the door, Minx is also like this, never barks just sits at the door ;) and someone said to me its because as puppies I always take them out so now they just sit and wait, so if this is so, how can I teach Cody to bark to let us know he wants out? (I dont want him to turn out the same ) so there are two questions here..sorry.
  14. Zoiboy yes I have posted pics in the General section under 'My new baby' or something like thats I went to the pet shop and bought Advantage for puppies, so lets hope that will be the end of it.
  15. I use to give Minx chicken necks no worries, and as afew have said, once she got older I started with the wings, now she gets the whole carcass, but I was wondering if I can give my new boy chicken necks???? he is a 8 week old toy poodle??
  16. This morning I was giving my new baby a brush and to my horror I found a flea!! so I dont want minx to catch any so what can I do to get rid of them, and is he to young to use Revolution (sp?) or one of them?? he is 8 weeks old.
  17. Our old girl (living with eldest daughter now) is Jess....Maghera Time Will Tell
  18. Oh I didn't realise that, I thought 'all' new members had to join at the start of the month....well might see you down there I'll give the club a call in that case
  19. Once I have Minx bringing the ball back to me everytime then I'll look at joining a flyball club somewhere, probably Berwick but I think I have to join the obedience club to get into the flyball, and I'm sure I read you can only join on the first weekend of the month, as I dont have any idea how to teach her the jumps and turns etc
  20. Hi Guys its funny this post should be here as only last night Minx was being weird and when I feed her her dinner she was eating it and then she stood their and walked away and ran to the sliding door, so I called her back, and give her a pat and tried to get her to finish her food, but she just sat there looking like she was in trouble so I just took her dinner away and put it in the fridge. Lately I've noticed she gets all shakey and sooky like a kid wanting attention for no reason at all so I just ignore her, she is abit of a spoiled brat, goes everywhere with us, sit on the couch with us, sleeps in the bedroom with us etc etc, so its very frustrating when she does this 'I'm so scared, look at me', thing
  21. Hi Bel sorry if it was said in the posts but I didn't read them all, but is Ed and Molly desexed or are you going to breed them? we had this same problem with Minx and my nieces lab Dacoda, dacoda would mount Monx and we were told it was her being dominant over Minx and that 'we' are the top dog not them, so Dacoda would get time out every time she did it and only Dacoda, now she hasn't done it in along time, hope th is helps
  22. I did another session with her on friday night and she was good, I waited until the ball had stopped before I let her go, I only did it afew times but the last two times she wanted to keep the ball and not play with the tug rope so we'll get it right soon. My nieces lab has the same problem as you (I think it was you anyway? ) she keeps popping the ball
  23. Hey Good news, we may have had a break through, but dont want to get to excited yet, but when my niece got home from work (she lives with us) her lab just LOVES playing ball and always brings it back, so I'm talking her into joining with me, and Minxy sat at the sliding door watching us getting Dacoda to get the ball then we sat the ball on the ground at the other end of the yard, so this was the first time Dacoda ran after a stationary ball and she did it great so next I try the same thing with Minx (but still inside) and this time she did it fantastic, brought the bal straight back to me and I just rewarded her with her tug rope, I was so pleased so I only did acouple to finish on a good note, but the last time she got all excited and jumped up for the rope and bit me she didn't mean to, got my hand aswell as the rope but as soon as I yelled she let go, didn't break the skin or anything, but mannn, I gotta teach her to go for her end, she always want the end we have got
  24. I just thought I would go and do alittle training session with Minx like I did yesterday (baby steps) and this time I thought I'd do some food rewards for bringing the ball back and some tug toy rewards so she gets use to the toy and not hooked on the food, so like yesterday I slowly rolled the ball along the floor got her reved up and she chased the ball and brought it back to me...great used the clicker, then food, did it two more times and she was good, brought the ball back and drop it near my feet (I thought thats good enough for now) third time used the tug toy as her reward and she LOVED it, but after the second time she wouldn't even look at the ball anymore she wouldn't even show any excitment unless she saw the tug rope, so after afew more tries of getting her to get the ball, I just put the food away and stopped, so I'm abit worried now she just hasn't got the stuff I realise its early days yet, but she just LOVES her tug rope and I think thats all she will be worried about.
  25. Oh OK so its not the ADT club in Berwick, they have their training at the Chisholm Institute in Berwick on saturday morning, and I started there but changed to the one at Scoresby as its on sunday mornings and they do agility but not flyball, but I went to the Doveton agility club at Myuna farm. One thing I haven't read is when the dog gets the ball from the panel and goes over the jumps again, when does the dog have to drop the ball? is there a line as such? or is it as long as the dog is over the last jump? in other words.....how close to me would Minxy have to get the ball before she drops it as once she see's her tug rope she will drop it right there and then Hay if I join with you guys, maybe after our furbabies get to know each other we could do some flyball training together?
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