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Everything posted by Eldoop

  1. Thanks guys PC I wanted to go to the Frankston pets day out but forgot all about it on the day I went afew years ago and loved it, did you go? and yes I'm near Cranbourne, in Hampton Park.
  2. chloebear you will get fit aswell, I did agility with Minx and you do as much running as your dog but our training was a week night so I had to give it up, but would love to do something (either agility or flyball) with Cody...good luck and keep us updated.
  3. Can anyone tell me where some Agility and flyball clubs are around south/east Vic? I did a google search but cant find much in this area, and I know they are here the Berwick dog club web site is under construction and I know about Action Dogs at Myuna farm in Doveton, but they train on a wednesday night which is hard for me at night.....
  4. Great pics poodlefan if you have anymore you would like to share, please do :D
  5. Cody is 12 weeks old and I've taught him to sit and look at me and wait for me to say 'yes' before he eats, he gets excited but all I did was first put his bowl on the floor, then say 'sit' and if he goes to run at his bowl I just said 'no' and got him to sit again, with a light touch on his bum with the command 'sit' and I hold my hand like I had something in it and said 'look' as I brought my hand up to my eyes and as soon as he looked at me (the exact moment) I said 'yes' and he is allowed to eat, now when I put his dinner bowl down he walks to me and sits ready and looks before I use my hand, so now I just say 'yes' and thats his command to eat....he is so smart ;) I hope this may help you.
  6. Hi has anyone got any pics of their poodles doing flyball or agility??
  7. The first few night went I got Cody he went on his bed aswell, and like you, I always thought puppies didn't go where they sleep?? Cody has only peed on his bed but he has some paper next to his bed and never use's it so I'm interested in this thread also, but I'm lucky of late as I'm getting up in the morning before he has gone so I'm getting him outside for his morning toilet....good luck with Mia.
  8. Last night Cody did a poo in the house he has been so good with his toilet training...... I always take him out after a sleep, after a feed, and around every hour, I make a big fuss and say 'toilies" (sp?) but he doesn't get very excited, and he has only had about 3 accidents since I got him (2 and a half weeks ago) and yesterday he did a pee and last night he had a poo almost infront of us, and I'd taken him outside and he had a pee and I always wait longer incase he needs the other...so is it normal to go backwards at times
  9. No he doesn't cry to let me know, I always get up (for him) at around 5:30 to 6:00am every morning and take him out, and I take him out after he wakes up and has a feed, but I've noticed he doesn't go for a poo after he is feed anymore, so now I wait agood 10 minutes after his dinner before I take him out.....so I really hope he will start to let me know when he needs to go as all our past dog just sit at the door and never make a sound I have been told if you take them out all the time theydont let you know and just wait for you quietly
  10. He is a toy poodle and he gets feed the same as Minx which is raw mince beef with vegies and omega oils and puppy dry food...so far he is a good eater :cool: Edited to say Minx doesn't get the 'puppy' dry food, she get big dog dry food
  11. Hi how long should I leave Cody in his crate over night? until what age? I've had him for just over two weeks now (picked him up on the 24th sept) and he has had two poops and 3 pee's in the mornings, but other than that I get up around 5:30 to 6:00am and take him out, so how long should I keep him in the crate overnight before taking the crate away??
  12. Sorry to get off topic here...but what does 'DH' stand for?? it looks like something I sometimes call my hubby, but I dont think you mean the same thing?
  13. At what age do you drop your pup from 3 meals per day down to 2 meals then 1??
  14. Eldoop

    Second Vacc

    I found a vet that is a good price but cant get in for another week....will Cody be ok to wait another week??
  15. Thanks Isiss, I am going to ask my vet AGAIN about this problem, been asking them all of Minxs life...AAhhhggg
  16. Hi, we have Advantage on them, so they dont have fleas at all, and I've been using Aloveen shampoo and conditioner on Minx for the last 2 years, and yes I left the Malseb on her for 10 mins....no change!
  17. Thanks Poodle wrangler...yes I do have a slicker brush, and I've been brushing him about every 3rd day to get him use to it and he puffs up nicely and I'm going to take him to a groomer for his bath and blow dry and puppy clip so he will be well use to all the fuss when he is older.
  18. Ok no we dont have any Wandering Jew, just looked it up and nothing like that in our yard?
  19. We have carpet throughout most of the house, and Minx has always had itchies, also we have noticed that she stinks she is more smelly lately, so is this due to her skin being itchy? we bath her but by the next day she smells again
  20. We had alittle set back aswell, last night Cody peed in the house first time since the first day we got him, and I always take him out after every sleep, feed and when he wakes up, also last night he peed on his bed, and he hasn't had a accident in the mornings for over a week, I take him out before bed and again around 5 to 6 am, so I'm very interested in this thread Edited to add he is in a crate over night and has a small area with paper incase he has to go, but he still prefers to pee on his bed??
  21. Eldoop

    Second Vacc

    Hi I dont put my dogs in any boarding as if we go away we either take them or family look after them, so would I need the C5? I thought you needed that one for training aswell?
  22. Can you post a pic of Wandering Jew? sorry to sound dumb here but I have no idea what it looks like to see if any is in the yard
  23. Been using Aloveen for 2 years and the conditioner, with no change at all Edited to say she now has some sores under her belly where she scratches and on the insides of her back legs where she is always biting :rolleyes:
  24. I started this thread in 'Puppy Problems' but thought it really belongs here so starting it again Also I would like to know if anyone knows of a cheaper (but good) vet around south/east Melbournewho will do the second (C5) vacc for a better price, I have rang my own vet and they want $77, and I rang two more in the area and the prices I got was $78.50 and $66, I've been told about one vet will do a C5 for $25 without a check up, just give the vacc and thats it...but anyone know of any others?? as the prices have jumped up ALOT since Minx had hers and she is only just over two years old
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