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  1. Whats the best age to get a male desexed?
  2. Hi Moggy I know what you mean about not wanting to go in the rain, I stood outside last night in the rain with Cody to go before bed (our dogs sleep in our bedroom aswell) and I knew he would need to go as its had been about an hour and a half since he last went, and he'd been asleep at my feet, so I know he hadn't gone in the house somewhere, and I stood outside for over an hour my hubby came outside and said he couldn't believe I was still out there!!!! but Cody the little bugger must have hung on until he was busting and pee'd for a good few minutes and I thought to my self lucky I didn't give in and I almost did afew times as he would have just gone inside so I'm trying to get through his head that once he goes its back inside so hopefully he will learn to go straight away
  3. Thanks Everyone I was getting so frustrated when I wrote my first post as he was going so good with his toilet training and then over the past weekish he just took a hugh backstep Erny thanks for the advice ;) and I forgot to say..yes he is crate trained aswell, he is not in his crate over night anymore and so far he has no accidents over night just in the evenings. I dont like the idea of of putting him on his chain so he stay with us, but when I say 'chain' its a small light weight chain and its quite long, so he can walk around and still play, but cant go out of our sight, he doesn't cry when I put him on the chain because as I said, its quite long and he can still move around, but every time he does cry I tell him he is a good boy and say the word 'toileys' (which is his word for going) and I take him straight out to the toilet spot (same spot since the very first day) and every time he goes...so I feel he is only crying when on the chain when he needs to go, we have had him for about 10 weeks now.
  4. You've had him what ..... 8 weeks at the most? We don't know any of your previous training attempts nor how consistent you've been with them from 'day dot'. Sorry Erny forgot to say...yes I have said how about previous traing and how consistent I've been in my first post...... (copy and paste...) since day one I take him out after every sleep, every meal, and every hour, (still doing this now) Hope this helps?
  5. Hi Erny, I'm a member of the ADT so get most of my advice from there, and has worked well for Minx, but not Cody, yes he walks on his own, and he still pees in the house when I'm there aswell, he just seems to walk away and also right in front of you and pees, he never makes a noise and then you look down and a puddle is sitting right there and we think, you little bugger all you had to do was cry and we would have taken him right out!! the only time he lets us know is when he cant walk around the room free and is on his lean to the coffee table, but have never had to do that with any other pups so I really hate it but it seems to work????? and might have only had him for afew months but he is haveing to stay outside more nad more and thats not what I want to do, so was hoping for some help?
  6. Hi All, Well Cody will be 4 months old on the 22nd and has been a great pup to date all but his toilet training since day one I take him out after every sleep, every meal, and every hour, and he was coming along nicely, now I've been told by afew poeple (on here) males are better to toilet train than female dogs (Wrong!!!! ) Minx was fully trained by this age and could be trusted, but not Cody, he pee's all the time in the house, I take him out and he goes, I make a super big fuss and then let him back in the house, if he has been outside playing I make him go before I bring him inside to make sure he has been, but once inside he seems to walk away and no one in the family ever see him do it but there is always a wet patch on the carpet and over the past week and a half, he is peeing inside up to 5 times a night :p (and I dont mean overnight, I mean in the evenings) and its driving me crazy and what I've had to do now (which I hate with a passion) is chain him to the coffee table in front of us so he cant sneak off to pee, and thats the only time he will cry to go out, so then I tell him he is a good boy, take him out side and again make a big fuss when he goes..... so what am I doing wrong????? as poodle are an smart dog but he is just not getting the idea that outside is where to go???? and sorry to those of you thats going to tell me he is still young.....he is my first male dog and all my past and present female dogs where trained by now and going outside...... I love him to bits but we are spending more and more time frustrated at him and its looking like he will have to be an outside dog and Minx is an indoor dog and would have loved Cody to be aswell, but not going to chain him up with us all the time so we can relax, as the minute he moves we are jumping up to watch him, and its just not enjoyable to have him inside anymore..... PLEASE HELP
  7. No about the same size puddle no he is peeing the same amount.
  8. Yes I have gone back to square one with the crate, but its a shame he has stopped letting me know he needs to go out now :D but I dont know how to get him to tell me again
  9. I dont weigh his food so a cup is just a rough guess, its probably less, I give him about two spoonsfulls of the meat and I reckon a small amount of dry mixed in, I took him to the vets yesterday to see what his weight is and to have his microchip recorded with my details and he was 3.4kg (he is 14 weeks old) and the vet nurse said he was good but dont let him lose any weight so now I'm worried
  10. Hi everyone, I'm abit unsure whats going on here with Cody, just over a week ago I started leaving his crate open at night as he has been so good and I get up around 6 in the mornings to take him out to the toilet, and over that time with the crate being open he has been great, so one step at a time over the past week I've taken the crate away and he has been sleeping with minx on their beds, I've still had paper down just incase, but every morning he waits for me to take them out, or crys to let me know, or 80% of the time I get up and the dogs are still asleep so I end up waking him up to take him out, and I always take him out before bed etc etc, so as you can see, he has been fantastic, but yesterday he got up and pee'd, not on the paper but in the middle of the room :D so I thought right we go back afew steps, and put the crate back last night, then he wakes up, didn't cry like he use to do, but I could hear him moving around so knew he was awake, so I got up to take him out before he did it in his crate and it was 3:30 a.m. :D so why is he going backwards in his toilet training? as he is no longer letting me know also afew nights ago before it was dark the kids and OH was outside mucking around, and the sliding door was open and the little bugger came just inside the door and pee'd then went back outside which is something he has never done before?? and he normally has a little wimper to let me know its toilet time, but this past week he has stopped telling me and I have to now keep an good eye on his every move in the house as I cant trust him anymore and he has been going inside, and yesterday he spent the whole day outside, and (I've had this whinge many times) we have not had a dog that will let us know they need to go out, Minx just sits at the door until someone see's her, I really want a dog that will bark or cry to say 'I want out', what am I doing wrong in the training? and why is Cody going backwards? advice please
  11. Cody is 14 weeks old, and thats one cup in total = wet and dry food
  12. I have Cody on 3 meals a day, he is getting the raw minced beef and vegie and good puppy dry food, I warm it up abit for him and he seemed to love it but had started to not finish his meals, so I gave him that VIP roll for one meal so he's not eating the same food, he was great with that, then again, not finishing his meals, so I started putting the two together for a change, same story?? and no I'm not over feeding him, he is only little so I give him about a cup of food per meal, now last night we had roast chicken for dinner and I gave him some chicken, roast potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and gravy, chopped it up and he scoff the lot, but again thismorning he only ate half his breakfast and didn't touch his lunch at all so what should I do to get him to eat properly???
  13. Yes thats what I though, he is to young at the moment, we start puppy preschool on the 1st Nov then onto obedience so once he is older I'll add the agility or flyball into it
  14. I have a question, with Cody I've been toilet training him and when he does his business outside I make a big fuss and he just looks at me like I'm an idiot he just doesn't get excited, and I have to call him over to me to give him a pat and tell him he is a good boy, Minx comes running over and jumps about when she hears me going stupid but Cody is just like....'oh yeah, whatever!' so is his toilet training sinking in? or is he just not an excited dog?
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