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Everything posted by Cheyenne_Fury

  1. Awww Erny what you and poor Kal have been through Good on you for being so thorough though and listening to your instincts. lots of people would have given up by now, but not you. Kal's one lucky girl to have you as her owner :D Fingers crossed and will pray for good results on Tuesday Anne
  2. Training is all about finding what works for you and your dogs, some methods work well for some, and not at all for others. I have had nothing but positive experiences with ADT and they have been very helpful. Redhead it is a shame that you had a bad experience with ADT, but great that you have found a club that is what you were looking for and that you are getting the results you want from your training
  3. Hi guys, I'd just like that say a huge THANK YOU to everyone for their concern and well wishes. Murray has improved last night and this morning. He started to perk up last night and was able to keep a small meal of rice and boiled chicken down (the vet recommended something bland) he is still very quiet but not pacing and panting and shaking as he had been. This morning he was still quiet but went outside no problems and came back in before I went to work and put himself back to bed. There is one thing that I am still concerned about is that he has not used his bowels (i have been going outside with him all over the weekend). I am just hoping that this is because he has had nothing in his stomach for the last few days and that by tonight he will have been. Will keep you all updated on his progress over the next few days. Anne
  4. Erny I am praying and have everything crossed for you and Kal. You have come this far and can't turn back now. I know what it is like to have a sick dog on your hands, Murray is not well this weekend, but no where near as serious as Kal. Keep your chin up and I'm sure that you will get to the bottom of it all soon. Anne
  5. Hey guys, Bit of an undate on poor old Murray. He didn't have a very good night spoke to the on call vet again this morning and took him down at 9.00am. He is now running a temp (which he wasn't yesterday) and still shaking and panting heavily and generally not himself. The vet gave him a metacam injection which would bring his temperature down and also relieve the pain he is feeling. She also gave him an antibotic injection and has given me tablets to start tomorrow if he can keep food down (i have to offer him a small meal tonight and see) if he can't keep the food down we have to go back to the vet. He is not dehydrated but is still very listless and can't seem to settle. At least the drugs will kick in soon and he will be feeling a bit better. He is currently asleep on my brothers bed. Thanks for all your advice and well wishes and here's hoping that Murray makes a speedy recovery. Anne
  6. Thanks Lozzie I hope that he is feeling better by morning as well. Isaviz I will keep an eye in him with the water. I haven't seen him use his bowels today but he has pee'd. Will keep an eye on this too. Thanks for responding Anne
  7. Hi guys, I apoligize in advance for the long post but I am worried... My poor old Murray (9 year old beagle) is not well. He has been quiet for a few days but today I noticed that he was not a happy boy at all. He is off his food Listless Drinking a lot more water than normal Panting quite heavily and was shaking When I noticed him shaking I rang the vet straight away and took him down there. He was seen by the vet who checked his temperature and his gums etc. and everything was ok. Apparently his stomach sounds were normal as well. The vet suspected an upset stomach or gastro and gave him a shot of rimadyl (spelling) to make him more comfortable and sent us home with orders of not to feed him until monday to give his stomach a chance to settle. I brought him home and he did seem to be doing better. Still quiet but not agitated. I work Saturday nights at the local restaurant and so went off to work and left my brother to watch him. I rang around 9pm and Murray was ok. Had been outside a few times and come back in and was sleeping on my bed. I got home around 10pm and he greeted me as did my other dog Jake. He seemed quieter than usual but ok. Around 11pm he wanted to go outside. He normally will go outside to the toilet and come back in within a matter of minutes. About 20 mins later I thought I had better go and find him. He had pushed himself under the big pile of branches that need to be taken to the tip, and wouldn't come out no matter how much I called and tried to entice him out with food etc. In the end my brother went in after him and got him out. He had started shaking again and wasn't happy at all. I rang the vet and described all the symptoms to her along with the treatment he had recieved today. She told me to check his gums which I did and they are quite pink almost red, she said that this can happen when a dog has an upset stomach. She said for me to monitor him over night and if he was no better to call her again and organise to take him into the clinic on Sunday. I asked her about him hiding under the branches and she said that he was most likely in pain because the rimadyl would have worn off and that he was hiding from the pain. I have been keeping an eye on him and he is very restless and not happy at all. He is currently under my bed for some reason he feels a bit safer under there so I have left him there for the time being. I am sick with worry about my poor Murray :D and don't know what to do. If anyone has any advice or help it would be much appreciated and if anyone else has experienced any similar symptoms in their dogs I would be very appreciative if you could share your experiences. Thanks and sorry again for the long post Anne
  8. Awww Erny that's not good to hear. Keeping fingers crossed for both you and Kal that it isn't something serious Anne
  9. I have heard great things about prong collars but the problem is that they are illegal in Victoria. I've used the new blackdog infin8 and have had great success. They are great because instead of your usual type halters the lead clips on at the back of the neck like a regular collar. The halter part is actually attached to a martingale collar and the dogs have to pull reasonably hard to activate the halter tightening over the nose. Dogs will learn to pull in almost any collar or halter but i think the infin8 is worth a try :rolleyes: Good luck
  10. I have always found too much gas can come from them eating something different, but you said that you haven't changed her diet... How is her poo? I have also found if one of my dogs was a bit constipated they would fart more than usual... Hope she's ok and you don't suffer from carbon monoxide posioning Anne
  11. As part of my job we have to wear orange safety vests when we are outside at all (my office is in the middle of the plant) and believe me they are very fasionable . Alison if it makes Tyler feel any better I could wear mine on sunday so she wouldn't be the odd one out Though mine doesn't say I need space
  12. Simone you know Jake is always up for a run and Murray is always up for a car ride and a bit of a sniff I bet we could get Dodgey to be an agility star too if he saw how many cute girls there are and how much attention he would get from them
  13. Thanks guys YB - Jake says to tell Connor not to worry, they'll go looking for girls together
  14. Jake showed up a couple of those workin' dogs, huh? Kick ass, Jake! Well done. Enjoy your agility - both of you ..... I'm certain you will. Well I didn't want to mention that but yeah he did kick butt hey Gotta love an excited spotty I think that agility will be a great outlet for all of that energy that Jake has and will also help us to work on our training with distractions I am sure that we will both have lots of fun :D
  15. Sam that's great that you will be back at ADT Berwick! That's where I train Murray though haven't been able to go very often lately Will definately look out for you and heidi and/or Matt I will be training Jake there too soon so no doubt you will see me with one boy or the other
  16. Aww thanks Erny He was a good boy wasn't he So proud of my spotty boy. it was soo funny with the Border Collies, Aussie Shepards, The kelpies and then Jake the spotty Dalmatian His last recall was enthusiastic to say the least
  17. Hi guys, Some of you will remember that I have been training my 9 year old beagle cross Murray and have been doing really well with him. Over the Christmas break I attended Yogibear's summer school with my Dalmatian boy Jake and he did really well. I have been doing a lot more training at home as well with both of my boys and they are both doing really well. Jake and I went to action dogs agility in Doveton (Melb) on Wednesday night for the assessment and next week we will be starting foundation classes for agility Jake and I are very excited Jake is an excitable boy, typical dally with a heart of gold but can be a bit of a handful at times because he gets so excited around other people and other dogs and his attention can fly out the window. As part of the assessment the dogs had to hold the sit position for 15 seconds with the distraction of the other dogs and then the distraction of having a ball rolled passed them. The dogs also had to recall to their owners past the other dogs and then past the temptation of the ball being rolled. I was thinking mmm this will be interesting as Jake normally will listen to my commands his ears tend to turn off at times around distractions. He was soo good, holding the sit position with both distractions and his recalls were fantastic! The second recall he was so enthusiastic he nearly sent me flying as he was coming at me that fast I was sooo proud of my boy he was a star (and yes I am very biased ) Can't wait to start agility training next week and in a few more weeks I will also be joining Jake up at ADT to continue his obedience training Look out agility here we come Just had to share Anne
  18. YB - That's no good about Connor's tear ducts. Hopefully the second op will be able to clear them. I'm sure he will be fine. He's a tough little munchkin. Jake says to ask Connor if he wants to play ball when he is feeling better.
  19. Definately looking forward to Sunday Yes Jake was a star at the Lure coursing in Jan he just loved it so we'll be there again
  20. Awww what a bugger. Jake and I were looking forward to it, but we have agility on Wednesdays now so wouldn't have been able to come...
  21. Would definately be interested in attending the seminar in Melb if you do decide to do it down here Anne
  22. Suz - it definately pays to check out a few training places and do your home work. I take my Murray to ADT and they are fantastic but it is all what you want to get out of the training and what works for you. ADT have info sessions as well so that you can get an idea of what services they offer etc. They also have centres all over Melb. Have fun with training your boy whereever you decide to go cos that's the whole point Anne
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