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Everything posted by NaturallyWild

  1. Depends on the situation, but if there isn't and "episode" happening (assuming you get extreme situations), then 3-5min is more than enough. Lots of little amounts is better so the bodies nervous system isn't overwhealmed and there is a learning experience between sessions. There are also workshops in Sydney, see the TTouch website for this.
  2. Nothing specific to fear/anxiety as all of the work deals with any situation. The dvd Unlock your dogs potential is a good starter - she does the touches very quick though compared to real life. On of the dog books will give descriptions of the different touches as well. These would really onlybe a brief intro to TTouch - you learn so much more at the workshops. Try experimenting with a body wrap - appropriate width bandage and gentle wrap (snug but not tight) it in a figure 8 going in front of chest/legs, cross over back of shoulders, then under belly (you can wrap an extra loop around belly if enough length). Any configuration can be useful.
  3. The technique was developed from Feldenkrais which is similar to Alexander technique (human therapies if you are familiar with either). There are a lot of reasons it is different to massage. A big component to it is about helping create self awareness eg if your not aware your are holding your shoulder tight because you are anxious you are unlikely to let them go until the reason for being anxious disappears. It is about giving the nervous system some gentle information that allows it to know that it has an option to do something different. The results that are seen are longer term because they are self driven/chosen by the animals body. It is about helping the body become more balanced in regards to gravity (when still) and with movement (improved proprioreception) - when we are balance there are less emtional tensions as well as structurally helping the body not have to compensate and cause physical injuries/diseases. It is about helping the body become more relaxed and to regulate being in fight/flight/freeze modes (sympatheti/parasympathetic). There is focus about changes happening at a cellular level (there is lots of research interest in this) and that TTouch can help with cellular communiction. They have found that TTouch can help activate/balance the 4 brain waves so a greater state of awareness, calmness, and thoughful learning can occur. TTouch does very little work specifically with the muscles although it does have an impact on them through the nervous system. The work is primarily through contact to the nervous system through the fascia. There is no specific nerve rich areas that are focused on like bowen therapy or acupuncture, the whole body is given attention. All of this happens without specifically expecting an outcome because we do not 100% know what the body needs to make a change - we just offer it some possible alternatives and it does the work itself. Massage is about working with the muscles and trying to create relaxation and lengthening. Massage may touch on some of these things inadvertantly, but I do not find as dramatic an effect. There are a lot more complexities to TTouch that I am still learning, yet it is a relatively simple technique that anyone can use. Tim
  4. I'm organising the Melbourne workshop. I use a lot of TTouch, more and more as I understand and build my skills with it. Its such a different mindset to "typical training". It is mind boggling to see the speed and extent of some results - I really need to start video recording sessions. The other great thing is that it blends so well with any of the body therapies or "training" I do. There are places still available for either the 2 or 5 days but the 5 days is filling up. See you at the training Mr R & NR. For those intersted in attending details for registration can be found here http://naturallywild.net.au/News%20Events.html Tim ps. SBT123 - nothing to stop you doing TTouch on yourself or having a significant other do it. They have actually created a human therapy from it, and there is a great book with a dvd (almost better than all the animal ones)
  5. Hi Julie, My boy recently had some appear (although I'm a little iffy on the conclusion of the tests) in his hock. The vets initially assumed it was a crutiate tear, but then claimed there was some fluid around the hock which I didn't see before or after. Was completely lame on it for a week. With some body work and doses of colloidal silver he has come good and only slight soreness with long period of heavy exercise - less and less each time though. Tim
  6. Plenty of research out there showing that the emotional state of a mother will impact on the emotional state (or personality) of the newborn. Emotional states lead to behavioural responses ie possibility of "dominance" I don't understand your label of "true dominant"? Please explain further. Dominant lineage - could not this be because of learnt experiences from another animal that behaves dominant? I'm not saying genetics has no role, but there are a lot of other possibilities, so I "try" not to assume.
  7. Absolutely agree. She seems to be very steadfast in pushing her beliefs, yet asks us to throw any other assumptions others aside so as to research something correctly. Bit of a contradiction, but I agree with much of what she says.
  8. I'm studying craniosacral therapy at the moment (for humans) and there is a big focus on understanding embryology and foetal development and the potential impact on health, emotions, and physical issues. This is an area where science is only now just starting to understand part of what happens. Genetics actually plays no role in the first several days after conception, so there is some other driving force that tells the cells what to do. How this relates to "dominance", well trauma (and this could be considered just a bump to big emotional situations) at any stage of life (particularly early on) has the possibility to have a huge impact on physiology and create changes in physical and emotional responses to things that are related (or completely unrelated in many situations). How we adapt to situation and whether our body is given the oppertunity to heal itself emotionally or physically plays a big role. Dominance can be caused from a hole variety of things, but for me how I respond is in trying to create a willing partnership in the relationships that are occuring, not to focus on the conflicts I would create by assuming I (or others) should be more dominant.
  9. Quite possibly, but learning begins from the womb and I wonder whether this can contribute to much of the dominance responses (particularly if they are influenced by the emotional state that the mother was in during and after pregnancy. The other thing that still applies is that genetic or not there is still a learning factor that applies to these behaviours and may just make the task a little harder whether reward or correction based techniques are used. I'm actually using less behavioural training and more self awareness exercises such as the TTouch work and getting far greater results - the learning context has a huge impact.
  10. Dominance is a really interesting concept to me. Being a positive trainer (not permissive though, but no corrections) I absolutley believe in dominance. Dominance though is not specifically relevant to training and behaviour modification particularly because the label of dominance gets used in too broad a context. It is however a human label that involves control of a resource. Dominance relates to an individual relationship with another living and emotionally responsive organism (a "being") at a single point in time. Dominance changes with change in time, context (ie which resource is involved and the situation it is available in) and who they are in relationship with at that time and whether that being has any value in that resource. Dominance is very much a learnt experience and the continued "dominant" responses depend on the conflict created by the other organism involved and whether there is a felt need to continue the conflict. Aversive responses to "dominance" I believe create greater conflict and often create greater problems which can spill over to different contextual situations. Dominance is also related to self confidence and other emotional states, in combination with predicted expectation of an outcome. Really interesting website that covers some research regarding dominance in dogs is at www.nonlineardogs.com. Shows that learning plays a huge role in creating dominance and that the responses we provide can influence this. In her book I'm not a fan of the way she belittles people that have different ideas though and goes a little far in saying it has nothing to do with social structure. Leadership is then also a interesting concept in that is about guidance for how that other beings life is led. This can then encompass situations of dominance but how it is dealt with can be either in a passive or active manner. One persons idea of leadership is different to another, the same applies with dogs...........so, everything is contextual.
  11. You're right - I forgot about that concept. But it is in line with the "too clean" concept I raised in my post above. Immune system has nothing to do, so turns on to things that it ordinarily doesn't or shouldn't be turning against. Sure. But at the end of the day, IMO, I think the dog still has to be genetically predisposed to react that way to those things, whatever they are. Genetics are far more complicated than just being 'passed on' and 'predisposed'. There is a lot that is not explained in the body in relation to genetics. The other issue when referring to genetics is it is the expression of genes, and this changes thoughout an animals lifetime - this relates to external pressures changing the expression. It is also possible that past family members had the gene for this expression and were not stimulated in the way to express the issue, but ongoing stresses in current generations has caused it to be more prevalent. Environment vs genetics - question of the ages!!!!!
  12. Don't forget about the emotional contibution as well as physical issues - both effect the bodies physiology immensly. We've all probably experienced ourselves getting sick when we've been over stressed over a period of time - same thing with dogs. You can't really seperate physical, emotional or health conditions as far as I can see.
  13. Last few days to grab the early bird discount for those interested.
  14. Robyn has been here every 6 months over the last 2yrs but don't know how long this will continue.
  15. First 2 days is $260 Full 5 days is $650 (with $50 discount if paid by March 15)
  16. Hi all, I am coordinating a TTouch workshop for companion animals in May. The trainer taking the workshop is Robyn Hood (sister of the creator of TTouch - Linda Tellington-Jones) who will be in Australia also running other workshops in various states. TTouch can be used to help various behavioural, physical and health conditions. TTouch Training is a gentle, respectful and effective approach to the care and training of companion animals. TTouch will deepen the relationship between you and your pet —whether cat, dog, bird, rabbit, reptile or guinea pig. The training is for either 2 (15-16th) or 5 (15-19th) days. A $50 discount is available for full 5 day registration by 15th March. Further discounts are also available for staff of rescue organisations (limited positions). For further information or registration forms see this link We are also looking for other animals outside of those provided by the participants. Particularly ones other than dogs such as cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, bird, reptiles, ferrets, etc. If you have an animal you would be happy to be involved whether it has a special condition or not, then please contact me. Thanks Tim
  17. Hi all, I am coordinating a TTouch workshop for companion animals in May. The trainer taking the workshop is Robyn Hood (sister of the creator of TTouch - Linda Tellington-Jones) who will be in Australia also running other workshops in various states. TTouch can be used to help various behavioural, physical and health conditions. TTouch Training is a gentle, respectful and effective approach to the care and training of companion animals. TTouch will deepen the relationship between you and your pet —whether cat, dog, bird, rabbit, reptile or guinea pig. The training is for either 2 (15-16th) or 5 (15-19th) days. A $50 discount is available for full 5 day registration by 15th March. Further discounts are also available for staff of rescue organisations (limited positions). For further information or registration forms see this link We are also looking for other animals outside of those provided by the participants. Particularly ones other than dogs such as cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, bird, reptiles, ferrets, etc. If you have an animal you would be happy to be involved whether it has a special condition or not, then please contact me. Thanks Tim
  18. I tend to look at all of this in two different stages. First is creating awareness through relatively slow movements over different obstacles (poles - even and uneven, ladders, low platforms - including turning around on them and stepping off, steps - see through & solid, etc), using various wraps (ankle, body, head), plus TTouches and shaping individual limb movements/targeting. The next step is creating better movement patterns which would involve the grid work, etc, where speed and difficulty is gradually increased with skill. Just a quick question Erny. With the fear/sensitivity to the clicker, have you noticed specific areas of the body with tension or sensitivity of being touched? You may find that with marked improvement of rear end awareness/confidence that the sensitivity to the clicker reduces or disappears. I say this because I find a high percentage of dogs with storm/sound phobias have a rear end sensitivity.
  19. Last reminder for those interested in attending the workshop. Places are being finalised. Please contact asap if you wish to register.
  20. Last reminder for those interested in attending the workshop. Places are being finalised. Please contact asap if you wish to register.
  21. Do you let your puppies play or not in the class? As in off lead play? Yes. Generally try and begin with brief hello/goodbye on lead. Then very short but repetitive sessions (5-15sec) of off lead interaction with owners interupting/rewarding attention then let off to play again. The time off lead increases if the puppy is appropriate and responsive to owners. This is depending on temperaments, but give all a chance to interact in some way regardless of temperament (eg an over the top pup on lead but some slack to approach a quiet dog who is off lead and can move where they want to). What are the reasons for your decision? It helps bring puppies to a middle playing field ie timid pups come out of their shell and crazy pups to calm and modify their behaviour so play can still happen. How are your classes set up? I have a very small area, so clients sitting spread as much as possible with a mat/crate at their feet for their puppy to have quiet time. How do you manage? The hardest thing is that the owners generally come along before class and let the dogs do anything, don't really think about managing interactions, and during class have to remind people to shorten up their leash to keep space between dogs. Like everyone else has said, majority of owners think that more play is better and they can be there to have a chat rather than be involved. How many dogs per class? Maximum 5, prefer 4 simply due to space. Had 8 once because a temp nurse didn't know there were limits and booked extras (she came from a vet that has 10-15 puppies per class that just constantly play). This class ended up being heaps of micro management and less free time. Luckily really good temps so made it easier.
  22. Increasing body awareness could also be tried with short sessions of putting ankle wraps on lightly. You could just be a fluffy hair tie or some velcro. Be sure not to have it on too tight, just light contact, that way if it happens to be scary/offensive to them they can pull them off themselves. If so try again in a few minutes, use a few treats to distract, then take off after a very short period of time. Get them to then walk around with them on and also include the ladder/obstacles if you have. Sometimes you will get the legs being lifted very strangely (jerky movements, high and outwards, etc), which is an indication that they are suddenly aware that they have legs, this should shift to normal walking within a few minutes as they adjust to it.
  23. Just a reminder to those interested in attending the Melbourne TTouch workshop in December that the early bird discount needs to be done by 1st October.
  24. Just a reminder to those interested in attending the Melbourne TTouch workshop in December that the early bird discount needs to be done by 1st October.
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