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Everything posted by Rozzie

  1. I'd be worried about the zip getting caught.
  2. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...l=pet+insurance
  3. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...shopping+online
  4. The dog is not lucious's to foster, give away, whatever. Give the bloke a chance.
  5. "I've made up my mind, I'm defiantly going". Are you sure?
  6. So sorry. How heartbreaking for you all.
  7. Love the expression on Ralph's face. Priceless.
  8. An Aussie needs to be called Narelle or Bruce.
  9. One of my friends has a Pepper and a Salt. Another has Snag (Dachshund).
  10. Leave her with your parents. What will you do with her if you can't take her to 'some places'.
  11. I thought I was going to see pics of Sibes!!!! Cute.
  12. Sorry for your loss. Run free beautiful girl.
  13. Sling Shot Shot thru the heart Long Shot Shot in the Dark Shot at Love Shot at Glory Shot at the Devil Shot at the Big Time
  14. Shih tzu: great little dogs, real characters. Or maybe a Lhasa?
  15. Yep - I'm curious about this too. They say the dogs won't work as well if spayed or neutered. Which is a load of codswallop. We rehomed several desexed working dogs who are leading productive lives.
  16. Vaccination certificates, after the debacle with the pups recently.
  17. Frodo is my top Dogz dog. He is just so cool!!!
  18. Put it down. Pick it up after 10 - 15 minutes. Offer again next feed. We got a 'princess', an old lady's dog who was spoilt rotten in the food dept. Tokk a few days but she chows down like a champ now. And no, she didn't starve or fade away to a shadow.
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