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Everything posted by Rozzie

  1. From today's paper: Lost. Miniature female Maltese. Missing from XXX. Last seen Thursday morning. Colour Black. Though i certainly hope she is found safe.
  2. And did she get her vaccination?
  3. You don't need a dog Atanquin. Huga said that could be arranged.
  4. I could barely read your post, it had me worried. Glad things were not as they initially sounded. Fingers crossed for a clean bill of health on Wednesday. I don't think an episode like this would rule out vaccinations. Must have been so scary for you Barb.
  5. I've seen them dead on the road for the past couple of months. There was a huge brown on the road last week.
  6. Your friend should ring the council and have the horses impounded. We had to do that with a bull that was dumped on us.
  7. Did anyone, hypothetical or not, at the hypothetic (?) goings on at the real (?) park, witness this hypothetical meeting of hypothetical moron, hypothetical bike, hypothetical dog and owner?
  8. I just throw money into our vet account every fortnight.
  9. Blackdog have similar but they aren't round.
  10. Happy dance for China. You go girl!!!!
  11. a) Breed: Miniature Dachshund b) Age: 19 years 51 weeks when she died c) Diet: Dry and bones/chicken wings, necks carcasses d) Supplements: None e) Exercise regime: Running around the farm f) Temperament: Beautiful, even natured, a joy to live with g) Prior/current health concerns: None h) Living arrangements: Under the doona and out and about with the other dogs. One cat was her snuggle buddy. i) Pictures! On other computer And I miss her each and every day.
  12. I have a Columbus, Jezebel, Napoleon and Dominic.
  13. Rozzie

    Saving Pepsy

    "Her heart was too big for her brain".... the outstanding comment of the segment.
  14. Yep Prada, a show coming up soon. Now to find the safe place I put her rego papers
  15. I have a registered Mini Foxy and was interested in showing her, so needed details for shows. She won lots of puppy classes.:D And yes, they are awesome little dogs. Shame the ANKC doesn't recognise them.
  16. Thanks Gayle.... must have been having a brain fart... I couldn't find it
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