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Everything posted by Rozzie

  1. The more graphic the better would be my suggestion. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=puppy+farms&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:%7Breferrer:source?%7D&rlz=1I7ADFA_en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=dvK2T5avHsWTiAfgqbGCCQ&ved=0CHUQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643
  2. Love the yawn. They are beautiful dogs.
  3. Our vet would be around the $150 - $180 mark, dependent on weight.
  4. You forgot Jack Russell x Shih tzu.... Jackshit
  5. Yep, Gold Coast. Have a heap of lenses but will take the 50mm. Baby camera coming too.
  6. 50mm it is. Makes it a bit easier to carry too.
  7. What would it be? Making a quick trip to the GC and going for minimum baggage.
  8. She's gorgeous. So sad for you.
  9. Oh dear god. Did the family only feed them once a week too????
  10. Thanks mita, but they have another BC and Scupper doesn't get along with other dogs.
  11. My friend is looking for a Border Collie, puppy to 2 years. They are a family of 5. Friend, partner and 3 children (4 - 9). They live on a property with no stock. Their current BC is Obedience trained (can't remember which level but he's up there} and does agility. Anyone?
  12. I beg your pardon?You presume wrong. What a nasty piece of work you are. See those curly things... ? that's a question mark. It was a question. But, you're right. I'd never heard them called that.
  13. Ya think??? I remembered a teacher from a small school near here has 6 Scotties.
  14. My friend has three. They are naughty, but oh so cute.
  15. I'm sorry for your loss. I miss my Abby (who passed at a week shy of 20) every day. Dachsies are the best little dogs.
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