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Everything posted by Rozzie

  1. Jeff and Fern soaking up some sun.
  2. Shih tzus are awesome little dogs, as are Lhasa Apso.
  3. This is what I used for when my dogs were puppies and I was gone to work, generally 7 - 8 hours.From Vebo Pets.
  4. Those Skye are wonderful. I would love another one day.
  5. And another attack last night in Newcastle. Boy riding his bike.
  6. It was reported it was her grandmother's dog.
  7. OP's dog is now 7 years old!
  8. Around here the wild dogs are yellow. Guess they blend in with the terrain pretty well. Someone strung up 10 or so on the main road near couple of sheep properties.
  9. What about her getting a house sitter so Elly and her pups can remain together? Or contacting Elly's breeder to see if they can, or know of someone who can help.
  10. Is it school holidays somewhere?
  11. Report to council. You know where he lives. Tell them exactly what happened.
  12. Don't diagnose yourself. If you are really worried take him to the vet. And where are the pics??????
  13. The seeds are poisonous when ingested.
  14. Aldi nappy bags. Fern won some really snazzy ones at a show. Can't remember what they are called.
  15. There are several with puppies available. Search the listings.
  16. Why wouldn't you go the registered breeder route? You are supporting backyard breeding. There are puppies available in the puppy listings.
  17. From snake catcher Victoria. "If your dog or cat receives a snake bite, the best treatment is similar to that of a human:Compression Bandage: The use of a compression bandage is paramount; beginning at the bite site and continuing down the limb and then back to the top. Lock out the joints and bandage as firmly as that for a sprain. Splint the limb: A Splint is recommended to prevent peristaltic return; venom is transported around the body through the lymphatic system not the blood stream. This is controlled by muscle movement, the use of a compression bandage and a splint reduces muscle movement and slows the progression of the venom. Remain calm and keep the patient still. Carry patient to the car and get to the vet as soon as possible. Application of ice packs can be an advantage to slow muscle movement and subsequent transportation of venom through the lymphatic system. There have been cases of the administering of Vitamin C in dogs; according to a leading Venom Researcher of Melbourne University Vitamin C has no effect on Snake envenomation. It is recommended by CSL limited (the company which manufactures and supplies anti-venom and Snake Venom Detection Kits) that patients are placed on an IV hydration drip as soon as possible to assist in flushing out the kidneys; particularly in cases of Brown Snake Bite. "
  18. What does his coat feel like? Silky or cottony? What's american eskimo got to do with it?
  19. Mine have a crate each. They can get away from each other, or share if they want.
  20. The pen was supplied by GSD rescue Tasmania, as far as I am aware. Presumably it was large enough for a Shepherd. Oh, and actually both boys were named in the media.
  21. $60 country town. No cost for follow up visits.
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